?_b˙˙˙˙ĄRIlU˙5Romanian Grammar BasicsBrowseButtons()/&;)z4˙˙ ‚ ˙˙˙˙|CONTEXT֓|CTXOMAPt|FONT b|KWBTREExƒ|KWDATA*ƒ|KWMAPgƒ|SYSTEM|TOPIC‘|TTLBTREE§‹|bm0œŕŕ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙÷^˙÷^÷^÷^÷^÷^÷^÷^÷^÷^÷^ď=÷^ď=ď=˙C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\~hc11R:000100: 25: FFFF: 0 R:000125: 302: FFFF: 19A R:000130: 740: FFFF: 505 R:000150: 15E6: FFFF: 8137 R:000200: 17D3: FFFF: 820F R:000250: 19F2: FFFF: 8342 R:000300: 1DDA: FFFF: 852C R:000350: 2C4F: FFFF: 104D0 R:000400: 336D: FFFF: 181AF R:000450: 39B5: FFFF: 18558 R:000500: 3E2A: FFFF: 18862 R:000600: 5607: FFFF: 2831F R:000650: 5A98: FFFF: 284FD FF: 284FD ˙˙˙˙˙˙ď=÷^˙˙˙÷^ |ݟC:\WINDOWS\TEMP\~hc16˙˙<€ô€¤„H~€‚€†"€€‚˙For Help on Help for Windows, press F1.For Help on Help for Macintosh, select Help with Quick Help from the menu.&é# €€€‚˙< Ă%1ö%b'Overview of=éb% €0€Œ˜€‚˙ Overview of RomanianpH%Ň( €‘€€‚€‚˙Romanian is spoken by approximately 26 million people around the world. In addition to being the primary language of Romania, it is widely spoken in a number of other countries, including Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrghyzstan and Russia. It is a Latin, or Romance language, and for this reason is similar in many ways to French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Romanian, however, is much closer to the original Latin than the other Romance languages. It has borrowed many words from other Romance languages, and has also been influenced by eastern European languages over time. -b˙% €€€‚‚˙Romanian was written in Cyrillic until the mid-nineteenth century, when the Roman alphabet was adopted. Many of the letters bear diacritical marks, or accents. It is a very phonetic language, in that the letters generally have a corresponding pronunciation. (Ň'% €€Œ˜€‚˙9˙`1Kš7`§ÍEAlphabetG'§( €>€Œ˜€€ ‚˙ Alphabet and Pronunciation&`Í# €€€ ‚˙k§8U#z€,KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Aauh as in butlͤU#z€.KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Ś­er as in dirtšB8> X#€€„KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€€‚˙˙˙Ââe as in happen (similar to unstressed vowel in English)j¤¨ U#z€*KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Bbb as in boyšE> B U#z€ŠKX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Cck as in kite (or, when followed by e or i, ch as in church)j¨ Ź U#z€*KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Ddd as in dog:B ; U#z€tKX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Eee as in ten (at beginning of words, y as in yet)jŹ Ľ U#z€*KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Fff as in fox•@; : U#z€€KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Ggg as in go (or, when followed by e or i, j as in jump)kĽ Ľ U#z€,KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Hhh as in handk:  U#z€,KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙IIee as in beev!