1 00:00:01,080 --> 00:00:04,880 We will start with another verb called Vivi. 2 00:00:04,900 --> 00:00:09,080 This work means to live. 3 00:00:09,190 --> 00:00:18,350 Now look at this four in a table like as the verbs we will first conjugate this for and then translate 4 00:00:18,350 --> 00:00:21,820 it let's look at the subject for nouns. 5 00:00:21,830 --> 00:00:29,580 Once again they always start the conjugation was right in the subject for nouns first. 6 00:00:29,740 --> 00:00:39,090 The first subject pronoun we write is your your means ie then we write to it means you always remember 7 00:00:39,130 --> 00:00:49,990 that too is an informal subject it's informal YOU THEN WE WRITE IN WHICH MEANS HE THEN WE WRITE A which 8 00:00:49,990 --> 00:00:59,290 means C and then we write that which is formal you then we write no rules which is we also rules which 9 00:00:59,290 --> 00:01:10,320 is you all use the masculine alias the feminine and state is formal you all please remember that. 10 00:01:10,320 --> 00:01:16,500 So those also means informal do you all in the second column. 11 00:01:16,610 --> 00:01:26,360 We write the conjugation of the verb movie review or even write refill with do we write Vive is for 12 00:01:26,440 --> 00:01:28,640 l l l said we will write. 13 00:01:28,640 --> 00:01:35,260 V v for n0 throws we were right v v most formal so throws V right v v. 14 00:01:35,390 --> 00:01:41,680 With an accent on the eye for a use a yes or stay this V right leaving. 15 00:01:41,930 --> 00:01:52,940 Now we can conjugate this conjugation in the part call on the translation of your V for is I live to 16 00:01:52,940 --> 00:02:07,080 V this is you live in formal l l e l stead v v means he lives she lives you live formal basically LV 17 00:02:07,080 --> 00:02:16,560 then means he lives any easier means she lives will stand leaving you live then also say the most translation 18 00:02:16,560 --> 00:02:26,390 is we live so close with these means you all live formal and you speaking they live masculine and yes 19 00:02:26,400 --> 00:02:35,950 we men they live feminine will stay thus leaving you all live formal now that we know the conjugation 20 00:02:35,950 --> 00:02:42,640 of Devo Vivi they are ready to make sentences with me these are first sentence will be made with the 21 00:02:42,640 --> 00:02:49,600 subject for among you and the correct conjugation of the V to be right with the or is equal these all 22 00:02:49,600 --> 00:02:59,930 means I live and you also means I so the first sentence we were right is your legal and not Gaza can 23 00:03:00,010 --> 00:03:10,120 they eat beneath them this means I live in a big and a beautiful house you means I all means I live 24 00:03:10,390 --> 00:03:20,150 and means in no customs a house and they will need them is big and beautiful we are writing good unable 25 00:03:20,150 --> 00:03:27,440 need time the last of the sentence because as it was learned earlier we always write adjectives after 26 00:03:27,440 --> 00:03:35,650 the noun in Spanish and we write or no with Khazar because cos is a feminine noun it is a feminine noun 27 00:03:35,680 --> 00:03:44,400 because it is ending and in a second sentence we will again write with your vehicle your vehicle and 28 00:03:44,400 --> 00:03:54,860 embody all this means I live in a neighborhood you will miss I evil means I live in means in one body 29 00:03:54,950 --> 00:04:03,910 means a neighborhood number three know so throws these e-mails and when challenged this means we live 30 00:04:03,940 --> 00:04:14,830 in a bungalow no trust means we all need the most means we all live and means in one child it means 31 00:04:14,920 --> 00:04:23,620 a bungalow we are writing on this child because child it is a masculine noun and one is a masculine 32 00:04:23,650 --> 00:04:36,880 article next sentence I know easy going so far medium honor is a girl's name V there means she lives 33 00:04:37,850 --> 00:04:47,520 on means with so familiar means her family please notice that we are right the conjugation also our 34 00:04:47,650 --> 00:04:53,440 personal baby which is v v because I as a girl and it is a she. 35 00:04:53,440 --> 00:05:02,400 So we will use the earlier conjugation of a V which is v v now you could write your own sentences using 36 00:05:02,400 --> 00:05:11,080 this globe TV and translate them into English that survives a conjugation once again. 