?_dџџџџ‘TKl3ЗФ6Vietnamese Grammar BasicsBrowseButtons()/&;)z4џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџсџџџџ|CONTEXTll|CTXOMAPеL|FONTФK|KWBTREE\|KWDATAЈ[|KWMAP§[|SYSTEM|TOPIC“|TTLBTREE=d|bm0›t|bm1Єy|bm10™„|bm11ю…|bm12{‡|bm13Мˆ|bm14‹|bm15xŒ|bm16э|bm17Œ|bm2Ќz|bm3S{|bm4њ{|bm5Ю||bm6Я}|bm7Œ~|bm8)|bm96‚вйЏ; џџџџo… s Њ џџџџџџŸŸŸППППППŸŸŸџџџПППџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџПППŸŸŸППППППППППППџџџŸŸŸџџџџџџŸŸŸџџџџџџППППППџџџПППŸŸŸџџџПППџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџŸŸŸџџџџџџџџџŸŸŸџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџПППППППППџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ1G(Gџџџџ 9џџџџE11џџџџвEwwContents2 w& €€€€‚џContentsEEzО J‹€€‚‚у=Ž˜‰‚уЗМ\7‰€‚уvK%€‰‚уУtїЖ‰€‚уў‡з€‰€‚уьъ\U€‰€‚у |ЪИ€‰€‚уњГŽе€‰‚уЅfМ‰‚уЩ艂у…O‰‰‚уЇѓЕџ‰€‚уEЮŒ€‰€‚уI*$€‰€‚уш§U㈉‚џThe following Help Topics are available: Overview of VietnameseAlphabet and TonesNounsNumber and AgreementNoun ClassifiersPronounsForms of AddressAdjectivesAdverbsVerbs and Time MarkersConjunctionsPrepositionsDemonstrativesParticlesNegatives and Interrogatives&w # €€€‚џБzzQ7 >€і€Є„H~€‚€†"€€‚џFor Help on Help for Windows, press F1.For Help on Help for Macintosh, select Help with Quick Help from the menu .& w# €€€‚џ< QГ1Р'Гѓ‚ Overview of@wѓ& €4€€€‚џOverview of Vietnamese?Г2* "€+€€ ‚€‚‚‚џVietnamese is spoken by over sixty million people in Vietnam. There are over a million additional speakers of Vietnamese scattered across the globe including 500,000 in the United States.Vietnamese is a member of the Mon-Khmer branch of the Austro-Asiatic language family. Other Mon-Khmer languages include Mon, which is spoken in Burma, Khmer, which is spoken in Cambodia, and Muong, which is also spoken in Vietnam. Because the Chinese ruled Vietnam for hundreds of years, the Vietnamese language is full of Chinese words.P&ѓ‚ * "€M€€ ‚€‚‚‚џIn 1910, a romanized script devised by Catholic missionaries in the 17th Century was adopted for Vietnamese. The Vietnamese alphabet consists of 17 consonants and 12 vowels. Vietnamese is a tonal language: the tone or pitch used when a word is pronounced helps determine its meaning. There are six distinct tones in Vietnamese.Many nouns and verbs in Vietnamese are made up of individual segments of one of two syllables that work together. These individual segments may have no meaning, or an entirely different meaning when taken out of context. Sometimes two words with the same meaning are combined for emphasis. In Vietnamese, the flow and rhyme of the language are very important. All of the elements in a sentence work together to make a language which is often said to resemble poetry.C2Х 1jв` Х  :Alphabet and Tones<‚  & €,€€€‚џAlphabet and TonesuХ  ‘ №€ѓ€€ ‚€ ‚€‚‚€€ ‚‚‚‚‚†"€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚€‚€ ‚†"€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚†"€‚‚†"€‚‚€ ‚‚€ ‚‚‚‚џThe Vietnamese alphabet consists of the following vowels and consonants:Consonantsbcchdgghgihkkhlmnng/nghnhphqurstthtrvxVowelsaтeъioєuyTonesVietnamese is a tonal language and the tone or pitch used when a vowel is pronounced helps determine the meaning of a word. There are six distinct tones in Vietnamese: Т W |€‰€€ ‚ƒƒƒƒ‚ƒ‚‚ƒƒƒƒ‚‚‚ƒƒƒƒ‚‚‚ƒƒƒƒ†"€‚‚‚ƒƒƒ†"€‚џLevel, (which is unmarked)a The level tone begins at the mid-point of normal speaking range and remains level.High risingсThe high rising tone begins on a high pitch and rises sharply.Low fallingрThe low falling tone begins lower than the level tone and falls off slightly.Low risingThe low rising tone also begins lower than the level tone, falls slightly and then rises to the starting point.High rising brokenх :5 8€Э€€ ‚‚ƒƒƒƒ†"€‚‚‚џThe high rising broken tone begins very slightly lower than the level tone, falls slightly and then rises above the starting point.Low brokenThe low broken tone begins lower than the level tone and falls off sharply. 6 p1'€pŸ€ANouns/ :Ÿ& €€€€ ‚џNounsе~p€AW |€џ€€ ‚€€‚‚‚€€‚‚†"€ƒ‚‚‚‚‚уУtїЖ‰‚уў‡з‰‚€ ‚‚џNouns Ÿ€A:are the words used to name a person, place, thing or idea.A proper noun names a specific person, place, thing or idea and is written with capital letters.HanoiIn Vietnamese, nouns do not change form, they do not have case, gender or number. There are no articles (such as a, an, or the) in Vietnamese.See also: Number and AgreementNoun ClassifiersEŸХA1м` ХABЎCNumber and Agreement>€AB& €0€€€ ‚џNumber and AgreementЋxХAЎC3 4€ё€€ ‚€ ‚€‚‚‚€ ‚‚џThere are two numbers in Vietnamese, singular and plural. The plural form of a noun is generally expressed with a plural marker and the noun does not change at all. The plural markers are not always translatable.Another way to express plurality in Vietnamese is with the use of cardinal numbers. If a number precedes a noun, it does not require a plural marker.ABяC1Џ€ГяC)DЇJNoun Classifiers:ЎC)D& €(€€€ ‚џNoun ClassifiersхяCAE3 4€Ы€€ ‚€ ‚€€‚‚‚‚‚џClassifiers are used when a noun is referred to specifically, or when a noun is counted. The classifier quantifies or classifies the noun. A classifier cannot stand alone.Here are some of the most common classifiers:h$)DЉED#X€HY €€€ € ‚џ€€‚џџџCсiUsed with inanimate objectsXAEFA#R€.Y €€€ ‚џ€€‚џџџCсi bрn(the) table]ЉE^FA#R€8Y €€€ ‚џ€€‚џџџCсi va li(the) suitcase(F†F$ €€€ ‚‚џ~7^FGG#^€nY €€€ € ‚џ€€€‚џџџCon Used with animals and some inanimate objectsT†FXGA#R€&Y €€€ ‚џ€€‚џџџCon mшo(a) catTGЌGA#R€&Y €€€ ‚џ€€‚џџџCon chѓ(a) dogVXGHB#T€(Y €€€ ƒ‚џ€€‚џџџCon sђ(a) clam(ЌG*H$ €€€ ‚‚џ=HЋHD#X€zY €€€ € ‚џ€€‚џџџCтyused with trees, plants and some long, thin objects.]*HIA#R€8Y €€€ ‚џ€€‚џџџCрy chanh(a) lemon tree(ЋH0I$ €€€ ‚‚џv'IІIO#n€NY 2€€€ € € € € ƒƒ‚џ€*€‚џџџTrсi and quфused with fruitsY0IџIA#R€0Y €€€ ‚џ€€‚џџџTrсi chanh(a) lemon`ІI_JI#b€.Y &€€€ € € ƒƒ‚џ€€‚џџџQuф lъ(a) pearHџIЇJ1 2€.