Ľ † U#z€BKX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Îîsame pronunciation as âm ó U#z€0KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Jjs as in visionl† _U#z€.KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Kkk as in kite kó ĘU#z€,KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Lll as in livek_5U#z€,KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Mmm as in makeiĘžU#z€(KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Nnn as in non5@U#z€2KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Ooau asž@' in caughtjž‚@U#z€*KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Ppp as in paym@ď@U#z€0KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Qqq as in quasar{&‚@jAU#z€LKX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Rrtapped r, as in Spanish perokď@ŐAU#z€,KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Sss as in someljAABU#z€.KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Ľľsh as in showjŐAŤBU#z€*KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Ttt as in topxAB#C^#Œ€4KX Ź €€€ € ‚˙€ €€ € ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Şşts as in hitslŤBCU#z€.KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Uuoo as in bookk#CúCU#z€,KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Vvv as in votejCdDU#z€*KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Www as in winlúCĐDU#z€.KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Xxx as in extrakdD;EU#z€,KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Yy y as in yesjĐDĽEU#z€*KX Ź €€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙Zzz as in zoo(;EÍE$ €€€‚‚˙6ĽEF1ť‚F0FşGNouns-ÍE0F% €€Œ˜€‚˙Nouns^9FŽF% €r€Œ˜€‚˙A noun is a word that names a person, place or thing. –L0F$GJ d€˜€’„H!€‚€ € €€‚€ € €‚€ €€‚‚˙Magda (Magda - woman's name)Bucureľti (Bucharest)ziua (day)–KŽFşGK f€–€’‚H€‚ă2wr‰€‚ăĂt÷ś€‰€‚ă)^R/€‰‚€ ‚˙See Also:Gender and AgreementNumber and AgreementArticlesE$G˙G1Ë7Bƒ˙G?HŮIGender and Agreement@şG?H( €0€Œ˜€€‚˙Gender and Agreementš˙GŮI ̀7€€‚‚‚‚€‚€€€‚€‚€€‚‚€ €€€€€‚‚‚‚€‚ăúłŽŐ‰€‚ă)^R/€‰€‚ăěę\U€‰€‚˙Romanian nouns may be masculine, feminine, or neuter. Generally, masculine or neuter nouns end in a consonant, while feminine nouns end in a vowel.Examples:chelner m. (waiter)vin n. (wine) ziua f. (day) See also:AdjectivesArticlesPronouns7?HJ1˘‚,…JPJÁMNumber@ŮIPJ( €0€Œ˜€€‚˙Number and Agreementv@JĆJ6 <€€€¸€€€€€€€‚˙There are two numbers in Romanian: singular and plural.'PJíJ$ €€˜€‚˙ëLĆJŘLŸ ™€€‚‚‚€‚€‚€ € € €€€‚€ € €€€‚‚€‚€ € € €‚€ € € €€‚€ € €‚€‚€‚€ € € €‚€ € €€‚˙Masculine plural nouns usually end in -i, feminine plural nouns end in -e, -le or -i, and neuter plural nouns end in -e or -uri.Examples: Masculine:lei (lei - Romanian currency)b­rbaşi (men)Feminine:case (houses)zile (days)femei (women)Neuter:paturi n. (beds)bilete n. (tickets):íJM, (€€„!€ ‚‚€‚˙See Alsoˆ2ŘLšMV |€d€ȂĆăvK%€‰€‚ăěę\U€‰€‚ăúłŽŐ€‰€‚ă)^R/€‰€‚˙NounPronounAdjectivesArticles'MÁM$ €€Ȁ‚˙9šMúM1-BƒĐúM.N6ŒPronouns4 ÁM.N( €€Œ˜€€‚˙Pronounsˇ‹úMĺN, &€€¨˜€€€‚˙A pronoun is a word that stands for a previously mentioned (or understood) noun. That noun is called the antecedent of the pronoun. &.N O# €€€‚˙7ĺNBO$ €&€˜€‚˙In the sentence:l; OŽO1 2€v€Ȁ‚€€€€‚˙The house was badly damaged before it was repaired.