1 00:00:07,341 --> 00:00:13,013 (Sopranos theme song) 2 00:01:42,519 --> 00:01:46,648 You have to be 110% sure this is who you saw. 3 00:01:46,898 --> 00:01:48,483 This is definitely him. 4 00:01:48,734 --> 00:01:51,236 - Had you ever seen him before? - No. 5 00:01:51,486 --> 00:01:54,990 - And the other man? - I didn't get a good look at him. 6 00:01:55,198 --> 00:01:58,493 The light reflected off the car. But he was heavyset. 7 00:01:58,702 --> 00:02:01,371 It was really dark. I didn't want to be seen. 8 00:02:01,580 --> 00:02:04,541 I heard shots but I thought they were firecrackers. 9 00:02:04,750 --> 00:02:07,628 When the two men drove out, I hid in the ragweed. 10 00:02:07,836 --> 00:02:11,006 - Sure. - What happened began to dawn on me. 11 00:02:11,256 --> 00:02:13,216 But like I told the officers... 12 00:02:13,425 --> 00:02:16,053 I left the flat tire and walked to a phone. 13 00:02:16,261 --> 00:02:17,512 Thank you, Mr. Arthur. 14 00:02:17,971 --> 00:02:20,015 I'm so goddamn fed up with crime. 15 00:02:20,265 --> 00:02:23,435 I had to come foward to help you find them. 16 00:02:23,685 --> 00:02:27,397 Thanks to people like you, we may just do that. 17 00:02:27,606 --> 00:02:29,483 May I ask who the dead man was? 18 00:02:29,733 --> 00:02:31,860 Just a poor kid in the wrong crowd. 19 00:02:32,110 --> 00:02:33,737 - Crack? - Something like that. 20 00:02:34,112 --> 00:02:35,112 Uh-huh. 21 00:02:40,786 --> 00:02:43,038 (Carousel music playing ) 22 00:02:44,790 --> 00:02:47,167 (Children laughing) 23 00:02:57,344 --> 00:02:58,845 Mommy! 24 00:02:59,262 --> 00:03:00,681 Mommy! 25 00:03:01,098 --> 00:03:03,850 Mommy! Mommy! No! 26 00:03:07,771 --> 00:03:09,523 Mommy! 27 00:03:14,027 --> 00:03:15,153 Hey... 28 00:03:15,737 --> 00:03:18,532 - What's the matter, you lost? - Uh-huh. 29 00:03:18,907 --> 00:03:22,744 You scared me half to death! I can't turn my back for a minute! 30 00:03:23,161 --> 00:03:27,249 I know what that's like. My little guy was a real cadet at his age. 31 00:03:31,420 --> 00:03:33,714 - Tony! - Yeah? 32 00:03:33,755 --> 00:03:35,382 It's good you could meet me. 33 00:03:35,632 --> 00:03:38,719 No problem. I went to brookstone and got a scale. 34 00:03:39,094 --> 00:03:41,388 - What's it about? - Fucking dick barone. 35 00:03:41,596 --> 00:03:43,765 As long as the two of you are happy. 36 00:03:44,099 --> 00:03:45,434 I'm in no mood. 37 00:03:45,642 --> 00:03:49,438 This garbage business. I found out that bow-tied motherfucker... 38 00:03:49,646 --> 00:03:53,483 Is charging me double to tip my trucks at his place. 39 00:03:53,734 --> 00:03:58,739 So pay the tonnage, and charge your townships extra for the pickups. 40 00:03:59,281 --> 00:04:04,035 I got the smallest amount of routes of anybody in the association. 41 00:04:04,286 --> 00:04:09,124 You're like the old woman with ham under her arm, crying for bread. 42 00:04:10,125 --> 00:04:12,919 - What the fuck? - Never mind. The point is... 43 00:04:13,128 --> 00:04:16,214 Your brother, Jack, never concentrated on sanitation... 44 00:04:16,506 --> 00:04:20,010 - So what do you want dick to do? - I want a rate. 45 00:04:20,218 --> 00:04:21,636 I'll see what he says. 46 00:04:21,887 --> 00:04:26,016 Yeah. You see. Since you own part of the company. 47 00:04:31,062 --> 00:04:32,731 (Water running) 48 00:04:34,608 --> 00:04:36,777 - Did you shut all the lights? - Yeah. 49 00:04:36,985 --> 00:04:39,654 - In the kitchen? - Yeah. 50 00:04:41,615 --> 00:04:43,784 I want to spend more time with aj. 51 00:04:43,992 --> 00:04:47,329 It's the other one who's almost out of the house. 52 00:04:47,621 --> 00:04:51,708 I'm not worried about Meadow. Meadow can take care of herself. 53 00:04:54,795 --> 00:04:59,716 - Why the sudden burst of fatherhood? - Can you say anything without sarcasm? 54 00:05:02,219 --> 00:05:03,720 You're right. I'm sorry. 55 00:05:06,807 --> 00:05:10,977 It's a good idea. He adores you. He never spends enough time with you. 56 00:05:11,228 --> 00:05:12,562 Yeah, well... 57 00:05:13,522 --> 00:05:16,525 I was reading in time, this study at Harvard. 58 00:05:17,025 --> 00:05:19,736 "A father's support is absolutely linked... 59 00:05:19,945 --> 00:05:22,697 To a boy's later capacity to manage frustrations... 60 00:05:22,906 --> 00:05:25,992 To explore new circumstances... 61 00:05:26,201 --> 00:05:28,662 - And do well." - Kid needs to toughen up. 62 00:05:28,870 --> 00:05:31,373 No, I'm talking about opening up. 63 00:05:31,623 --> 00:05:33,542 He needs some street smarts. 64 00:05:33,792 --> 00:05:37,504 Not to be a sucker, or get involved with the wrong people. 65 00:05:37,838 --> 00:05:41,383 I don't want another Christopher on my hands. Look at him. 66 00:05:41,591 --> 00:05:43,426 He's lucky to be alive. 67 00:05:44,845 --> 00:05:47,389 That other poor prick they found dead. 68 00:05:49,558 --> 00:05:51,351 Kid was 23 or something. 69 00:06:00,735 --> 00:06:02,529 Hey, pal, with the ramlosa... 70 00:06:02,779 --> 00:06:05,532 - Put three cases of that in my car. - You got it. 71 00:06:05,740 --> 00:06:07,617 That's not a mistake. 72 00:06:07,826 --> 00:06:11,204 I want another 14 gross of model number 4784. 73 00:06:11,830 --> 00:06:16,042 Plastic picnic coolers. Ship them, I'll worry about selling them. 74 00:06:16,251 --> 00:06:17,251 Red. 75 00:06:17,419 --> 00:06:19,754 Fuck blue, red sells. 76 00:06:19,963 --> 00:06:22,299 - Put it here. - Put that on the store tab. 77 00:06:23,091 --> 00:06:27,262 He says take three gross of the blue, he'll give us a price on the red. 78 00:06:27,512 --> 00:06:30,223 Fuck that. He's never getting paid anyway. 79 00:06:30,724 --> 00:06:34,060 They gotta be all red. Just do it, please. 80 00:06:34,561 --> 00:06:36,313 Thank you. Goodbye. 81 00:06:36,521 --> 00:06:38,523 Who gets chicken and peppers? 82 00:06:39,107 --> 00:06:43,153 - A lot of work to move picnic coolers. - Coolers are like scissors... 83 00:06:43,361 --> 00:06:46,865 Everybody wants one, nobody has any idea how much they cost. 84 00:06:47,115 --> 00:06:50,744 You put a Nigerian on the street, have him sell these... 85 00:06:50,952 --> 00:06:55,874 For a couple bucks apiece, who's not gonna say, "fuck it, give me one"? 86 00:06:56,333 --> 00:06:58,710 How we doing with them airline tickets? 87 00:06:58,919 --> 00:07:01,630 Won't it raise a flag with the travel agency? 88 00:07:01,838 --> 00:07:04,299 A sports store charges tickets in bulk? 89 00:07:04,549 --> 00:07:09,346 Say it's for promotion. Customer of the year, salesman of the month... 90 00:07:09,554 --> 00:07:10,805 That kind of thing. 91 00:07:11,014 --> 00:07:13,934 Don't worry. You put it on different credit lines. 92 00:07:14,184 --> 00:07:16,353 Suddenly I'm ordering all this shit. 93 00:07:16,561 --> 00:07:19,397 I mean, picnic coolers, ramlosa water... 