€€ ‚€‚уvK%‰€‚џSee also:Nouns8_JпJ1ЛŠ„пJKšKAdverbs1 ЇJK& €€€€‚џAdverbsŠ\пJšK. ,€И€€ ‚€€‚€ ‚џAdverbs are the words which modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb or a phrase.6KаK1c#„ŽаKLN„Verbs@šKL& €4€€€‚џVerbs and Time MarkersЃkаKГM8 >€з€€ ‚€ ‚€€‚€ ‚€‚‚џVerbs express action, existence or occurrence. In English, verbs change according to person or tense. (I go, I went, I will go) In Vietnamese, verbs generally do not change. Often, the person or tense of a verb can be determined by the context. Sometimes, the verb is modified by an adverb of time or a time marker.Here are some Vietnamese verbs:k(LNC#V€PЊА €€€ƒ‚џ€€ƒ‚џџџSсng tсcTo create, to be creativeYГMwNA#R€0ЊА €€€‚џ€€‚џџџKhin khэchTo giggleXNЯNA#R€.ЊА €€€‚џ€€‚џџџTan hoрTo dissolveА@wN‹p Ў€‡€€ ‚€‚€‚‚‚†"€ ‚‚†"€ ‚‚†"€ ‚€ ‚€‚‚€ ‚€€‚€‚€€€‚џTime Markers Time markers are used to specify the time an action has taken or will take place. indicates and action which is ongoing or continuing. indicates an action that will takЯN‹šKe place in the future. indicates an action in the past.If a sentence contains an adverb of time which clearly denotes when the action takes place, there is no need for a time marker.Modal VerbsVietnamese has several modal verbs that occur frequently. These are sometimes called helping verbs and they are used to state the wish, need or desire of the speaker. ‡ЯNЄƒ’ ђ€€€‚€†"€ €‚€ ‚€†"€ €‚‚€†"€€€€€†"€€‚€ ‚€†"€‚€€†"€€‚џCѓ is equivalent to can or may in English: is equivalent to want in English: phai and express need or necessity and can often be translated as to have to or must.Lр and Lр in Vietnamese is often translated as the English verb to be. It is only used with nouns or noun phrases and it is not used to express location. The verb is used to express location.Њt‹N„6 <€ш€€‚€‚‚€€€‚€ ‚џAdjective-like verbs Many verbs in Vietnamese act the way adjectives do in English, and lр is not used. ; Єƒ‰„1‘†#„‰„Н„Ё…Adjectives4N„Н„& €€€€‚џAdjectivesфЄ‰„Ё…@ N€I€€‚€€‚‚‚‚€ ‚€ ‚уЩ艈 ‚џAdjectives are the words that are used to describe nouns. In Vietnamese, adjective-like verbs are most often used to describe a noun.See also:Verbs9Н„к…1CŽ„ к… †*ЫPronouns2 Ё… †& €€€€‚џPronounsj4к…v‡6 :€i€€ ‚€€€‚‚‚‚‚€ ‚џA pronoun is a word that stands for a previously mentioned or understood noun. The use of personal pronouns in Vietnamese is determined by the age of the person you are speaking to, their marital status, their gender, their social standing and your own relationship with them. Singular Pronouns- †ˆc#–€Z]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€2€‚џ€J€‚џџџPronoun:Translation:Formality:Usage:p v‡vˆc#–€]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џ€€‚џџџtєiIl ˆтˆc#–€]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џџџДQvˆ–‰c#–€Ђ]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џ€&€‚џџџєngyouformalused