37 00:05:11,100 --> 00:05:16,950 All of us remember that when you are conjugate in this world you will only rival the you. 38 00:05:17,280 --> 00:05:20,800 You will only write this with tools you cannot write. 39 00:05:20,820 --> 00:05:26,970 For example your leaving or your Vivi Moors or you cannot write. 40 00:05:26,970 --> 00:05:37,980 For example for v v v v then to me you will have to say your evil or to leave us and etc. because these 41 00:05:37,980 --> 00:05:38,670 are the rules. 42 00:05:38,670 --> 00:05:44,840 These are the proper conjugations because if you write something like your 43 00:05:47,570 --> 00:05:50,530 v this it will be wrong. 44 00:05:50,530 --> 00:05:58,120 It will mean I you live v this means you live and you live in only CA with you as it's written in the 45 00:05:58,120 --> 00:06:06,280 conjugation so you have to learn this conjugation properly so that you can write proper sentences. 46 00:06:08,460 --> 00:06:10,980 Here is another exercise to do. 47 00:06:11,010 --> 00:06:13,560 This is a translation exercise. 48 00:06:13,560 --> 00:06:22,520 Here you will be able to revise verb said or opinion and rob the let's look at the first sentence of 49 00:06:22,580 --> 00:06:24,500 first sentence as your soil. 50 00:06:24,500 --> 00:06:28,430 They let you know if you remember your means ie. 51 00:06:28,460 --> 00:06:34,850 And so you means I am all things from or off and lie in the air means India. 52 00:06:35,090 --> 00:06:43,320 All these words were taught earlier so the translation will be I am from India. 53 00:06:43,350 --> 00:06:51,090 Now you have to try to translate the remaining sentences from V to J and then we will go over all these 54 00:06:51,090 --> 00:06:52,170 sentences. 55 00:06:56,060 --> 00:06:59,860 Now let rupee look at the translation. 56 00:06:59,960 --> 00:07:06,920 Exercise is your thing go on I must call double need though it means I have a beautiful fit although 57 00:07:07,080 --> 00:07:15,340 they use all means I think all means I have one I must call sometimes a bit and bony thumb is beautiful. 58 00:07:15,620 --> 00:07:20,320 So the translation would be I have a beautiful pet. 59 00:07:20,350 --> 00:07:25,610 Notice that once again we are writing the word Bonita after must go to. 60 00:07:25,800 --> 00:07:31,990 We are not saying you then go numb us called the We are not saying your thing or no need them Scott 61 00:07:32,260 --> 00:07:40,420 because as it was explained earlier also we can not to write the adjective before the noun it will always 62 00:07:40,420 --> 00:07:43,090 come after the noun. 63 00:07:43,290 --> 00:07:51,660 That's why we need that which is an adjective is coming after the noun it shows must call the literacy 64 00:07:52,750 --> 00:08:00,780 I'm not leaving goes so far medium and will not Gaza and on body you know this sentence means no lives 65 00:08:00,780 --> 00:08:08,350 with their family in a house in a neighborhood so again I'm not is a girl's name B they mean she lives 66 00:08:08,860 --> 00:08:15,940 it also means he lives but he cannot write that he lives here because our lives a girl's name so we 67 00:08:15,940 --> 00:08:24,790 will say I'm a lives which means she lives and on means with Su familia means her family also remember 68 00:08:24,790 --> 00:08:33,020 that Su means his but in this case we will write her and will not go so means in the halls everybody 69 00:08:33,120 --> 00:08:39,450 home is in a neighborhood notice that we are writing on this body or because body was a masculine noun 70 00:08:40,230 --> 00:08:47,340 and it is a masculine noun because it is ending in and or so we write one body or instead of all not 71 00:08:47,350 --> 00:08:57,620 body so naturally D Murray I say Australia this news media is from Australia always remember and they 72 00:08:57,620 --> 00:09:07,570 means all four from no e me Casey Anthony of reason and challenged me again and I'm gonna live in a 73 00:09:07,660 --> 00:09:19,580 chocolate right writing vivant over here because Miguel and Antonia make up the subject of a legal. 