94 00:07:20,774 --> 00:07:23,860 When do they realize I'm not paying and call the cops? 95 00:07:24,110 --> 00:07:27,489 When your fucking credit runs out, diamond Jim. 96 00:07:27,697 --> 00:07:30,116 Until then, get on the horn and order. 97 00:07:30,367 --> 00:07:32,994 Unless you can pay us the principal you owe. 98 00:07:35,872 --> 00:07:36,873 Hey! 99 00:07:39,376 --> 00:07:40,627 Put the heat up. 100 00:07:42,545 --> 00:07:43,755 Today! 101 00:07:45,131 --> 00:07:46,925 ( Exhales ) 102 00:07:47,509 --> 00:07:48,843 Oh, fuck! Fuck! 103 00:07:49,094 --> 00:07:50,720 - What's the matter? - Spider. 104 00:07:53,306 --> 00:07:54,349 So kill it. 105 00:07:55,100 --> 00:07:56,184 You do it. 106 00:07:56,935 --> 00:07:58,645 Come here and kill the thing. 107 00:08:06,277 --> 00:08:07,570 - Come here. - No way. 108 00:08:07,779 --> 00:08:08,780 Come on. 109 00:08:11,574 --> 00:08:13,785 It was a leaf, you frigging idiot! 110 00:08:14,202 --> 00:08:16,121 - Mister! - Yeah. 111 00:08:16,496 --> 00:08:19,124 - There's a man here to see you. - Who? 112 00:08:19,416 --> 00:08:20,750 A police. 113 00:08:23,294 --> 00:08:25,046 Be right back. 114 00:08:30,677 --> 00:08:32,554 Did you let them in the house? 115 00:08:33,471 --> 00:08:38,393 Warrant, warrant. How do you say it in fucking Polish? 116 00:08:42,981 --> 00:08:46,401 Agent Harris! Who's your friend? 117 00:08:46,693 --> 00:08:50,613 I'm detective Harold giardina. From the essex county task force. 118 00:08:50,822 --> 00:08:54,367 Pleased to meet you. But if you don't have a warrant, get out. 119 00:08:54,576 --> 00:08:56,578 - I'm busy. - I can see that. 120 00:08:56,786 --> 00:08:59,039 A comedian. Is that how you broke your nose? 121 00:08:59,247 --> 00:09:02,167 We could've phoned. We paid the courtesy of a visit. 122 00:09:02,375 --> 00:09:04,044 Let's talk at the station. 123 00:09:04,252 --> 00:09:06,755 - Talk? - About Matthew bevilaqua. 124 00:09:08,131 --> 00:09:09,215 Dad? 125 00:09:09,549 --> 00:09:12,302 Take the backboard out. I'll be down in a second. 126 00:09:16,139 --> 00:09:19,976 Lawyer up, whatever, it's your call. Just name the time. 127 00:09:20,185 --> 00:09:24,230 On your way out, can you roll the garbage down? Tomorrow's pickup day. 128 00:09:24,355 --> 00:09:25,355 (Scoffs) 129 00:09:25,774 --> 00:09:27,317 Let's go, Harry. 130 00:09:29,235 --> 00:09:30,987 (Door opens, closes) 131 00:09:32,739 --> 00:09:36,576 Those are the FBI guys from before. What did they want? 132 00:09:36,951 --> 00:09:38,161 Nothing. 133 00:09:38,995 --> 00:09:42,207 Keep this between us. You know how your mother gets. 134 00:09:42,791 --> 00:09:45,168 (Seagulls squawking ) 135 00:10:01,768 --> 00:10:03,269 What do you got for me? 136 00:10:05,438 --> 00:10:08,942 A partial list of the major investors in webistics. 137 00:10:09,192 --> 00:10:11,319 I haven't seen Tony in a while. 138 00:10:11,528 --> 00:10:14,114 Besides the night he capped bevilaqua? 139 00:10:14,989 --> 00:10:17,075 - What do you mean? - Did you fuck me?! 140 00:10:17,325 --> 00:10:19,494 - Did you fuck me?! - Take it easy. 141 00:10:20,245 --> 00:10:23,414 How about I put a bullet in your stupid boar's head? 142 00:10:23,665 --> 00:10:27,085 He was spotted, sal. So don't go pulling my Taffy. 143 00:10:27,335 --> 00:10:29,712 As of this second, if you lie to me... 144 00:10:29,921 --> 00:10:33,550 You will never see the streets for 50 fucking years! 145 00:10:34,551 --> 00:10:37,470 - Did you know about this? - No. 146 00:10:38,012 --> 00:10:41,015 If you knew soprano was planning something... 147 00:10:41,224 --> 00:10:44,352 - And didn't wear a wire... - I told you no! 148 00:10:50,024 --> 00:10:52,318 There was someone else there that night. 149 00:10:53,945 --> 00:10:56,156 A quote, unquote: "Husky accomplice." 150 00:10:57,574 --> 00:10:58,992 - Yeah? - Yeah. 151 00:10:59,242 --> 00:11:01,369 - But the witness couldn't I.D. Him. - Oh. 152 00:11:02,287 --> 00:11:06,875 - Were you the perp he couldn't I.D.? - What, are you fucking crazy? 153 00:11:07,125 --> 00:11:10,086 What did I tell you, huh? No fucking violence! 154 00:11:10,295 --> 00:11:13,506 I ought to burn you and let the judge throw away the key! 155 00:11:15,633 --> 00:11:19,179 I'm deciding to believe you. But here's what you're gonna do. 156 00:11:19,596 --> 00:11:23,474 I want Tony's voice on tape, saying, "I killed Matthew bevilaqua." 157 00:11:23,725 --> 00:11:27,103 No distortion. No throat clearings. No nose-blowing. 158 00:11:27,353 --> 00:11:29,731 I get it. But let me ask you something. 159 00:11:29,939 --> 00:11:32,942 If I did ride with Tony on something like that... 160 00:11:33,151 --> 00:11:36,613 Wouldn't that get me tighter with him, raise my coinage? 161 00:11:36,863 --> 00:11:40,742 - Make Tony forget all his suspicions? - You're a cute prick, puss. 162 00:11:41,492 --> 00:11:44,412 Get me Tony on tape talking about this murder. 163 00:11:45,788 --> 00:11:46,873 Who's the witness? 164 00:11:48,374 --> 00:11:51,878 Nojoke, sal. You don't want to see my darker side. 165 00:11:58,009 --> 00:12:00,511 - Go. - If they had enough to pinch you... 166 00:12:00,762 --> 00:12:03,223 There'd be bars between us as we speak. 167 00:12:03,431 --> 00:12:06,809 - Why do they want me to go there? - Lock you into a story. 168 00:12:07,018 --> 00:12:10,104 So later at trial, any contradiction will sink you. 169 00:12:12,440 --> 00:12:14,317 - We going? - Did you say you'd go? 170 00:12:14,525 --> 00:12:18,154 - Please. - All right, procrastinate. 171 00:12:18,446 --> 00:12:22,492 Let me get our ducks in a row. Keep your cool and go the speed limit. 172 00:12:22,742 --> 00:12:24,244 Don't give them an in. 173 00:12:26,204 --> 00:12:27,247 What'd I just say? 174 00:12:29,791 --> 00:12:32,794 - Don't give them an in. - Are you all right, Tony? 175 00:12:35,922 --> 00:12:38,132 This is some bad shit here. 176 00:12:38,383 --> 00:12:41,761 What's up, Anthony? How did this happen? 177 00:12:42,011 --> 00:12:44,097 Midlife crisis? You can talk to me. 178 00:12:47,225 --> 00:12:51,479 The mothers last year said we should end senior night at long beach island. 179 00:12:51,729 --> 00:12:55,441 They'll dance, scavenger hunt and the liquor stores will be closed. 180 00:12:55,692 --> 00:12:57,443 - And we count noses. - Okay. 181 00:12:57,694 --> 00:13:00,947 Is that the time? I'm gonna barely get Natalie to tap. 182 00:13:01,322 --> 00:13:03,866 - Chris, need a ride? - No, my brother's coming. 183 00:13:04,117 --> 00:13:07,203 - Eric took my car to a meet. - Next week, my house. 184 00:13:07,412 --> 00:13:09,080 We'll tie up the loose ends. 185 00:13:27,974 --> 00:13:31,644 - Christine, I'm so glad you stayed. - I kind of wanted to. 186 00:13:31,894 --> 00:13:35,815 When I found out about Eric's car, I told Tony to give it back... 187 00:13:36,065 --> 00:13:40,028 I wish I could say this is a first for David, but... 188 00:13:44,365 --> 00:13:49,120 Eric is going to college, and maybe it's better for his grades. 