when speaking to an older man or a man of higher statusЗTтˆMŠc#–€Ј]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џ€$€‚џџџbрyouformalused when speaking to an older woman or a woman of higher statusГP–‰‹c#–€ ]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џ€*€‚џџџanhyoufamiliarused when speaking to a younger man or a man your own ageЕRMŠЕ‹c#–€Є]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џ€*€‚џџџchiyoufamiliarused when speaking to a younger woman or woman your own ageГP‹hŒc#–€ ]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џ€$€‚џџџcєyouformalused by a man when speaking to a woman he does not know wellЖSЕ‹c#–€І]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џ€(€‚џџџemyoufamiliarused when speaking to a child or person much younger than youl hŒŠc#–€]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џџџДQ>Žc#–€Ђ]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џ€$€‚џџџєngheformalused when referring to an older man or a man of higher statusИUŠіŽc#–€Њ]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џ€$€‚џџџbрsheformalused when referring to an older woman or a woman of higher statusГP>ŽЉc#–€ ]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џ€(€‚џџџanhhefamiliarused when referring to a younger man or a man your own ageЖSіŽkРc#–€І]Ž | Њ €€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џЉkРЁ…€*€‚џџџchishefamiliarused when referring to a younger woman or woman your own age9ЉЄР% €(€€‚‚‚џPlural Pronouns-kР4Сc#–€Zo… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€2€‚џ€J€‚џџџPronoun:Translation:Formality:Usage:˜5ЄРЬСc#–€jo… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€ €‚џ€$€‚џџџchњng tєiwemeaning only the person speaking Ђ?4СnТc#–€~o… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€€‚џ€"€‚џџџchњng tawemeaning the person speaking and the listenerl ЬСкТc#–€o… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џџџЕRnТУc#–€Єo… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€€‚џ€.€‚џџџcсc єngyouformalused when speaking to older men or a man of higher statusИUкТGФc#–€Њo… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€€‚џ€,€‚џџџcсc bрyouformalused when speaking to older women or a women of higher statusЕRУќФc#–€Єo… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€€‚џ€2€‚џџџcсc anhyoufamiliarused when speaking to younger men or a man your own ageЗTGФГХc#–€Јo… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€€‚џ€2€‚џџџcсc chiyoufamiliarused when speaking to younger women or women your own ageЕRќФhЦc#–€Єo… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€€‚џ€,€‚џџџcсc cєyouformalused by a man when speaking to women he does not know wellКWГХ"Чc#–€Ўo… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€€‚џ€0€‚џџџcсc emyoufamiliarused when speaking to a child or person much younger than youl hЦŽЧc#–€o… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€ €‚џ€€‚џџџЕR"ЧCШc#–€Єo… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€ €‚џ€0€‚џџџcсc єngtheyformalused when referring to older men or men of higher statusКWŽЧ§Шc#–€Ўo… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€€‚џ€.