74 00:09:19,730 --> 00:09:28,310 And as you remember that a use conjugation on the V is leaving me again and I'm gonna meet the subject 75 00:09:28,370 --> 00:09:32,120 of angels because they're two people. 76 00:09:32,120 --> 00:09:38,820 So we will consider them they instead of me or you all or you or I. 77 00:09:38,870 --> 00:09:47,220 Because talking to people and to other people so it will be considered that your subject and the contribution 78 00:09:47,220 --> 00:09:57,910 of the beautiful aliens is even in letter if God meant to end it we will leak it out for Carmen has 79 00:09:57,910 --> 00:10:00,220 a pen. 80 00:10:00,690 --> 00:10:12,350 So basically DNA is the conjugation of the name and it is a long tradition of DNA to remember we say 81 00:10:12,350 --> 00:10:22,040 your thing go to the anus and yet the elderly at the enemies E has she her so. 82 00:10:22,220 --> 00:10:24,050 And Carmen is a girl. 83 00:10:25,360 --> 00:10:27,180 Legal form use a pen. 84 00:10:29,030 --> 00:10:38,890 Leak it for is a masculine noun because it is ending in all hands we see probably bald eagle for instead 85 00:10:38,890 --> 00:10:41,100 of writing or no longer. 86 00:10:42,180 --> 00:10:50,310 Letter G I would go to any one got though Nora has a cat as you can see we are using the conjugation 87 00:10:50,310 --> 00:10:57,480 of India over here of the native which is theme in so that is the only contribution we can write with 88 00:10:57,490 --> 00:11:03,480 the third person we can write thing well because that is the contribution of your kind right DNS because 89 00:11:03,480 --> 00:11:08,140 that does the conjugation of you and one God it means a cat. 90 00:11:08,180 --> 00:11:15,110 So allow it at the end you got those translation would be I has a cat letter which was so close to me 91 00:11:15,110 --> 00:11:17,630 these and will not Gaza and remain calm. 92 00:11:18,080 --> 00:11:22,230 This means you all live in a house in a farm. 93 00:11:22,250 --> 00:11:29,530 Most of these means you all live and will knock out some means in the House and will not get on home 94 00:11:29,530 --> 00:11:32,490 means in a farm. 95 00:11:32,520 --> 00:11:40,710 I tell you so even in river daily they live in New Delhi and use means they masculine weaving means 96 00:11:42,740 --> 00:11:45,650 they live and live a daily means New Delhi. 97 00:11:45,660 --> 00:11:55,470 Please also remember that a use which is V is a day of masculine and it can also be used when boys and 98 00:11:55,470 --> 00:12:01,510 girls are together in the group letters and years can only be used when only girls are in a group. 99 00:12:01,530 --> 00:12:08,340 So let's recap and use is used when boys are there in the group only and it can also be used for a group 100 00:12:08,340 --> 00:12:11,690 that consists of both boys and girls. 101 00:12:13,280 --> 00:12:18,680 And a is only used when there is a group of girls. 102 00:12:18,790 --> 00:12:29,520 LETTER G don't add is Anthony you are Anthony and this is the conjugation of verbs here and it is used 103 00:12:29,610 --> 00:12:38,220 with second person we say your soy which means I am told it is which means you are informal and yellow 104 00:12:38,290 --> 00:12:47,720 states which means he is she is to it is Anthony and therefore means you are you you might want to write 105 00:12:47,780 --> 00:12:55,010 ten more sentences using group said then it and V to practice more on these conjugations.