189 00:13:50,371 --> 00:13:54,959 - So April 1, huh? How I dread it. - So long as Eric gets into Georgetown. 190 00:13:55,168 --> 00:13:59,547 - It's his first choice. - Meadow wants to go to Berkeley. 191 00:14:03,092 --> 00:14:07,805 - Hi. We just finished. - Sorry I'm late. I was bidding a job. 192 00:14:08,056 --> 00:14:11,642 My brother, the wallpaper artist. The one you can trust... 193 00:14:11,893 --> 00:14:15,730 With your brunswick & fields. Vic, carmela soprano. Victor musto. 194 00:14:15,980 --> 00:14:17,690 - Nice to meet you. - You too. 195 00:14:17,940 --> 00:14:20,360 - You have a beautiful house. - Thank you. 196 00:14:20,568 --> 00:14:24,572 - Could use a little freshening up. - Vic does amazing border work too. 197 00:14:24,822 --> 00:14:29,619 I was thinking of wallpapering the dining room. Do you have a card? 198 00:14:29,869 --> 00:14:31,621 Yeah, sure. 199 00:14:31,913 --> 00:14:36,250 I'm bonded and state certified, but I'm still dangerous. 200 00:14:36,459 --> 00:14:37,835 ( Laughs ) 201 00:14:38,044 --> 00:14:42,215 - Well, bye, carmela. Thanks. - Let's get together and have lunch. 202 00:14:42,465 --> 00:14:44,550 - Have you tried the new vesuvio? - No. 203 00:14:44,801 --> 00:14:47,095 - Okay, lunch. Promise. - Yes. 204 00:14:50,014 --> 00:14:53,768 - Nice meeting you. - I'll call about the wallpaper. 205 00:14:55,103 --> 00:14:56,229 ( Door closes ) 206 00:15:00,858 --> 00:15:02,026 Nice lady. 207 00:15:02,276 --> 00:15:05,863 Don't even think about it. She's married to Tony soprano. 208 00:15:07,073 --> 00:15:11,869 Married's good enough. The husband doesn't matter, I respect the ring. 209 00:15:12,120 --> 00:15:15,248 Especially that ring. Probably came off a dead finger. 210 00:15:19,460 --> 00:15:20,753 (Clicks) 211 00:15:31,389 --> 00:15:35,268 - David? Are you down there? - Be right up! 212 00:15:44,444 --> 00:15:47,405 - What are you doing? - Fixing the fucking light bulb! 213 00:15:47,655 --> 00:15:50,908 - It glares off the ball when I rack! - Jesus, okay. 214 00:15:51,117 --> 00:15:54,662 You're always worried about ruining the felt. 215 00:16:00,626 --> 00:16:02,044 (Door opens) 216 00:16:04,547 --> 00:16:05,923 ( Door closes ) 217 00:16:08,342 --> 00:16:10,720 Richie, baby, you're the best one! 218 00:16:10,928 --> 00:16:13,848 Oh, baby. Oh, you're the best one ever. 219 00:16:14,348 --> 00:16:15,892 (Moaning) 220 00:16:16,809 --> 00:16:20,146 Oh, baby, you're the best! Oh, baby, you're the best. 221 00:16:20,396 --> 00:16:24,275 Oh, Richie. Oh, Richie. Oh, you're the boss. 222 00:16:24,525 --> 00:16:27,403 Oh, you're the boss! Oh, you're the boss! 223 00:16:27,653 --> 00:16:30,364 Oh, baby! Oh, you're the best! 224 00:16:31,324 --> 00:16:35,745 It should be you. Oh, it should be you. 225 00:16:38,456 --> 00:16:40,333 What? 226 00:16:40,541 --> 00:16:42,418 - Where'd that come from? - What? 227 00:16:42,627 --> 00:16:46,172 "It should be you"? What are you trying to say, Janice? 228 00:16:47,632 --> 00:16:49,759 - What? - Don't "what" me! 229 00:16:53,304 --> 00:16:57,016 - Why'd you say that? - I was making love to you, baby. 230 00:16:59,185 --> 00:17:00,686 You know what you said. 231 00:17:00,895 --> 00:17:04,941 I was in the heat of passion. I'm doing it like you like. 232 00:17:06,067 --> 00:17:09,737 "Boss" this, "boss" that... 233 00:17:09,987 --> 00:17:11,822 "It should be you." 234 00:17:13,241 --> 00:17:14,408 That's not part of it. 235 00:17:14,617 --> 00:17:18,746 How can you think of that during sex? You're not in the moment. 236 00:17:29,298 --> 00:17:31,384 I find powerful men erotic. 237 00:17:31,592 --> 00:17:36,347 - Was that another dig in me? - Oh, Jesus, Richie. 238 00:17:44,480 --> 00:17:46,232 I gotta be loyal. 239 00:17:47,650 --> 00:17:49,360 Without that, we crumble. 240 00:17:53,030 --> 00:17:55,408 Tell that to Paul castallano. 241 00:18:02,623 --> 00:18:04,500 I'm old school, Janice. 242 00:18:04,917 --> 00:18:08,087 All I mean is, my brother needs help. 243 00:18:09,672 --> 00:18:14,427 - Teaching him manners is one thing. - My uncle junior still has friends... 244 00:18:15,428 --> 00:18:17,471 And he thinks the world of you. 245 00:18:26,188 --> 00:18:28,733 "When your opponent gives you an opening... 246 00:18:28,983 --> 00:18:32,111 Be swift as a hare." Sun tzu. 247 00:18:32,528 --> 00:18:37,116 When I think of that jacket I gave your brother... 248 00:18:37,325 --> 00:18:39,201 And he spit on it... 249 00:18:42,079 --> 00:18:44,832 I could slice an ear off his head. 250 00:18:45,416 --> 00:18:46,541 Richie, wait. 251 00:18:46,542 --> 00:18:47,293 (Motor humming) 252 00:18:47,376 --> 00:18:51,505 Ma, if you need something, call. I'll bring it up. 253 00:18:51,714 --> 00:18:56,719 Are you smoking marijuana? I want to watch the TV. 254 00:18:56,927 --> 00:18:59,680 - We should get one for your room. - Listen to her. 255 00:19:00,222 --> 00:19:04,894 Like Rose Kennedy, with all her money to throw around. 256 00:19:12,068 --> 00:19:14,570 (Moaning) 257 00:19:27,875 --> 00:19:31,629 (Panting ) 258 00:19:53,609 --> 00:19:54,609 (Sighs) 259 00:19:56,070 --> 00:19:58,781 It's giving me agita. Want me to go downtown. 260 00:19:59,031 --> 00:20:00,199 Lock you into a story. 261 00:20:00,449 --> 00:20:02,868 Why the fuck ain't they talking to you? 262 00:20:03,452 --> 00:20:05,788 Give them time. They will. 263 00:20:10,000 --> 00:20:13,754 - Murder in aid of racketeering. - Twenty to life. 264 00:20:18,467 --> 00:20:21,804 There they are. The flying cafone brothers. 265 00:20:25,766 --> 00:20:27,435 Not good. Not good. 266 00:20:28,018 --> 00:20:31,063 On my kids, I will fucking cut you! Just tell me! 267 00:20:31,313 --> 00:20:33,399 Take it easy, ton. It's fixable. 268 00:20:34,483 --> 00:20:37,111 - First off, it's not a rat. - Thank god. 269 00:20:37,987 --> 00:20:41,824 Don't thank him yet. There's an eyeball witness. 270 00:20:43,075 --> 00:20:44,952 What are you talking about? 271 00:20:46,203 --> 00:20:49,123 Jesus Christ! Shit! 272 00:20:49,415 --> 00:20:52,835 - Did you see anybody, any living soul? - Fuck, no! 273 00:20:53,377 --> 00:20:55,296 Don't worry. A bump in the road. 274 00:20:55,504 --> 00:20:56,964 Oh, you're beautiful. 275 00:20:57,214 --> 00:21:01,177 - Who? Do we know him? - All we know is that he's a civilian. 276 00:21:01,969 --> 00:21:04,054 A flag-saluting motherfucker. 277 00:21:04,305 --> 00:21:06,849 Maybe you should lamb chop it for a while. 278 00:21:07,391 --> 00:21:10,644 - I keep a suitcase in my trunk. - Tell us about it. 279 00:21:10,853 --> 00:21:13,522 Fuck all youse. Bygones are never bygones. 280 00:21:13,773 --> 00:21:17,109 This is a nightmare. I'm gonna have to move some cash. 281 00:21:17,318 --> 00:21:20,404 If I go, I'm going with a package. Not like massucco. 