&BOÔO# €€€‚˙uEŽOU€0 0€Š€˜€€€€€ÔOU€ÁM‚˙the pronoun it refers back to the noun house (the antecedent).&ÔO{€# €€€‚˙”pU€$ €ŕ€’€‚˙In Romanian, the subject pronouns are often omitted in speech, because the verb endings indicate the subject.m6{€|7 >€l€€‚€ €€€€€‚‚˙Vorbişi englezeľte? (Do you speak English?)a=Ý$ €z€¨€‚˙Here are some other examples of ways pronouns can be used.S(|0‚+ &€P€’€‚€€‚˙They can be the subject of a verb.p:݁ ‚6 <€t€˜€ € €€€€€‚˙Noi dorim dou­ paturi. (We would like two beds.)Š_0‚IƒJ d€ž€’€‚€€€€‚€ € € €€€€€‚˙They can be the object of a verb.Atunci o iau. (I'll take it (feminine) then.)( ‚qƒ$ €€€‚‚˙ÂIƒ3„C V€ţ€’€€€‚€ € €€€€€€‚˙They can be the indirect object of a verb.Îmi face pl­cere s­ v­ întâlnesc. (It's a pleasure for me to meet you.)ĎqƒN…L f€Ÿ€€‚‚€€€‚€ € € ‚€€€‚€‚€‚‚˙An emphatic form is used after certain prepositions: Cred c­ aveşi o camer­ pentru mine. (I believe you have a room for me.)The forms of pronouns will vary depending on case and tense. lB3„ş…* $€„€’‚H€‚€‚˙Here is a chart of some of the personal pronouns of Romanian:°8N…j†x#Ŕ€pŘŢ s š Ó €€€‚˙€€€‚˙€€‚˙€8€‚‚˙€Z€‚˙˙˙SubjectDirect ObjectIndirectObjectReflexiveŽş…ř†w#ž€.ŘŢ s š Ô €€€‚˙€€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€‚˙€&€‚˙˙˙Ieu m­îmim­ÖQj†Î‡…#ڀ˘ŘŢ s š Ô €€€‚‚˙0€`€€ € ‚€ € € ‚˙€ˆ€‚˙€€‚˙€š€‚˙˙˙you (singular informal)you (singular formal)tu dumneata teîşite’ř†`ˆw#ž€6ŘŢ s š Ô €€€‚˙€€€ ‚˙€€‚˙€&€‚˙€.€‚˙˙˙he, itel îlîiseŽ·îˆw#ž€.ŘŢ s š Ô €€€‚˙€ €€ ‚˙€€‚˙€€‚˙€&€‚˙˙˙sheea oîiseƒ `ˆq‰w#ž€ŘŢ s š Ô €€€‚˙€€€ ‚˙€ €‚˙€€‚˙€€‚˙˙˙—}#ʀ4ŘŢ s š Ô €€€‚˙"€ €€ € € ‚˙€€‚˙€$€‚˙€,€‚˙˙˙wenoi neneneÎOq‰ÖŠ#΀žŘŢ s š Ô €€€‚‚˙$€X€€ € ‚€ ‚˙€†€‚˙€Ž€‚˙€–€‚˙˙˙you (plural informal)you (plural formal)voi dumneavoastr­v­v­v­œ%Šr‹w#ž€JŘŢ s š Ô €€€‚˙€&€€ ‚˙€2€‚˙€:€‚˙€B€‚˙˙˙they (masculine)ei îileseœ%֊Œw#ž€JŘŢ s š Ô €€€‚˙€$€€ ‚˙€2€‚˙€:€‚˙€B€‚˙˙˙they (feminine)ele lelese(r‹6Œ$ €€€ ‚‚˙9ŒoŒ1Ú,…ŻoŒŸŒTĂArticles0 6ŒŸŒ% €€Œ˜€‚˙Articles ŻoŒ¨ŽZ ‚€_€€‚€‚€‚€€‚‚€‚€‚€€€€ƒ‚€ € €€€‚˙Definite ArticlesThere is no separate word in Romanian for the definite article, expressed in English by the word the. Instead, Romanian has an ending which is added to nouns to express the definite article. This ending changes depending on gender and number. Sometimes u is added as an intermediary vowel to connect the noun and the definite article. Singular:Masculine :-l or -leprietenul (the friend)<ŸŒˇŔÇ \y€€ € €€‚€‚€ƒ‚€ € €€€‚€ € € €‚€‚€‚€ € € €‚€ € €€€‚‚€‚€‚€‚€ € €‚€ € €€‚€ƒ‚€ƒ‚€ € €€€‚€ € €€€‚‚˙peľtele (the fish)Feminine: -abaia (the bathroom)berea (the beer)Neuter: -l or -letariful (the rate)numele (the¨ŽˇŔ6Œ name)Plural:Masculine: -iprietenii (the friends)dolari (the dollars)Feminine: -lebaile (the bathrooms)reşinerile (the reservations) g¨ŽĚÂŽ *Ď€€‚€ € €€€‚€ € €€€‚‚€‚€‚‚€‚€€€ €‚€ € €€€€‚€ƒƒ‚€€€ ƒƒ‚€ € €€€‚€‚€€€ ƒƒ‚€ € €‚˙Neuter: -lebiletele (the tickets)cecurile (the checks)Indefinite ArticlesThe indefinite