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"after adverbs of time or place adverbs of time or place :         . = Now that that 3I know the truth I don't want to see you again. know the truth I don't want to see you again.      . = Here where where 0we are standing there was an ancient temple. are standing there was an ancient temple. to introduce a sort of indirect statement after certain expressions such as verbs of perception and emotion and other words involving the emotions introduce a sort ofl\5&Greek Grammar & Syntax Reference Help"Grammar 1998 Translation ExpertsBrowseButtons ()BCreateButton("hbtn_PrintSetup","&Printer Setup","PrinterSetup()")5CreateButton("hbtn_Print_button","&Print","Print()")=CreateButton("hbtn_Annotate","&Annotate Topic","Annotate()")2CreateButton("hbtn_Exit_button","&Exit","Exit()")Zmain?main*;:Oz0WG  Om##O,lGq q AM1G MZp Table ContentsV/ 6 <`"   & Reference Help8\\M% UD0Copyright 1998 KiLtd  USA. 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Following acct `Arotl-`his Poetics, @[lyA'!6s echoral songskMUaeb`hongod Dionysus. When@ serGPusok ģpona!< or arespHond1wh{ ^J@_,0born1@QB1QBC BC6 :.a1 pPythag*N$GSamos [!e thItal,y,"N!a philosophy* 1lo>brQ!hooAell ; ;orem,taught , ~ 2y ths,    basuniDseHelit'@ km@ i`3&k4}ADT1FG1\GI+GI7 <8mF! XuDial (`)z):!(-$ \th:skGp 1KI J1+ JK]IK. *4E“k6Jp4Gye; Gk ?7dea'AB @`323 `Egypo+mc5e m)8`7 yul>"ՌderS>  7 o{!N Ea11 J6K1+6K0LK0L^ H% *7 "@ud(PmDiphngt#glidNvp K s)Dup twtD`s$es@ cow)h`igh(Ms ]`s lBnon-h !LP it? 16KaL1aLN0LN ؀<(#1Sg>$P0+%TPerS` Exp sewhich QqsESauxi g , ,  Z)Xopp-dt;1ClaSu,Nin(` (Ic write) DZs eMoBnI` ތV ic 1 |B T  Y0x#w 5"rP j1l*,y 'B,b I ߰`'ten@`l [  2+.ot42:!"1aLO1OONO,@ &+C#Uf.Digm sys  (;@y) ofa!0d5: 'S1pur:7d )@ tigV,1OO1O[P}VO[P. ,B?AChurF%wG:Wlo.g 7wG e o%nt3>Gospels1OP1PEN[PQ\@ nLUA7`%O;8Enic"le"x6)e(v)`fro Bweak#  l , , ev u"f`g0  @extra *GIes kIt+&PQ#p nER v QmRV#|@8 Q "%h Q 5Q @ (SPEET-ee-moo)#QRh#*Fuu0 .$&pnA{!PEZ-toh+mRShV@v"Є"p7@@PRAGH-mah@-TAHu&RS`#LST5 8zH$croba  homelCA-eomic, milit"abptical s. +%ro i#C Jewis h P110$o2:=t'3Kleph(fr ief/robberqV%kD1fl4u%\ OquGreece-descendant&0brig] 19$ !ah dL,s8ist di@r 5&1Љ1%Љ_E"' D8_DGeo0grapReg'Of  +Љ@( pˀ9!86vs +0Ȅ:t 1uGCmr Ln Cor$inFfak Ans Cret30Imain#ې.fra.ycla1`xi!0A(egeCxD(elojDcaHneso`"tvI "Rhsw/ sC5T7ey Eu uOA lbani/@okfuKg`b0 MaXoB]PY@Bulga &F er Yugovn N1 t'vv@Les$bopנ@xN jݭ*5bn'8L*nApeninsula `8/b`narrowthm]S4_#Fh a>l `;a R?#Th>r]a-!1a+v(bsWbcmsx0 Sj+ +I% d    ():+;`(#ώD X.c (&rc a F 6e/"H Boe\ot( 0U߃;_. *M,!`)1ti)Mi \ +s%m;L56 orl%99W ~O1ώ1:& +_6! W!Jolo> 2 Zaky us Jmzp in Rw er[V,[T D y s K@o 798-1857). H7% rugFgR  rM-rote,^ 6 kHym(L rt:C>,@ qHhem11e'ʐ45p 8c 19Z{"!ZWh erRadopǻ . Unlikj s ri} B@elgiumCanadaS16@lictQ*I,U. 5`inhab hdiffe nic ؁d! "ǡO%A"@ 718i1ʐ/1(/3=d i'Nkn1O( @Ro]."purified" 0y ") Ũrefdm B % q$. eign remoIr ! bv`ol+%!