282 00:21:20,613 --> 00:21:22,615 He had five minutes to run... 283 00:21:22,865 --> 00:21:25,951 And ended up in a rat motel down in Elvis country. 284 00:21:26,619 --> 00:21:31,373 - What is that? - Where there are no Jews or Italians. 285 00:21:31,624 --> 00:21:33,876 - I don't get it. - It's starting! 286 00:21:34,084 --> 00:21:37,004 - It's starting! - Get back in your office, David! 287 00:21:37,213 --> 00:21:41,592 I open my mail and it's a lawsuit! It's a fucking lien on the building! 288 00:21:41,842 --> 00:21:44,929 - Not fucking now, okay? - They're gonna know it's fraud! 289 00:21:45,179 --> 00:21:49,183 - I'm gonna go to jail for this! - Get the fuck back in your hole! 290 00:21:49,391 --> 00:21:50,851 Now! 291 00:21:59,193 --> 00:22:00,653 Davey... 292 00:22:01,445 --> 00:22:03,364 You're doing a good job. 293 00:22:15,334 --> 00:22:17,253 Don't worry about this witness. 294 00:22:17,503 --> 00:22:19,547 That's true. We'll find him. 295 00:22:20,464 --> 00:22:21,924 Exactly. 296 00:22:22,174 --> 00:22:24,677 - You don't know what he said. - I did too. 297 00:22:24,927 --> 00:22:26,428 - What, then? - I understood. 298 00:22:26,679 --> 00:22:27,930 What's it mean? 299 00:22:28,472 --> 00:22:30,850 It means, "sit on this, cocksucker!" 300 00:22:32,226 --> 00:22:34,061 ( Laughs ) 301 00:22:35,688 --> 00:22:39,149 Five minutes away from life in prison and I'm fucking laughing. 302 00:22:39,400 --> 00:22:41,443 You gotta, skip, you gotta. 303 00:22:41,777 --> 00:22:43,612 Davey never takes me to dinner. 304 00:22:43,821 --> 00:22:47,700 Yeah, when you're dating it's all candles and wine and... 305 00:22:47,950 --> 00:22:51,036 Dave's been even more preoccupied than usual lately. 306 00:22:51,287 --> 00:22:55,207 - Well, he's busy. - Carmela, my husband has a disease. 307 00:22:55,457 --> 00:22:58,043 - A serious gambling problem. - I am so sorry. 308 00:22:58,711 --> 00:23:00,838 Thank god the store's in my name. 309 00:23:01,088 --> 00:23:04,925 He can't sell it without me, or he would have gambled it all away. 310 00:23:05,175 --> 00:23:07,803 But I'm gonna make sure we get through this. 311 00:23:09,054 --> 00:23:10,306 Give me those. 312 00:23:11,765 --> 00:23:16,270 I'm gonna make you two beautiful women a special-tasting menu. 313 00:23:16,478 --> 00:23:18,272 I was hoping he'd say that. 314 00:23:18,522 --> 00:23:22,818 I know you ordered the Pellegrino, but I want you to try this. 315 00:23:23,027 --> 00:23:26,238 I got such a deal on this ramlosa. 316 00:23:27,865 --> 00:23:31,368 It was nice to meet your brother. He seems very interesting. 317 00:23:31,619 --> 00:23:36,206 He's a doll. When his wife was dying, he waited on her hand and foot. 318 00:23:36,457 --> 00:23:40,002 - A widower? So young. - Breast cancer. 319 00:23:40,294 --> 00:23:41,294 Ugh. 320 00:23:41,462 --> 00:23:44,506 I thought there was a sadness about him. 321 00:23:44,798 --> 00:23:48,761 - And the children? - Childless. She had a hostile womb. 322 00:23:49,762 --> 00:23:52,306 - I had a dream about him. - You did? 323 00:23:52,514 --> 00:23:54,808 - Christine. - He asked me about you too. 324 00:23:55,142 --> 00:23:57,144 He was wallpapering my dining room. 325 00:23:57,728 --> 00:24:02,358 It was your subconscious telling you you want him to wallpaper the room. 326 00:24:11,075 --> 00:24:12,868 Hey, cucuzza! 327 00:24:15,829 --> 00:24:17,831 - I got something for you. - What? 328 00:24:18,082 --> 00:24:20,626 A fenwick rod and a penn international reel. 329 00:24:20,960 --> 00:24:23,545 - Thanks. - Wanted it for Christmas, remember? 330 00:24:23,754 --> 00:24:26,966 But it was back-ordered? Well, I got a great deal on it. 331 00:24:27,174 --> 00:24:30,052 - We'll take the boat and go fishing. - Okay. 332 00:24:30,260 --> 00:24:33,514 - What are you doing now? - You want to go fishing now? 333 00:24:33,722 --> 00:24:37,309 No, I figured we'd see a movie or something... 334 00:24:37,518 --> 00:24:39,144 - Get some pizza. - I can't. 335 00:24:39,353 --> 00:24:41,814 - What do you mean? - I'm going to the mall. 336 00:24:43,524 --> 00:24:46,694 - You gotta go to the mall? - Not just me. 337 00:24:46,902 --> 00:24:50,990 - Brad, Allen, Heidi, her sister maybe. - Like a double date. 338 00:24:52,032 --> 00:24:57,037 No, dad. We're just going to the mail. We go there sometimes. 339 00:24:57,246 --> 00:25:01,458 - And do what? - Get something to eat. Mrs. Fields. 340 00:25:01,875 --> 00:25:04,795 Anyway, I gotta go. I'm meeting them there. 341 00:25:05,587 --> 00:25:07,923 All right. Go ahead. 342 00:25:09,425 --> 00:25:11,385 See you later. (Door opening) 343 00:25:12,428 --> 00:25:13,554 (Door closing) 344 00:25:14,555 --> 00:25:16,557 Yeah, my girl did the same thing... 345 00:25:16,807 --> 00:25:20,227 At his age. Boys and girls, always in a group. 346 00:25:20,436 --> 00:25:23,397 - What's that about? - What's it about for you? 347 00:25:23,981 --> 00:25:26,525 In my day, a boy and girl went on a date. 348 00:25:26,775 --> 00:25:30,237 Your father hoped you wouldn't get too far or you'd knock her up... 349 00:25:30,446 --> 00:25:32,698 And her parents would break your legs. 350 00:25:33,866 --> 00:25:37,453 I don't think it's about him going to the mall with a group... 351 00:25:37,703 --> 00:25:39,246 That bothered you. 352 00:25:39,496 --> 00:25:43,292 Wasn't it that he went to the mall instead of going with you? 353 00:25:44,918 --> 00:25:48,797 - He's starting to get his own life. - One that doesn't include you. 354 00:25:49,548 --> 00:25:53,427 It was always, "we'll do this." "We're gonna do that." 355 00:25:53,635 --> 00:25:57,556 I've heard you talk many times about being with your son. 356 00:25:57,806 --> 00:26:01,143 Well, that's over now. Gone. Done. 357 00:26:01,393 --> 00:26:03,604 It's bittersweet, this period. 358 00:26:03,812 --> 00:26:07,900 You're glad that they're growing up, but you're sad to lose them. 359 00:26:20,621 --> 00:26:22,414 I could be going away. 360 00:26:23,415 --> 00:26:25,501 For a very long time. 361 00:26:26,794 --> 00:26:28,837 For something I didn't do. 362 00:26:33,175 --> 00:26:36,428 How about, "that's too bad"? Or, "what a shame, Tony"? 363 00:26:36,637 --> 00:26:40,516 - We can't go into specifics on this. - Here's something specific. 364 00:26:40,724 --> 00:26:43,685 I didn't do anything wrong. We can't talk about it? 365 00:26:43,894 --> 00:26:47,022 I could be going to the can for the rest of my life... 366 00:26:47,272 --> 00:26:50,609 And I'm not supposed to discuss it with my psychiatrist? 367 00:26:50,859 --> 00:26:53,195 What the fuck are you for anyway? 368 00:26:56,949 --> 00:26:58,367 How does that feel? 369 00:26:58,575 --> 00:27:01,286 The idea that you might be sent to prison? 