article in Romanian (expressed as a or an in English) is un for masculine and neuter nouns, and o for feminine nouns. Masculine: unun dolar (a dollar)Feminine: oo camer­ (a room)Neuter: un un bilet (a ticket)ˆHˇŔTĂ@ P€€€‚‚€‚ƒăvK%‰‚ƒă2wr‰‚ƒăĂt÷ś‰‚˙See Also:NounsGender and AgreementNumber and Agreement; ̏Ă1 ĐX…ĂÁÜÉAdjectives2 TĂÁĂ% €€Œ˜€‚˙Adjectives ŠĂÍł Ҁ€€‚‚‚€‚€ € €€€€‚€ € €€€€‚€ € € €€€€‚€ € €€€€‚€‚‚€‚˙In Romanian, the adjective agrees in number and gender with the noun it modifies. Adjectives usually follow the noun, but certain common adjectives precede the noun. Examples:calul balan m. sing. (the white horse)bun­ seara f. sing. (good evening)un restaurant bun n. sing. (a good restaurant)cecurile mele n. pl. (my checks)Demonstrative AdjectiveséÁĂćĆ0 .€Ó€€‚€€‚€‚‚˙Below is a table of demonstrative adjectives in Romanian. They can be placed either before or after the noun. When they are placed after a noun, they use the definite article form, thus ending in -a (acest becomes acesta).‡!ÍĹmÇf#œ€BÍŇ ' ť €€€‚˙€€€‚˙€€‚˙€2€‚˙˙˙masculinefeminineneuter¤:ćĆČj#¤€tÍŇ ' ť €€€‚‚˙€€€ ‚‚˙€8€‚‚˙€X€‚‚˙˙˙thistheseacestaceľtiaceast­acesteacestacesteœ2mÇ­Čj#¤€dÍŇ ' ť €€€‚‚˙€€€ ‚‚˙€2€‚‚˙€L€‚‚˙˙˙thatthoseacelaceiacea aceleacelaceleďœȜÉS t€9€€‚‚€ € € ‚€€€‚‚‚ƒă2wr‰‚ƒăĂt÷ś‰‚ƒă)^R/‰‚˙Pot s­ întrebuinşez aceast­ carte de credit?(May I use this credit card?)See Also:Gender and AgreementNumber and AgreementArticles8­ČÔÉ1;Żbˆ ÔÉĘÎAdverbs3 œÉĘ( €€Œ˜€€‚˙Adverbs{ÔÉ ĚŠ â€÷€€‚‚€‚€ € €€‚€‚€‚€‚€‚€ €‚€ €‚€ €‚€‚‚€‚€‚€ €€‚€ €€‚€‚€ € €‚˙The negative adverb is formed by putting nu in front of the verb:Nu înşeleg. (I don't understand.)There are also adverbs of place, time, and manner:Examples:vizavi (across, opposite)ieri (yesterday)drept (straight)The following questions words are also considered adverbs: cum (how)Cum este g­tit? (How is it cooked?)unde (where)„Ę΁ Ѐ €€ €‚€‚€ €€ ‚€‚€‚€ €‚€ ‚€‚€‚€‚‚‚€ € €€€‚€€ €‚€‚‚€‚ƒăúłŽŐ‰‚˙Unde este? (Where is it?)cât (how much)Cât cost­ pe noapte? (How much is it per night?)când (when)Când este urm­torul tren pentru Craiova? (When is the next train to Craiova?)Some adverbs in Romanian are formed by adding an ending to adjectives or verbs:Example:englezeľte (in English) from the adjective, englez (English)See Also:AdjectivesS" ĚdÎ1uX…ƒ dÎŽÎîEVerb Conjugations: Tense and MoodJ%ÎŽÎ% €J€Œ˜€‚˙Verb Conjugations: Tense and MoodŁxdÎQĎ+ &€đ€€‚€‚€‚˙Romanian verbs belong to one of four CONJUGATIONS which can be identified by the endings of the infinitive forms.x.ŽÎÉĎJ#d€\÷Aâ €€€‚˙"€(€€ €€ ‚˙˙˙First Conjugation-a: a ajuta (to help)y/QĎNJ#d€^÷Aâ €€€‚˙"€ÉĎNÎ*€€ €€ ‚˙˙˙Second Conjugation-ea: a vedea (to see)7ÉĎĎJ#d€n÷Aâ €€€‚˙"€(€€ €€ ‚˙˙˙Third Conjugation-e: a înşelege (to understand)z0NIJ#d€`÷Aâ €€€‚˙"€*€€ €€ ‚˙˙˙Fourth Conjugation-i: a vorbi (to speak)(Ďq% €€0Öր‚˙)îIš; D€Ý€€‚‚‚‚‚‚‚€‚€ €€€‚˙The infinitive is written with a before the verb, corresponding to to in the English infinitive. PRESENT INDICATIVEThe following tables give the conjugations for the simple present tense:First Conjugation:a ajuta (to help)WqńD#X€&ÉŠ €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙eu ajutI helpZšKD#X€,ÉŠ €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙tu ajuşiyou helpańŹD#X€:ÉŠ €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙el/ea ajut­he/she helps[KD#X€.