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gendercommon signscomparativesconjugate -AR verbs quickconjugate -ER verbs quickconjugate -IR verbs quickconjugate irregular verbsconjugate regular verbsconjugation chart -IR verbsconjunctionsconsonants--pronunciationcontentscurrency--Latin Americadaysdays of the weekdefinite articledefinitions of verb fomsdetermine noun genderdiminutive suffixesdiphthongs--pronunciationdirect & indirect object pronounsdirectionEnglish & Spanish sentence structure similaritiesEnglish & Spanish word similaritiesER regular verbsesse, este & aquele as pronounseveningexamples of verb formsfeminine nounsforming adverbs from adjectivesforming feminine adjectivesforming negatives forming plural adjectivesforming questions--interrogativesforming questions--sentencesgeneral verbal stressgrammar topics help topics$indefinite article(interrogatives--forming questions,irregular verb--dar0irregular verb--dicir4irregular verb--estar8irregular verb--haber<irregular verb--hacer@irregular verb--IRDirregular verb--oirHirregular verb--ponerLirregular verb--quererPirregular verb--saberTirregular verb--serXirregular verb--tener\irregular verb--traer`irregular verb--valerdirregular verb--venirhirregular verbslLatin American currencypmake nouns pluralxmaking nouns ending with -al, -el, -ol & -ul plural|making nouns ending with -il pluralmaking nouns ending with -r or -z pluralmaking nouns ending with a vowel pluralmaking nouns ending with s pluralmaking nouns pluralmasculine nounsmeasurementmonthsmonths of the yearmorningnight8 IDMPnoticesnoun gendernoun suffixesnumbers--cardinalnumbers--ordinalordinal numbersoverview--Spanish languageplural nounspossessivesprepositionsprepositions & the definite articleprepositions & the indefinite articlepronounspronouns--isto, isso & aquilopronunciationpronunciation of alphabetpronunciation of consonantspronunciation of diphthongspronunciation of vowelsque as a conjunction que as a relative pronounquick conjugation chart -AR verbsquick conjugation chart -ER verbsregular verbsregular verbs--AR regular verbs--ER$regular verbs--IR(seasons,seasons of the year0sentence structure similarities--English- & Spanish4sentences--forming questions8some irregular verbs<Spanish alphabet@Spanish pronunciationDspecial rules of verbal stressHstreet signsLstressed diphthongsPstressed nasal vowelsTstressed tilXsuperlatrives\table of contents`the definite articledthe indefinite articlehthe Spanish languageltilptildettilde above an nxtime|times of the daytodaytomorrowtripthongs--pronunciationverb darverb decirverb estarverb form examplesverb forms definedverb haberverb hacerverb irverb oirverb ponerverb quererverb saberverb serverb tenerverb traerverb valerverb venirverbal stressverbal stress--generalverbal stress--special rulesverbs--irregularverbs--regularvowels--pronunciationword endingsword similarities--English & SpanishYearsyesterday with s pluralmaking nouns pluralmasculine nounsmeasurementmonthsmonths of the yearmorningnight8 IDM2nd conjugation ER--present perfect subjunctivecardinal numbersnotices6A683266 IDM_IR_PRETERIT_INDIC 1 IDM_IR_PRETERIT_INDIC engspagr.rtf 113 I9DBE7E05 IDM_IR_SIMPLE_FUTURE 1 IDM_IR_SIMPLE_FUTURE engspagr.rtf 113 EF8F07E0C IDM_IR_COMP_FUTURE 1 IDM_IR_COMP_FUTURE engspagr.rtf 113 K8D055155 IDM_IR_PRES_PER_INDIC 1 IDM_IR_PRES_PER_INDIC engspagr.rtf 113 G2F796325 IDM_IR_PLUPER_INDIC 1 IDM_IR_PLUPER_INDIC engspagr.rtf 113 IC5DFBDAC IDM_IR_FUT_PER_INDIC 1 IDM_IR_FUT_PER_INDIC engspagr.rtf 113 E2EA0F1D9 IDM_IR_PRESENT_SUB 1 