370 00:27:09,378 --> 00:27:12,840 I gotta stay around a little while longer for the kids. 371 00:27:14,800 --> 00:27:16,802 Especially my boy. 372 00:27:18,554 --> 00:27:22,349 Once he's out of the house, the government can do what they want. 373 00:27:22,599 --> 00:27:27,146 - Give me life, the chair, whatever. - I've never seen you like this. 374 00:27:27,354 --> 00:27:28,981 - Like what? - Scared. 375 00:27:32,818 --> 00:27:34,486 I wouldn't use that word. 376 00:27:35,237 --> 00:27:39,199 But sometimes I feel... I don't know, I don't know. 377 00:27:39,449 --> 00:27:42,911 You motherfuckers! You motherfuckers! 378 00:27:46,498 --> 00:27:48,500 I don't fucking deserve this! 379 00:27:57,050 --> 00:27:58,760 How's your medication? 380 00:28:03,265 --> 00:28:04,516 Maybe we should stop. 381 00:28:14,693 --> 00:28:16,195 (Door opening) 382 00:28:18,530 --> 00:28:21,116 - What? - Don't have the witness yet. 383 00:28:23,660 --> 00:28:26,538 - Nothing? - This is the FBI, ton. 384 00:28:26,788 --> 00:28:30,959 Local cops, buy them a Christmas tree, they'll give up their grandmother. 385 00:28:31,210 --> 00:28:33,879 You know how tight these feds can keep it. 386 00:28:38,175 --> 00:28:39,801 Go home, get some sleep. 387 00:28:40,010 --> 00:28:43,555 You don't want to stop by the bing, get something to eat? 388 00:28:44,348 --> 00:28:47,392 Tell me, t, what do you want me to do? 389 00:28:47,601 --> 00:28:50,646 Just let me think. Come on. 390 00:28:52,814 --> 00:28:53,982 All right. 391 00:29:01,490 --> 00:29:02,824 ( Door closes ) 392 00:29:02,908 --> 00:29:03,908 (Sighs) 393 00:29:15,879 --> 00:29:18,090 (Snoring ) 394 00:29:27,975 --> 00:29:30,978 Tony! What are you doing here? 395 00:29:31,645 --> 00:29:34,773 - Could ask you the same question. - It's my store. 396 00:29:36,316 --> 00:29:38,402 Congratulations, it's a fucking disaster. 397 00:29:40,570 --> 00:29:45,200 The airline tickets came in. You want me to split them with you guys? 398 00:29:45,409 --> 00:29:47,286 They're mine. It was my idea. 399 00:29:50,664 --> 00:29:53,750 - This is where you sleep? - Yeah, sometimes. 400 00:29:54,001 --> 00:29:56,253 It's easier than going home. 401 00:29:56,461 --> 00:29:58,005 I know what you mean. 402 00:30:05,387 --> 00:30:07,514 (Chuckles ) 403 00:30:07,806 --> 00:30:11,560 I remember when you transferred into 10th grade from... 404 00:30:11,852 --> 00:30:13,645 Baden-baden. 405 00:30:15,022 --> 00:30:16,315 Fucking army brat. 406 00:30:19,901 --> 00:30:24,948 Remember when those paterson guidos caught you up at garret mountain... 407 00:30:25,198 --> 00:30:26,908 And you were in your dad's car... 408 00:30:27,159 --> 00:30:30,412 - And I threw a rock at that guy? - Don't reminisce on me. 409 00:30:35,167 --> 00:30:37,627 You told me not to get in the game. 410 00:30:39,046 --> 00:30:40,422 Why'd you let me do it? 411 00:30:44,343 --> 00:30:46,553 I knew you had this business, Davey. 412 00:30:47,929 --> 00:30:51,350 It's my nature. Frog and the scorpion, you know? 413 00:30:53,018 --> 00:30:56,188 Besides, if you would've won, I'd be crying the blues. 414 00:30:56,605 --> 00:30:59,566 - Right? - What's the end? 415 00:31:00,025 --> 00:31:03,278 The end? It's planned bankruptcy. 416 00:31:10,535 --> 00:31:11,578 (Sobbing) 417 00:31:11,870 --> 00:31:14,414 You're not the first guy to get busted out. 418 00:31:14,748 --> 00:31:17,876 This is how I make a living. It's my bread and butter. 419 00:31:19,878 --> 00:31:22,464 When this is over, you're free to go. 420 00:31:25,801 --> 00:31:27,386 Oh, for Christ sake. 421 00:31:32,474 --> 00:31:33,683 (Gunshot pops) 422 00:31:35,352 --> 00:31:36,978 (Cheering ) 423 00:31:48,782 --> 00:31:50,617 Anthony! 424 00:31:51,034 --> 00:31:52,494 Dig! 425 00:31:55,163 --> 00:31:57,916 Anthony! Anthony, dig! 426 00:32:00,585 --> 00:32:02,295 Come on! 427 00:32:02,504 --> 00:32:04,172 Anthony! 428 00:32:10,595 --> 00:32:12,973 Oh, my god, that was so exciting! 429 00:32:13,223 --> 00:32:15,767 I banged my foot. I would've came in second. 430 00:32:15,976 --> 00:32:18,353 You were like a fish out there. 431 00:32:19,396 --> 00:32:21,690 - Where's dad? - He couldn't make it. 432 00:32:22,649 --> 00:32:25,277 He had a meeting. He'll be here next time. 433 00:32:25,485 --> 00:32:28,864 - This is the last meet of the season. - Next year, I mean. 434 00:32:28,989 --> 00:32:29,989 Oh. 435 00:32:30,532 --> 00:32:31,825 Okay. 436 00:32:44,838 --> 00:32:47,466 - Got a safe? - Yeah, why? 437 00:32:55,974 --> 00:32:59,186 - You want to pay in advance? - There's over 400 k there. 438 00:32:59,394 --> 00:33:03,398 I want you to hold it for me. This goes down, I'm out of the area. 439 00:33:04,065 --> 00:33:06,318 My wife will come for a weekly allowance. 440 00:33:06,568 --> 00:33:11,323 You don't ask her any questions and you never, ever refuse her. 441 00:33:11,865 --> 00:33:13,825 If she wants it all... 442 00:33:14,201 --> 00:33:15,577 You give it to her. 443 00:33:16,119 --> 00:33:18,622 She won't do that. She's smarter than that. 444 00:33:18,872 --> 00:33:20,832 And if the money doesn't last? 445 00:33:21,041 --> 00:33:23,919 Don't worry, you won't go into your own kick. 446 00:33:24,169 --> 00:33:26,755 This witness can't remain nameless forever. 447 00:33:27,589 --> 00:33:29,466 I didn't hear that! 448 00:33:36,973 --> 00:33:39,893 - Don't you got school tomorrow? - So? 449 00:33:40,727 --> 00:33:42,229 So it's late. Go to bed. 450 00:33:44,064 --> 00:33:45,732 Did you hear me? 451 00:33:54,032 --> 00:33:57,619 - I hope you apologized to him. - For what? 452 00:33:58,411 --> 00:34:02,457 - You promised to be at his swim meet. - Oh, shit, I forgot. 453 00:34:02,707 --> 00:34:06,586 - How could you forget? - There was something I had to do. 454 00:34:06,836 --> 00:34:10,131 He almost came in second. You should've seen his face. 455 00:34:10,382 --> 00:34:12,842 I saw his face when he went to the mall... 456 00:34:13,093 --> 00:34:16,555 - And I wanted to go to the movies. - Are you 6 years old? 457 00:34:17,556 --> 00:34:20,976 - I said I'd try to be there. - What is with you, Tony? 458 00:34:21,476 --> 00:34:22,644 This whole week... 459 00:34:22,852 --> 00:34:26,439 - You're like an alien life form. - There's nothing wrong. 460 00:34:28,692 --> 00:34:30,569 Thank you for sharing. 461 00:34:32,487 --> 00:34:37,158 Know what, leave me the fuck alone. I'll make up for the swim meet. 462 00:34:37,409 --> 00:34:40,078 Where were you? Did you see Chris at the hospital? 463 00:34:40,328 --> 00:34:43,498 Yeah, I went to see Christopher at the hospital. 464 00:34:43,915 --> 00:34:48,503 Wherever you were, it's more important to let your son know you care! 465 00:34:48,712 --> 00:34:52,090 No, only you care. Fuck you. 466 00:34:52,299 --> 00:34:53,925 No, fuck you! 467 00:34:55,468 --> 00:34:57,262 Fuck you! You fucking...! 