ÉŠ €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙noi ajut­mwe help]ŹdD#X€2ÉŠ €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙voi ajutaşiyou help_ĂD#X€6ÉŠ €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙ei/ele ajut­they helpc.d&5 :€\€€‚€‚€‚€ €€‚˙Second Conjugation:a vedea (to see)UĂ{D#X€"ŔĆ €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙eu v­dI seeX&ÓD#X€(ŔĆ €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙tu veziyou see_{2D#X€6ŔĆ €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙el/ea vedehe/she seesYÓ‹D#X€*ŔĆ €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙noi vedemwe seea2ěD#X€:ŔĆ €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙voi vedeşiyou (pl) see\‹HD#X€0ŔĆ €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙ei/ele v­dthey seem8ěľ5 :€p€€‚€‚€‚€ € €‚˙Third Conjugation:a înşelege (to understand)`HD#X€8íB €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙eu înşelegI understandcľxD#X€>íB €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙tu înşelegiyou understandj&âD#X€LíB €€€ ‚˙€"€€‚˙˙˙el/ea înşelegehe/she understandsd xF D#X€@íB €€€ ‚˙€ €€‚˙˙˙noi înşelegemwe understandk'âą D#X€NíB €€€ ‚˙€"€€‚˙˙˙voi înşelegeşiyou (pl) understandg#F  D#X€FíB €€€ ‚˙€"€€‚˙˙˙ei/ele înşelegthey understandi1ą  8 @€b€€‚€‚€‚€ €€€‚˙Fourth Conjugation:a vorbi (to speak)[ Ü D#X€.#0 €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙eu vorbescI speak^ : D#X€4#0 €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙tu vorbeľtiyou speake!Ü Ÿ D#X€B#0 €€€ ‚˙€"€€‚˙˙˙el/ea vorbeľtehe/she speaks\: ű D#X€0#0 €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙noi vorbimwe speakcŸ ^ D#X€>#0 €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙voi vorbişiyou (pl) speakbű Ŕ D#X€<#0 €€€ ‚˙€"€€‚˙˙˙ei/ele vorbescthey speak€K^ @ 5 :€–€€‚€‚€‚€ €€‚˙There are also two irregular verbs which are common:a fi (to be)UŔ • D#X€"íó €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙eu suntI amX@ í D#X€(íó €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙tu eľtiyou are]• JD#X€2íó €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙el/ea estehe/she isZí ¤D#X€,íó €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙noi suntemwe areaJD#X€:íó €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙voi sunteşiyou (pl) are]¤bD#X€2íó €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙ei/ele suntthey areDŚ- *€.