IDM_IR_PRESENT_SUB engspagr.rtf 113 I47E91CDF IDM_IR_IMPERFECT_SUB 1 IDM_IR_IMPERFECT_SUB engspagr.rtf 113 C278DD0A3 IDM_IR_FUTURE_SUB 1 IDM_IR_FUTURE_SUB engspagr.rtf 113 MD1D07FB9 IDM_IR_PRESENT_PER_SUB 1 IDM_IR_PRESENT_PER_SUB engspagr.rtf 113 CEBD0083C IDM_IR_PLUPER_SUB 1 IDM_IR_PLUPER_SUB engspagr.rtf 113 M838EE95F IDM_IR_FUT_PERFECT_SUB 1 IDM_IR_FUT_PERFECT_SUB engspagr.rtf 113 E53936DD8 IDM_IR_COND_SIMPLE 1 IDM_IR_COND_SIMPLE engspagr.rtf 113 IDE1CF1C5 IDM_IR_COND_COMPOUND 1 IDM_IR_COND_COMPOUND engspagr.rtf 113 K8909D9EC IDM_IR_IMPER_MOOD_AFF 1 IDM_IR_IMPER_MOOD_AFF engspagr.rtf 113 E1CFF00B5 IDM_IR_ME_TO_BREAK 0 IDM_IR_ME_TO_BREAK engspagr.rtf 114 E747BFA29 IDM_IR_PARTICIPLES 0 IDM_IR_PARTICIPLES engspagr.rtf 115 IC660B21A IDM_IR_PRESENT_INDIC 0 IDM_IR_PRESENT_INDIC engspagr.rtf 116 M609F7070 IDM_IR_IMPERFECT_INDIC 0 IDM_IR_IMPERFECT_INDIC engspagr.rtf 117 K6A683266 IDM_IR_PRETERIT_INDIC 0 IDM_IR_PRETERIT_INDIC engspagr.rtf 118 I9DBE7E05 IDM_IR_SIMPLE_FUTURE 0 IDM_IR_SIMPLE_FUTURE engspagr.rtf 119 EF8F07E0C IDM_IR_COMP_FUTURE 0 IDM_IR_COMP_FUTURE engspagr.rtf 120 K8D055155 IDM_IR_PRES_PER_INDIC 0 IDM_IR_PRES_PER_INDIC engspagr.rtf 121 32E414A9F IDM_HABER 1 IDM_HABER engspagr.rtf 121 G2F796325 IDM_IR_PLUPER_INDIC 0 IDM_IR_PLUPER_INDIC engspagr.rtf 122 32E414A9F IDM_HABER 1 IDM_HABER engspagr.rtf 122 IC5DFBDAC IDM_IR_FUT_PER_INDIC 0 IDM_IR_FUT_PER_INDIC engspagr.rtf 123 32E414A9F IDM_HABER 1 IDM_HABER engspagr.rtf 123 E2E/ & ;)Lz!`Spanish Grammar Reference Help Contents)The Spanish Language The Spanish AlphabetXSpanish Pronunciatione blƊ"fn| c' I   P    a  %  WvaȂ Accent Marks & Verbal Stress<Verbal StressމSpecial Rules of Verbal StressYThe Acute Accent Above an , , , and Tilde Above an Words Ending with -a, -e, -o, -as, -es, -os, -am, -em and -ensdWords Ending with Diphthongs or Any Other LetterLEnglish & Spanish Word Similarities€English & Spanish Sentence Structure SimilaritiesRegular VerbsSome Irregular Verbs-AR Quick Conjugation Chart1st Conjugation -AR--All Regular Spanish Verbs Ending with -ARp1st Conjugation AR--Impersonal & Personal Infinitive1st Conjugation AR--Participles & Gerund1st Conjugation AR--Present Indicative 1st conjugation AR--Imperfect Indicative 1st conjugation AR--Preterit Indicative1st conjugation AR--Simple Future Indicative1st conjugation AR--Simple Perfect Indicative1st conjugation AR--Pluperfect Indicative1st conjugation AR--Future Perfect Indicative1st conjugation AR--Present SubjunctiveW1st conjugation AR--Imperfect Subjunctive 1st conjugation AR--Future Subjunctive1st conjugation AR--Present Perfect Subjunctive 1st conjugation AR--Pluperfect Subjunctive1st conjugation AR--Future Perfect Subjunctivey1st conjugation AR--Conditional Simple1st conjugation AR--Conditional Compoundp1st conjugation AR--Imperative Mood--Affirmative--ER Quick Conjugation Chart̜2nd Conjugation -ER--All Regular Spanish Verbs Ending with -ER1st Conjugation ER--Impersonal & Personal Infinitive:2nd conjugation ER--Participles & Gerund!2nd conjugation ER--Present Indicativeb2c2 d2+2nd conjugation ER--Imperfect Indicative2nd conjugation ER--Preterit Indicative 2nd conjugation ER--Simple Future IndicativeF 2nd conjugation ER--Present Perfect Indicative 2nd conjugation ER--Pluperfect Indicative82nd conjugation ER--Future Perfect Indicativem2nd conjugation ER--Present Subjunctive 2nd conjugation ER--Imperfect Subjunctive?2nd conjugation ER--Future Subjunctive2nd conjugation ER--Present Perfect SubjunctiveP 2nd conjugation ER--Pluperfect Subjunctive%#2nd conjugation ER--Future