468 00:34:58,763 --> 00:35:00,599 What's wrong with you? 469 00:35:22,329 --> 00:35:24,664 (Crickets chirping) 470 00:35:44,059 --> 00:35:45,101 Hey. ( Gasps ) 471 00:35:46,102 --> 00:35:48,688 My god, you scared the shit out of me. 472 00:35:49,272 --> 00:35:50,815 No. Shut them off. 473 00:35:53,818 --> 00:35:57,739 - Why are you sitting in the dark? - I don't know. 474 00:35:58,531 --> 00:35:59,658 I like the dark. 475 00:35:59,866 --> 00:36:01,910 - Sit. - I gotta go online. 476 00:36:02,118 --> 00:36:05,705 Oh, come on. Sit for a minute. Come on. 477 00:36:15,757 --> 00:36:18,051 - What's going on? - With what? 478 00:36:18,885 --> 00:36:21,262 Whatever, I don't know. What's going on? 479 00:36:22,847 --> 00:36:25,475 I just told you. The chat room. 480 00:36:26,184 --> 00:36:27,184 Is that it? 481 00:36:30,021 --> 00:36:31,356 You know I love you, right, med? 482 00:36:33,983 --> 00:36:36,611 - Dad... - No, don't "dad" me, come on. 483 00:36:37,987 --> 00:36:39,280 I want to know. 484 00:36:40,573 --> 00:36:44,452 - Do you know that I love you? - Yes. 485 00:36:44,828 --> 00:36:46,454 I know that you love me. 486 00:36:49,833 --> 00:36:51,793 Your mother doesn't think I love you enough. 487 00:36:53,002 --> 00:36:54,212 And you listen to her? 488 00:36:59,801 --> 00:37:01,970 Everything I do... 489 00:37:02,470 --> 00:37:06,141 And everything I've done, and everything I will do... 490 00:37:06,975 --> 00:37:11,563 - It's all for you and your brother. - I think you should go to bed. 491 00:37:11,771 --> 00:37:13,064 I tell people... 492 00:37:13,773 --> 00:37:16,651 You're like your mother, but... 493 00:37:16,901 --> 00:37:19,988 You're all me. Nothing gets by you. 494 00:37:20,196 --> 00:37:23,324 - I know you think I'm a hypocrite... - I'm going to bed. 495 00:37:26,703 --> 00:37:28,663 Yeah, all right. Go ahead. 496 00:37:31,624 --> 00:37:32,834 Dad? 497 00:37:33,668 --> 00:37:35,587 Why don't you go to bed? 498 00:37:36,504 --> 00:37:39,090 No, I'm gonna finish my drink. 499 00:37:39,924 --> 00:37:40,924 Okay. 500 00:37:42,510 --> 00:37:44,637 - Good night. - Good night, baby. 501 00:37:51,936 --> 00:37:53,772 Sometimes... 502 00:37:54,189 --> 00:37:55,690 We're all hypocrites. 503 00:38:06,451 --> 00:38:10,163 - Good night, baby. - Good night. 504 00:38:18,463 --> 00:38:21,800 (Journey music playing) 505 00:38:33,645 --> 00:38:36,689 How are you guys doing? Ready for another sandwich? 506 00:38:36,940 --> 00:38:39,442 - You ought to go into business. - Oh, stop it. 507 00:38:39,692 --> 00:38:41,653 Thank you, no, Mrs. Carmela. 508 00:38:43,321 --> 00:38:48,368 I thought you might want this. You said ramone backed over yours. 509 00:38:48,618 --> 00:38:49,661 I lied. 510 00:38:49,911 --> 00:38:53,540 I smelled those sausages and I wanted you to make me lunch. 511 00:38:54,749 --> 00:38:57,293 Guess I'm hungry for a home-cooked meal. 512 00:38:57,836 --> 00:39:00,964 My wife was a gourmet cook. 513 00:39:01,214 --> 00:39:03,842 Christine told me about her. I'm so sorry. 514 00:39:05,093 --> 00:39:06,845 Thank you. 515 00:39:11,641 --> 00:39:13,935 We were talking about the powder room? 516 00:39:14,185 --> 00:39:18,356 - Do you have a minute to look at it? - Oh, yeah, sure. 517 00:39:25,613 --> 00:39:27,240 The paper here now... 518 00:39:27,448 --> 00:39:30,869 I think it kind of closes the room in. 519 00:39:31,870 --> 00:39:35,164 I see what you mean. It's the vertical striping. 520 00:39:35,415 --> 00:39:39,127 Somebody even talked me into papering the back of the door here. 521 00:39:39,377 --> 00:39:42,130 I must have been out of my mind. 522 00:39:44,257 --> 00:39:48,803 It's a lot for the eye to handle in such a confined space. 523 00:39:50,638 --> 00:39:55,268 So, what do you think? Should I just paint or do something plain-ish? 524 00:39:55,852 --> 00:39:59,230 Just grass cloth, maybe, or... 525 00:39:59,522 --> 00:40:01,316 Oh, Jesus. 526 00:40:08,990 --> 00:40:12,827 Jesus, Mary and Joseph. I never did anything like this before. 527 00:40:13,077 --> 00:40:16,623 - I couldn't help it. - I never felt like this before. 528 00:40:16,873 --> 00:40:19,042 - It won't happen again. - Of course not. 529 00:40:19,250 --> 00:40:20,501 - I apologize. - Okay. 530 00:40:20,752 --> 00:40:23,630 - You should, maybe, get back to work. - Yeah. 531 00:40:37,727 --> 00:40:39,395 What about little Eric? 532 00:40:39,646 --> 00:40:44,275 He has been ripped from the arms of the only mother he has ever known. 533 00:40:44,901 --> 00:40:46,945 You know how that boy loves you. 534 00:40:48,446 --> 00:40:50,823 We cannot let her do this. 535 00:40:52,575 --> 00:40:53,952 Hey, uncle junior. 536 00:40:55,453 --> 00:40:58,665 I thought you guys might like some salami and eggs. 537 00:40:59,248 --> 00:41:03,461 - Always thinking. - My mother says to send her love. 538 00:41:05,755 --> 00:41:08,716 Put that stuff in the bedroom. Leave the sneakers. 539 00:41:08,967 --> 00:41:11,010 You want to try them on? 540 00:41:11,260 --> 00:41:12,553 I don't wear that shit. 541 00:41:12,804 --> 00:41:15,264 They're for the black kid who washes my car. 542 00:41:15,515 --> 00:41:18,893 Poor prick wears a pair that's wrapped with duct tape. 543 00:41:19,686 --> 00:41:22,480 You're too good, junior. That's your problem. 544 00:41:25,608 --> 00:41:27,902 - Did she say she was knocked up? - Who? 545 00:41:28,152 --> 00:41:32,198 Fuck, I turn my head one second and they slip one in on you. 546 00:41:32,407 --> 00:41:37,036 She's a puttana, this one. Fucked an arson investigator last week. 547 00:41:39,122 --> 00:41:41,666 - Thank my nephew for the stuff. - Your nephew? 548 00:41:42,458 --> 00:41:46,421 This shit comes from my end. Wait a minute. I take it back. 549 00:41:46,629 --> 00:41:49,549 - The sneakers are from Tony. - Cock. 550 00:41:50,717 --> 00:41:54,554 You know, uncle jun, it kills me to sit back and watch... 551 00:41:54,929 --> 00:41:56,431 Forget it. 552 00:41:56,681 --> 00:41:59,600 - Finish what you were gonna say. - I forgot already. 553 00:41:59,851 --> 00:42:04,188 - Then UN-forget. - I notice that he's fucking you. 554 00:42:05,023 --> 00:42:09,152 This bust-out is a license to steal. What's he throwing your way? 555 00:42:09,402 --> 00:42:13,114 This garbage thing? He's already taking your townships. 556 00:42:13,322 --> 00:42:16,242 - Now he's fucking with mine? - What should I do? 557 00:42:16,492 --> 00:42:20,121 - I'm under indictment. - I don't want to open old wounds... 558 00:42:20,413 --> 00:42:25,043 - You're in no shape for disharmony. - You and I both know he's gotta go. 559 00:42:25,251 --> 00:42:27,795 That's my nephew. How dare you, in my home. 560 00:42:28,046 --> 00:42:32,759 This fucking guy was supposed to be laid out on midland Avenue a year ago. 561 00:42:33,009 --> 00:42:35,887 I know it and you know it. 562 00:42:38,931 --> 00:42:41,059 Let me tell you who's not a good kid. 563 00:42:45,188 --> 00:42:48,066 My niece. I left my brother's house one night... 