€‚џџџcсc bрtheyformalused when referring to older women or a women of higher statusЕRCШВЩc#–€Єo… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€ €‚џ€4€‚џџџcсc anhtheyfamiliarused when referring to younger men or men your own ageЙV§ШkЪc#–€Ќo… s Њ €€€‚џ€€‚џ€ €‚џ€4€‚џџџcсc chitheyfamiliarused when referring to younger women or women your own ageПВЩ*Ы@ N€€€ ‚€‚€‚€€†"€€‚‚џPossessive PronounsIn order to indicate possession in Vietnamese, the element is used with the personal pronouns.AkЪkЫ1ЏГр… kЫЅЫ#ЭForms of Address:*ЫЅЫ& €(€€€‚џForms of Address~>kЫ#Э@ N€}€€‚€€€€ ‚‚‚уьъ\U€‰€ ‚џThe forms of address used in Vietnamese are determined by the age of the person you are speaking to, their marital status, their gender, their social standing and your own relationship with them. In Vietnamese, these forms of address are often used where we would omit them in English.See also:Pronouns= ЅЫ`Э1Ž„‘† `Э’ЭdЮPrepositions2#Э’Э# €€€‚џPrepositionsвЂ`ЭdЮ0 .€E€€‚€€‚€ ‚‚џPrepositions are the connecting words that show the relationships between words in the sentence. In, at, on, by and for are all prepositions in English. ?’ЭЃЮ1@р… ЃЮлЮDemonstratives8dЮлЮ& €$€€€‚џDemonstrativesGЃЮ.E X€€€‚€€‚‚‚€€‚€€‚‚‚€ ‚€‚џDemonstratives point out a specific item and distinguish it from other similar items.A demonstrative adjective points out the noun specifically referred to and distinguishes it from others of the same class. In EnglishлЮ.dЮ the demonstrative adjectives are this/these and that/those. For example: I would like this banana. I want to go to that restaurant.In Vietnamese, demonstrative adjectives follow modified nouns.In English, the demonstrative pronouns are this/that and these/those. For example:жлЮI `€€€€€‚€€‚‚€†"€€€‚€ ‚џI like that! These bags are heavy, those are light.In Vietnamese, is the demonstrative that is used most often as a pronoun:= .A1Š„6 AwGConjunctions6w& € €€€‚џConjunctionsа˜AG8 >€1€€ ‚€€‚‚€€‚€ ‚‚џConjunctions are the elements that join phrases, words and clauses together.The most common conjunction in Vietnamese is probably vр (and).: w1иŽГД[Particles3 GД& €€€€‚џParticlesЇp[7 <€с€€‚€€‚‚‚€ ‚€‚‚‚џParticles are short words in Vietnamese which cannot readily be translated into English. They perform many different functions.Polite Particles are used to show respect for the person to whom you are speaking. They are often used in short sentences or responses.Other particles may express surprise. Particles are also used in interrogative expressions.MДЈ1:6џџџџЈюїInterrogatives and NegativesF [ю& €@€€€‚џInterrogatives