Perfect Subjunctive|(2nd conjugation ER--Conditional SimpleH2nd conjugation ER--Conditional Compound2nd conjugation ER--Imperative Mood--AffirmativeH-IR Quick Conjugation Chart3rd Conjugation -IR--All Regular Spanish Verbs Ending with -IR3rd conjugation -IR--Impersonal & Personal Infinitive?3rd conjugation -IR--Participles & Gerund/3rd conjugation -IR--Present Indicative@3rd conjugation -IR--Imperfect Indicative03rd conjugation -IR--Preterit IndicativeP3rd conjugation -IR--Simple Future Indicative3rd conjugation -IR--Compound Future Indicativeg3rd conjugation -IR--Present Future Indicative3rd conjugation -IR--Pluperfect Indicative3rd conjugation -IR--Future Perfect Indicative 3rd conjugation -IR--Present Subjunctive 3rd conjugation -IR--Imperfect Subjunctive3rd conjugation -IR--Future Subjunctive3rd conjugation -IR--Present Perfect Subjunctive:3rd conjugation -IR--Pluperfect Subjunctive3rd conjugation -IR--Future Perfect Subjunctiveu!3rd conjugation -IR--Conditional Simple#3rd conjugation -IR--Conditional Compound%3rd conjugation -IR--Imperative Mood--Affirmative'Irregular Verb--dar = to giveIrregular Verb -- decir = to say/to tellIrregular Verb -- estar = to be (temporary or accidental condition)ҖIrregular Verb -- hacer = to do/to make Irregular Verb -- tener = to have Irregular Verb -- ir = to goIrregular Verb -- oir = to hear d2A:Irregular Verb -- poner = to put/to placeIrregular Verb -- querer = to want/to be willingIrregular Verb -- saber = to know$ Irregular Verb -- ser = to bee, Irregular Verb -- haber = to haveŌ Irregular Verb -- traer = to bring/to wear/to carryx Irregular Verb -- valer = to be worth_ Irregular Verb -- venir = to come Nouns & Articles Noun Gender . Making Nouns Plural Making Nouns Ending with a Vowel Plural Making Nouns Ending with -r or -z Plural Making Nouns Ending with s Plural} Making Nouns ending with -al, -el, -ol and -ul Plural Making Nouns Ending with -il Plural^ Noun Suffixes The Definite Article The Indefinite ArticleR Prepositions & the Definite Article$ Prepositions & the Indefinite Article Adjectives) Forming Feminine Adjectives Forming Plural Adjectives Adverbs Forming Adverbs from Adjectives% Adverbs of Time Adverbs of Placement Adverbs of Quantity Adverbs That Express Affirmation Adverbs That Express Negationǁ PossessivesȆ Pronouns Direct & Indirect Object Pronouns Using Esse, Este and Aquele as Pronouns The Pronouns Isto, Isso and AquiloL Que as a Conjunction & Relative Pronounp Forming Questions (Sentences) Forming Questions (Interrogatives) Forming Negatives Prepositions Conjunctions Comparatives & SuperlativesCardinal NumbersOrdinal NumbersnTimes, Days, Months, Seasons, Direction, Measurement & CurrencyThe Times of the DayToday, Yesterday & TomorrowoThe Seasons of the YearThe Months of the YearayearsVThe Days of the Week|Cardinal PointstMeasurementrLatin American CurrencyʁDefinitions of Verb FormsϘCommon SignsӚpIrregular Verb -- estar = to be (temporary or accidental condition)ҖIrregular Verb -- hacer = to do/to make Irregular Verb -- tener = to have Irregular Verb -- ir = to goIrregular Verb -- oir = to hear d2:?99@?9999?@?9@?dc:99?999/&;)L4g2 ;ɀ'ɀըɀ& b/y_鎃10T U qy %UQg7[h3N ʒ q /Lgvy:Ԗ8/U!^,   ~PC=p7ڡ+|p3XQNF VZlbZƊZZ"ZZfZnZZ|2ZZ:ZZZZ ZnHAn` 3 ҴD' gi%#+pt+MK'?" ł`/ǟ ǭ mT̶ GMϚ ^7Ɂ pDT՞ETΜETH֡ ޳#+Fߌ ԱD㏋D/,DJ\+ 7@] .l gv" jpӚqpBu8WG[<:-wfC r^q ~d   ~% B8 nE gNә U'n!P z"Ā%GH&&́ڑ&ZЍ'_L)> u-8"- .tJA.g, QA.Ԗ. %cy/ы/ /<oW/ mC0m: 0s0ј{0 N0T0u0nj 1z 1a 1c1Y6 M7 N; a|=L>. 7?8?c:?;?? ??e@?A?B?IC? 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