564 00:42:48,274 --> 00:42:53,362 And my wallet was light. I'm talking a 10-year-old girl, Richie. 565 00:42:56,783 --> 00:42:58,993 Word to the wise, that's all I'm saying. 566 00:43:36,864 --> 00:43:41,160 Now you can make homemade sausage and homemade pasta... 567 00:43:41,410 --> 00:43:45,915 - Hi, grandma. - Your aunt forgot to lock that door. 568 00:43:46,124 --> 00:43:49,043 I told her, I don't trust that new mailman. 569 00:43:49,252 --> 00:43:52,880 Guess what? I got my answers from colleges today. 570 00:43:53,089 --> 00:43:55,633 Oh, yeah? How'd you do? 571 00:43:56,217 --> 00:43:58,886 Accepted at Berkeley, accepted at nyu... 572 00:43:59,470 --> 00:44:02,181 Wait list, Columbia, penn I didn't make it... 573 00:44:02,390 --> 00:44:05,685 Bowdoin I didn't make it, bu accepted. 574 00:44:05,893 --> 00:44:10,481 What about that other place, Georgetown? 575 00:44:11,107 --> 00:44:12,859 Wait list. 576 00:44:14,235 --> 00:44:16,362 You don't owe them anything. 577 00:44:21,242 --> 00:44:23,452 Thanks, grandma. 578 00:44:24,745 --> 00:44:27,623 Lock that door, will you? 579 00:44:27,874 --> 00:44:31,752 And for dessert, the kids can make their own chocolate pasta. 580 00:44:34,422 --> 00:44:35,840 (Music playing) 581 00:44:35,965 --> 00:44:37,133 (Phone ringing) 582 00:44:46,976 --> 00:44:50,062 - Hello? - Carmela, Vic musto. 583 00:44:50,313 --> 00:44:51,939 Hi, how are you? 584 00:44:52,440 --> 00:44:55,151 I'm good. I'm fine. I... 585 00:44:55,568 --> 00:45:00,531 I was just thinking about you and what happened this morning. 586 00:45:00,740 --> 00:45:05,369 - I just wanted to say again... - No, please, it was a crazy thing. 587 00:45:07,079 --> 00:45:11,125 But if it's a problem, I've got another job in wyckoff. 588 00:45:11,375 --> 00:45:15,213 Yours is far enough along that ramone can finish up. 589 00:45:15,463 --> 00:45:16,881 There's no charge... 590 00:45:17,089 --> 00:45:20,843 - Except for materials. - No, I wouldn't think of it. 591 00:45:21,093 --> 00:45:22,678 It's just that... 592 00:45:23,012 --> 00:45:25,932 Since Jill, there hasn't been anyone to talk to. 593 00:45:26,182 --> 00:45:27,182 Oh, I know. 594 00:45:27,808 --> 00:45:30,436 - I n fact... - What? 595 00:45:30,686 --> 00:45:33,940 Maybe you could send ramone to the otherjob tomorrow. 596 00:45:34,148 --> 00:45:38,319 That way you and I would have a chance to talk, on your lunch break. 597 00:45:40,321 --> 00:45:44,158 - That would be so great. - And I could make a lunch for us. 598 00:45:44,408 --> 00:45:46,786 Maybe a galantine de poulet... 599 00:45:47,119 --> 00:45:50,831 Mesclun salad, nice bottle of barolo. 600 00:45:51,082 --> 00:45:53,376 - That sounds incredible. - Okay. 601 00:45:53,626 --> 00:45:57,338 Okay, then, thanks for calling. That's terrific. 602 00:45:57,588 --> 00:46:01,676 - See you tomorrow. - I will talk to you tomorrow, bye. 603 00:46:04,637 --> 00:46:08,516 - Who was that? - It was nobody, the wallpaper man. 604 00:46:10,726 --> 00:46:12,895 (Piano playing music) 605 00:46:40,715 --> 00:46:42,341 Oh, my god. 606 00:46:44,719 --> 00:46:47,179 - Oh, my god. Please, no. - What the hell is it? 607 00:46:47,430 --> 00:46:50,808 "The victim has been identified as Matthew bevilaqua... 608 00:46:51,058 --> 00:46:53,978 A soprano family associate." 609 00:46:54,353 --> 00:46:55,896 Fuck, give me that. 610 00:46:59,108 --> 00:47:02,236 "Officials are keeping tight-lipped... 611 00:47:02,445 --> 00:47:05,740 As it may involve a high-ranking mafia member." 612 00:47:05,948 --> 00:47:07,575 - Where's that number? - Fndge. 613 00:47:07,783 --> 00:47:10,077 Those lying cocksuckers! 614 00:47:11,537 --> 00:47:13,205 - Where is it? - On the fridge! 615 00:47:13,414 --> 00:47:16,125 - Where on the fucking fridge? - I knew it! 616 00:47:16,334 --> 00:47:18,669 But you had to be the big man! 617 00:47:21,505 --> 00:47:24,675 Jesus Christ, David. Where the hell have you been? 618 00:47:26,469 --> 00:47:28,596 Thanks for coming. Thanks for coming. 619 00:47:29,221 --> 00:47:32,475 I'm glad you called. My sister's been worried sick. 620 00:47:32,808 --> 00:47:37,188 Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I should've called her. 621 00:47:37,438 --> 00:47:41,025 Why don't I say "sorry" to the whole fucking world with a blimp. 622 00:47:41,233 --> 00:47:43,402 Christine knows you're gambling again. 623 00:47:44,278 --> 00:47:47,031 I'm not gambling anymore. I'm broke. 624 00:47:47,531 --> 00:47:49,575 Jesus Christ! 625 00:47:49,825 --> 00:47:51,577 I screwed up, Vic. 626 00:47:52,495 --> 00:47:55,956 - I screwed up really bad this time. - It's gonna be all right. 627 00:47:56,207 --> 00:47:59,794 You'll go to gamblers anonymous and we'll get you on your feet. 628 00:48:00,252 --> 00:48:03,923 - Gamblers anonymous. - No joke, you're going back there. 629 00:48:04,131 --> 00:48:08,094 Is that right? Where were you when I dropped out in the first place? 630 00:48:08,302 --> 00:48:11,389 - I was twisting in the wind out there. - What? 631 00:48:11,597 --> 00:48:15,434 You and your broom-up-her-ass sister, you didn't give a fuck! 632 00:48:15,684 --> 00:48:18,145 - You looked the other way! - It's our fault? 633 00:48:18,354 --> 00:48:20,481 Don't ever talk about her like that. 634 00:48:20,689 --> 00:48:22,733 Oh, fuck her! Fuck you! 635 00:48:23,776 --> 00:48:26,904 How much did you lose? How much? 636 00:48:28,030 --> 00:48:29,490 How much did you lose? 637 00:48:30,449 --> 00:48:32,326 - Everything. - What do you mean? 638 00:48:32,576 --> 00:48:35,663 Everything. For Christ sake, Vic, everything. 639 00:48:35,871 --> 00:48:38,499 The savings, the business, everything! 640 00:48:42,503 --> 00:48:44,213 (Sobbing) 641 00:48:44,630 --> 00:48:46,090 You disgust me. 642 00:48:47,591 --> 00:48:49,552 I have to go chapter 11... 643 00:48:49,802 --> 00:48:52,179 Then the liquidators will come in. 644 00:48:52,388 --> 00:48:53,973 This is it, David. 645 00:48:54,181 --> 00:48:56,767 You have fucking had it. This is it. 646 00:48:57,017 --> 00:49:01,981 As soon as Eric goes to college... He got into Georgetown today... 647 00:49:02,231 --> 00:49:04,150 When he's out, you're packing up... 648 00:49:04,358 --> 00:49:07,278 And you're keeping the fuck away from my sister! 649 00:49:10,990 --> 00:49:13,284 Don't tell me you blew his college fund. 650 00:49:21,250 --> 00:49:23,752 Jesus Christ! 651 00:49:26,881 --> 00:49:30,634 You fucking asshole! How could you do that? 652 00:49:32,386 --> 00:49:33,971 Jesus! 653 00:49:37,016 --> 00:49:41,061 - I'm paying for Eric's education. - Thank you. Thank you. 654 00:49:42,229 --> 00:49:44,398 You're a great man, Vic. 655 00:49:47,902 --> 00:49:49,612 Wait a minute. 