and Negatives ХЈїD V€‹€€‚€‚‚€‚€ ‚€‚€‚€€‚€‚џInterrogativesIn Vietnamese, questions are formed using specific interrogative elements.NegativesNegative statements are usually formed with the word khєng which means no or not.1юџџџџ1џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџXHelvTimes New RomanVI Times (TL)‚l‚r –О’Љ гЪй` ` џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ џџџџ џџџџ џџџџ џџџџ џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџŠ„џџџџџџџџ џџџџ!џџџџ"џџџџ#џџџџ$Г%џџџџ&џџџџ'џџџџ(џџџџ)Š„*џџџџ+џџџџ,џџџџ-џџџџ.џџџџ/џџџџ0џџџџ1џџџџ2џџџџ3џџџџ4џџџџ5џџџџ6џџџџ7џџџџ8џџџџ9џџџџ:џџџџ;џџџџ<џџџџ=џџџџ>џџџџ?џџџџ@џџџџAџџџџBџџџџCџџџџDEџџџџFџџџџGџџџџHџџџџIџџџџJџџџџKџџџџLџџџџMџџџџNџџџџOџџџџP#„QџџџџRџџџџSџџџџTГUГVџџџџWџџџџXџџџџYџџџџZџџџџ[џџџџ\џџџџ]џџџџ^џџџџ_џџџџ`џџџџaџџџџbџџџџc‘†dџџџџeџџџџfр…gџџџџhџџџџiџџџџjџџџџkџџџџlџџџџmџџџџnџџџџoџџџџpџџџџqџџџџrџџџџsŽtџџџџuџџџџvџџџџwџџџџxџџџџyџџџџzџџџџ{џџџџ|џџџџ}џџџџ~џџџџџџџџ€џџџџџџџџ‚џџџџƒџџџџ„џџџџ…џџџџ†џџџџ‡џџџџˆџџџџ‰џџџџŠџџџџ‹џџџџŒџџџџџџџџŽџџџџџџџџџџџџ‘џџџџ’џџџџ“џџџџ”џџџџ•џџџџ–џџџџ—џџџџ˜џџџџ™џџџџšџџџџ›џџџџœџџџџџџџџžџџџџŸџџџџ џџџџЁџџџџЂџџџџЃџџџџЄџџџџЅџџџџІџџџџЇџџџџЈџџџџЉџџџџЊЋЌ­џџџџЎџџџџЏџџџџАџџџџБџџџџВџџџџГџџџџДџџџџЕџџџџЖџџџџЗџџџџИџџџџЙџџџџКџџџџЛџџџџМџџџџНџџџџОџџџџПџџџџРџџџџСџџџџТџџџџУџџџџФџџџџХџџџџЦџџџџЧџџџџШџџџџЩџџџџЪџџџџЫџџџџЬџџџџЭџџџџЮџџџџЯџџџџаџџџџбџџџџвџџџџгџџџџдџџџџеџџџџжџџџџзџџџџиџџџџйџџџџкџџџџлџџџџмџџџџнџџџџоџџџџпџџџџрџџџџсџџџџтџџџџуџџџџфџџџџхџџџџцџџџџчџџџџшџџџџщџџџџъџџџџыџџџџьџџџџэџџџџюџџџџяџџџџ№џџџџёџџџџђџџџџѓџџџџєџџџџѕџџџџіџџџџїџџџџјџџџџљџџџџњџџџџћџџџџќџџџџ§џџџџўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ џџџџ џџџџ џџџџ џџџџ џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ џџџџ!џџџџ"џџџџ#џџџџ$џџџџ%џџџџ&џџџџ'џџџџ(џџџџ)џџџџ*џџџџ+џџџџ,џџџџ-џџџџ.џџџџ/џџџџ0џџџџ1џџџџ2џџџџ3џџџџ4џџџџ5џџџџ6џџџџ7џџџџ8џџџџ9џџџџ:џџџџ;џџџџ<џџџџ=џџџџ>џџџџ?џџџџ@џџџџAџџџџBџџџџCџџџџDџџџџEџџџџFџџџџGџџџџHџџџџIџџџџJџџџџKџџџџLџџџџMџџџџNџџџџOџџџџPџџџџQџџџџRџџџџSџџџџTџџџџUџџџџVџџџџWџџџџXџџџџYџџџџZџџџџ[џџџџ\џџџџ]џџџџ^џџџџ_џџџџ`aџџџџbџџџџcџџџџdeџџџџfџџџџgџџџџhiџџџџjџџџџkџџџџlџџџџm€nџџџџoџџџџpџџџџqџџџџr€sџџџџtџџџџuџџџџvџџџџwџџџџxџџџџyџџџџzџџџџ{џџџџ|џџџџ}џџџџ~џџџџџџџџ€џџџџџџџџ‚џџџџƒџџџџ„џџџџ…џџџџ†џџџџ‡џџџџˆџџџџ‰џџџџŠџџџџ‹џџџџŒџџџџџџџџŽџџџџџџџџџџџџ‘џџџџ’џџџџ“џџџџ”џџџџ•џџџџ–џџџџ—џџџџ˜џџџџ™џџџџšџџџџ›џџџџœџџџџџџџџžџџџџŸџџџџ џџџџЁџџџџЂџџџџЃџџџџЄџџџџЅџџџџІџџџџЇџџџџЈџџџџЉџџџџЊџџџџЋџџџџЌџџџџ­џџџџЎџџџџЏџџџџАџџџџБџџџџВџџџџГџџџџДџџџџЕџџџџЖџџџџЗџџџџИџџџџЙџџџџКџџџџЛџџџџМџџџџНџџџџОџџџџПџџџџРџџџџСџџџџТџџџџУџџџџФџџџџХџџџџЦџџџџЧџџџџШџџџџЩџџџџЪџџџџЫџџџџЬџџџџЭџџџџЮџџџџЯџџџџа6бвгџџџџдџџџџеџџџџжџџџџзџџџџиџџџџUL#„'Ž‘†Ž„ГГ` в6€р…Г€'Š„/&;)i24џџџџџџџџџџЧџџџџAdjectivesAdverbsalphabetclassifiers ConjunctionsContentsdemonstrativesforms of addressinterrogatives negatives$Nouns(Overview,particles0plural4preposition8Pronoun<singular@toneDVerbsHвйЏ; 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