€€‚€ €€‚˙a avea (to have)Ub @D#X€"öü €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙eu amI haveŚ @ÎWŚc@D#X€&öü €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙tu aiyou have] @Ŕ@D#X€2öü €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙el/ea arehe/she hasYc@AD#X€*öü €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙noi avemwe have`Ŕ@yAD#X€8öü €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙voi aveşiyou (pl) have\AŐAD#X€0öü €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙ei/ele authey have&yAűA# €€€‚˙‡cŐA‚B$ €Ć€’€‚˙In Romanian, the subject pronouns are often omitted, because verb endings indictate the subject.ĐŁűARC- (€G€€‚‚‚€ €‚˙FUTUREIn informal speech, the future tense can be formed by adding o s­ before the verb. (For the third person, the verb will be in the subjunctive form.))‚B{C& €€0­€Ö€‚˙CRCüC> L€†€0Öր € € € €€€€‚€‚˙O s­-l vedeşi pe stânga. (You'll see it on your left.)ŕ¨{CÜD8 >€Q€`ք€€ €€ €€ €‚˙In formal Romanian, the future tense is formed by putting voi, vei, va, vom veşi or vor, from the auxiliary verb a vrea before the infinitive form of the verb.(üCE% €€0Öր‚˙ę°ÜDîE: B€a€€‚€ €‚€‚€ € ‚€‚˙PASTThe past is formed with the verb a avrea (to have) and the past participle:Am reşinut camera ieri, prin telefon. (I reserved the room yesterday, by telephone.)= E+F1Qbˆý„ +F_FJPrepositions4îE_F% €€Œ˜€‚˙Prepositions˜+F!G* "€1€€‚‚‚€‚˙PREPOSITIONS are connecting words that show the relationships between words in the sentence. Some prepositions in Romanian include the following:X_FyGD#X€(#Ę €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙din, de lafromN !GÇGD#X€#Ę €€€ ‚˙€ €€‚˙˙˙îninRyGHD#X€#Ę €€€ ‚˙€ €€‚˙˙˙laat, to[ÇGtHD#X€.#Ę €€€ ‚˙€ €€‚˙˙˙pe on, for, upon WHËHD#X€&#Ę €€€ ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙pîn­as far asXtH#IG#^€"#Ę €€€ € ‚˙€€€‚˙˙˙spretoward&ËHII# €€€‚˙1 #IzI% €€Œ˜€‚˙Examples:ÁIIJD V€ƒ€€ ‚€‚€‚€ ‚€‚€‚€ ‚€‚€‚˙Trenul pleac­ din staşia asta la cinci exact. (The train leaves from the station at exactly 5:00.)la hotel (at the hotel)Continuaşi pe strada asta. (Continue on this street.)= zIźJ1ƒƒ˙˙˙˙ źJđJBMConjunctions4JđJ% €€Œ˜€‚˙Conjunctions^;źJNK# €v€€‚˙CONJUNCTIONS join words, phrases and clauses together. 'đJuK$ €€¤€‚˙O,NKÄK# €X€€‚˙Here are some commonly used conjunctions:ŚVuKjLP p€Ź€‚H€ ‚€ €‚€ €‚€ €‚€ €€ ‚€ ‚€‚€‚˙ľi (and)ori, sau (or)nici (nor)dar, ci, îns­, iar (but)Examples:n7ÄKŘL7 >€n€Œ˜€ € € €€€€‚˙întâlniri ľi salut­ri (meetings and greetings)j1jLBM9 B€b€€ € € €€€€‚€‚˙fript sau la gr­tar (fried or grilled)1ŘL˙˙˙˙1˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙ ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙riăÄHelvaű˝aű˝aű˝aű˝Tms Rmnaű˝aű˝aű˝Symbol˝aű˝aű˝aű˝Courieraű˝aű˝aű˝Times New Romanaű˝ArialurMS Serif.url*.MS Sans Serif[InterTimesrtcut] URL=HelveticaŔSystemŔFCourier NewF New YorkF ŔGenevaŔLinePrinterFInCG Timesortcut ShelUniversion DLLUnivers CondensedPrAntique Oliveent TyGaramondensionCG OmegaMôjjPjjAlbertus MediumAlbertus Extra BoldClarendon CondensedCoronetC:\WINDOWS\TLetter GothicMarigoldWingdingsMarlettArial CECourier New CETimes New Roman CEMT ExtraArial NarrowArial BlackArial Rounded MT BoBook AntiquaBookman Old Style’ÄCentury GothicŔ¸ŔCentury Schoolbook˙Monotype Sorts ‹Map SymbolsŹýDÎ ÁHaettenschweilerýAlgerianŕüŔDÎ 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