656 00:49:52,448 --> 00:49:56,076 How could you lose the business? It's in my sister's name. 657 00:49:56,285 --> 00:49:59,413 - I didn't gamble it away, exactly. - What happened? 658 00:50:00,831 --> 00:50:05,461 I got involved with some bad people, and I got in debt to them. 659 00:50:06,462 --> 00:50:09,006 Fucking Tony soprano, all right? 660 00:50:09,256 --> 00:50:12,343 Yeah. Tony-fucking-soprano. 661 00:50:12,885 --> 00:50:16,096 It's a bust-out. When you can't pay them... 662 00:50:16,305 --> 00:50:21,227 They become your partners and eat through everything, like termites! 663 00:50:21,852 --> 00:50:25,689 - What about the cops? - They're animals, Vic! 664 00:50:26,524 --> 00:50:29,026 They started a fire in my dumpster and then... 665 00:50:29,276 --> 00:50:31,946 These two guys came to see me one night. 666 00:50:32,154 --> 00:50:35,533 You got no idea what "dead eyes" means until you face them... 667 00:50:35,783 --> 00:50:38,619 In your fucking bathrobe and your flip-flops. 668 00:50:39,286 --> 00:50:42,164 (Sniffling ) God damn it. 669 00:50:45,209 --> 00:50:47,711 France, 1944. 670 00:50:47,962 --> 00:50:51,966 General George patton leads his third army into battle. 671 00:50:52,633 --> 00:50:57,429 He knows that the controversies around him have tarnished his reputation. 672 00:50:57,680 --> 00:51:01,976 He desperately wants to vindicate himself in the only way he knows how: 673 00:51:02,184 --> 00:51:02,726 In battle. 674 00:51:02,727 --> 00:51:03,978 (Phone ringing) 675 00:51:06,272 --> 00:51:08,065 - Hello? - It's over, skip. 676 00:51:08,315 --> 00:51:10,359 - What? - You know that other party... 677 00:51:10,609 --> 00:51:14,071 Who said he saw something that we know didn't happen? 678 00:51:15,072 --> 00:51:18,576 - Yeah. - He realizes now he didn't see... 679 00:51:18,826 --> 00:51:20,244 What didn't happen. 680 00:51:27,167 --> 00:51:30,546 - Yeah. - Sleep well, my friend. 681 00:51:31,213 --> 00:51:33,507 Major strategy is the attack. 682 00:51:33,757 --> 00:51:38,887 "The more Germans we kill, the fewer of our men will be killed," he said. 683 00:51:39,096 --> 00:51:40,764 His hatred for the enemy... 684 00:51:40,973 --> 00:51:44,435 Is matched only by his fierce concern for his men. 685 00:51:47,605 --> 00:51:49,732 (Crickets chirping) 686 00:52:00,993 --> 00:52:02,328 ( Exhales ) 687 00:52:10,544 --> 00:52:11,754 (Sniffles) 688 00:52:12,630 --> 00:52:14,340 ( Exhales ) 689 00:52:14,923 --> 00:52:17,176 - You seem relieved. - Yeah. 690 00:52:17,968 --> 00:52:19,345 Yeah. 691 00:52:21,472 --> 00:52:24,558 So this person, the witness... 692 00:52:24,808 --> 00:52:28,395 - Simply changed his or her mind? - I don't know what happened. 693 00:52:28,896 --> 00:52:32,149 - You don't? - What's that supposed to mean? 694 00:52:37,404 --> 00:52:39,365 You know, when I was in Italy... 695 00:52:40,491 --> 00:52:42,826 I met somebody like you. 696 00:52:43,494 --> 00:52:45,996 A woman. And it's not what you think. 697 00:52:46,914 --> 00:52:48,499 Like me in what way? 698 00:52:49,333 --> 00:52:50,834 Smart. 699 00:52:51,335 --> 00:52:53,879 - Know what she said to me? - What did she say? 700 00:52:54,088 --> 00:52:58,384 - That I'm my own worst enemy. - Kind of a cliché, isn't it? 701 00:52:58,592 --> 00:53:01,053 You had to be there. She's one of them... 702 00:53:02,012 --> 00:53:04,932 Witchy broads, you know? 703 00:53:05,182 --> 00:53:09,103 - Not like a psychic, but... - I didn't mean to sound disparaging. 704 00:53:09,353 --> 00:53:11,939 Well, it's an ancient culture over there. 705 00:53:14,108 --> 00:53:16,694 They believe all this weird shit. 706 00:53:18,028 --> 00:53:19,863 - Like sibyls. - Sibyls? 707 00:53:20,072 --> 00:53:22,741 Like I said, you had to be there. 708 00:53:23,575 --> 00:53:28,038 Okay, so I wanted to fuck her. But she was right, wasn't she? 709 00:53:28,288 --> 00:53:32,334 I mean, I bring all this on myself. 710 00:53:32,543 --> 00:53:34,044 That's what you tell me. 711 00:53:34,920 --> 00:53:37,798 Yes, I suppose it is. At root. 712 00:53:41,009 --> 00:53:43,887 The question is, how do you stop? 713 00:53:49,518 --> 00:53:51,228 You know what? 714 00:53:51,437 --> 00:53:56,525 I dodged a very big bullet. And I'm feeling pretty fucking good about it. 715 00:53:57,609 --> 00:54:00,487 So I don't need anymore psychiatry today. 716 00:54:07,536 --> 00:54:08,787 ( Door closes ) 717 00:54:14,752 --> 00:54:19,089 - License and registration, pal. - Hey, Tony, what are you doing here? 718 00:54:24,720 --> 00:54:26,138 I got something for you. 719 00:54:26,722 --> 00:54:29,266 - What is that? - Fifty grand. 720 00:54:30,851 --> 00:54:33,061 Get the fuck out of here with that. 721 00:54:33,312 --> 00:54:37,232 - Why, because I'm a paraplegic? - My idea was for you to donate it... 722 00:54:37,483 --> 00:54:41,695 - To the spinal injury foundation. - I'm gonna walk again, Tony. 723 00:54:43,280 --> 00:54:45,240 I know you are, beans. 724 00:54:45,491 --> 00:54:49,536 In the meantime, you donate, get your picture up, you inspire people. 725 00:54:49,787 --> 00:54:53,373 You mean, be like a fucking poster boy? Is that what you mean? 726 00:54:53,624 --> 00:54:57,211 Take the money. You can whack it up with the foundation. 727 00:54:58,253 --> 00:54:59,922 Fuck you, Tony. 728 00:55:02,382 --> 00:55:03,801 Take the money, beans. 729 00:55:05,552 --> 00:55:07,638 You gotta take it. 730 00:55:08,472 --> 00:55:09,640 Beansie. 731 00:55:15,854 --> 00:55:17,189 Thank you! Thank you! 732 00:55:19,691 --> 00:55:21,610 Thank you, beans. 733 00:55:30,953 --> 00:55:34,206 (Pop song playing) 734 00:55:39,127 --> 00:55:40,838 (Doorbell rings) 735 00:55:41,171 --> 00:55:43,715 Lilliana, can you get that? 736 00:56:07,948 --> 00:56:10,409 - Ramone! - Good morning, missus. 737 00:56:13,245 --> 00:56:15,205 Mr. Musto no is come. 738 00:56:15,998 --> 00:56:18,709 - Is he okay? - He has to go to the otherjob. 739 00:56:19,209 --> 00:56:21,211 Oh, okay. 740 00:56:34,224 --> 00:56:36,226 (Rattling ) 741 00:57:04,171 --> 00:57:05,714 - Want to steer? - Yeah. 742 00:57:05,964 --> 00:57:08,884 - No, you don't. - I do. 743 00:57:09,134 --> 00:57:12,971 I'd let you, but if the harbor master sees, we'll get in trouble. 744 00:57:13,180 --> 00:57:15,057 Nobody's gonna see. 745 00:57:16,725 --> 00:57:18,018 I don't know. 746 00:57:18,268 --> 00:57:20,479 - Come on. - Go ahead. 747 00:57:21,730 --> 00:57:26,735 A boat's not like a car. You've got no breaks and can't make quick turns. 748 00:57:26,944 --> 00:57:30,072 So you've gotta anticipate your turns a lot sooner. 749 00:57:30,322 --> 00:57:32,157 This is so cool. 750 00:57:33,408 --> 00:57:35,452 Six hundred and twenty horsepower. 751 00:57:36,578 --> 00:57:38,914 (Motor revving ) 752 00:57:49,841 --> 00:57:53,345 Look out, stop! On your starboard! Look out! 753 00:58:02,521 --> 00:58:05,899 (Journey song playing)