`sB [׈ 5Q<!"popr"A  = G 7%K[atte{ tcl]. \U/ *kM2[ ou e!bydayOdvFo K;a@revous!c  =@hairy=>JRUR]/3@ N+ N=3@  /were varieties Modern which +'the statu!Katharevousa Demot`ic [10S used `many : ("mixed") was @ extreme form^and is wha@t [ W when y t!d too . w("spokenq@%X=ǐ.1=d1)dgg3g6 :ψ]i!pAPKavaDfyConTntine P. ' bo`Alexria, EgyptP1863pnts ,o le. AMR@, ,sp 2y yearsHEnglKO; 1{ly 1hc Q .tradition well  poverty!,Wlife1BpworkeMinistr>PubZl.W[@cIW0tiwr|ng 0. @,becaț 2" .>recognize`Greec|Rl latjeer.d HI 1Ny sensve??C@xBful`itera?!<@al s31d1P*9g, &s3 5SSeferis*# k /GeorgiHos #0ad(1900-197 1). BA2SmHyrn=L3Qa diplomS_servmbassadorSLebanYWBainGQB"ld lucidd  pismi}0ur]l11+9 @nCP1@dN,ik>zzakg(1885A,574CHkl, CretlH5ravelJ hroughoutR"1t3/0 Js draw heaviɁP#s#m#a;a nrtnsd ClicU |U#hilosopbh2wro OT woC] s, @ZorbaTLast TempC"ht,5) pict8urepobT EauthKn11&,A P+3Ia چ!V&Elyt?@cseudonyhOdysseepoudk$F. 5n1@'1seo muMiO OoL[}4@ ` 31_W-mh ܆F"&flq QE 8K 0F2 H  JQ,Pun:")50 0 $(pHJ ր` g @p)p!,?@8 WLR 8P! !a u$off3KBC,GqRt8 !:c"iizM3`d (se,,$N&S 8th }BC (@lier),Fk_$ e contactI$|s`adaRpHVv "iIt @, ,E0 sRI Ȼ"uexpC SicItak(somf 9ook~1եPLwi% . IoG@0colov$Ch al uboe5p ;C ? 1X#|L faV0B\#t;\Aupperca 3{`inscrip~ papyry docum)4[(w 4;YY+  Y!H"#6o {0*8 00 AD) #3*zopl !K@up( -< F)'todaQ *FU v,  Guide=`3SystemN2|JB^#<o.`|  s+s  `. 0+bUQLQ Nm yj#{{0R U0P p;ByB4j~xxxqxx0ˆ zj 5z4(j>ykkD{j"Cvy(j>```!xjْ0_"y j|QQQ("zjʣR p#0DDDDDD:J48X  p4!X w jVVVVCVw jvTTvw jDD ~v#x,(F{zр< &F+ s#(/GGGG"SP7|#Ȁ2gGpS\(1e!,xjcc*  {jbbFw jVV w jvTT w jDD ~v?sJ+"$" /&511.MpgM: DΑ -:/G?+ ?tw/ L;-+1~1l/~:MSs u07~SM~ 0&Different Versions Th e w far ;a unified nat+ e8th }BC when t3was . Eac(y a/rt ?' Y ano2r  >. On?=' n passom to ܟseveral  C.simultaneous ly ! J.How/Chappen8ed,little impetus  U ?kadop} p`exact^\0way. ##!u`somCwhiVB! `dna?s. kŁ !C+ mav , Ez!Q, Ł ( evl @ %(abse}) H!K2 ?:P 90 (`inv)5~, & Xb,Bs^d Lfo5 aree$ bG qZ B 0Lbu*`:4LB, 9!1 `allZ" Can  M1m!tod1S31'03) !T| ƀ B=# ܀#BSZ!`# ` !5Py3*0-`*0t1two +' :aq 7iM3IA% word`&((finS) i.ɔ"T#kKH8 orV0G5#q83C@ Vp!twAp&@2Q\4ormsou@ ssee0vT;Y#:q@ "!a` LaYe (sah-LAH-tah)}e#0uu0=0Qߡ TREECE|; cfCIp#ũ6W 4`frFoiU    T!Az!zooArY2<!c1!1ZVEE-no!h#ؠ8A(fJAKOZ-mosse(h>ep4w Bh#"zghoo-ROSS&) G \Mp4@؄EBdB'q7L'lu"e (moon-like)lookD a zCDI'  tur Dail,hre_'3p twistrs$2C' 1(Z 11Z  )  4 6?G!%"&dOmicA & OmegaQ sH`Modern  or ptiAx,/I &&&Z  #` FCm ~ S#vKxKXKvK%( 7eEE -  7( k  SlBllQ#ll bigO $~  " G&< I 132I  [Punctu*T  X` H@"$()h+() QE @GO i  B5I  0 0 qy(p ~IkS n 1 2Fpp marksZG 0k H; SʨGg  P#pP/KG'H*W  dY'+= (fu stopln A \`# f/7rf r@ r,!s0commq  _#kP|+pb @2n!!(= fcLA 1wDBuIH),>OI` uP.&t;A05 @e9 l{_9.QBc++<' onic Symx\[V |Uz-U\>S5>S S% 0S H5L0HHNc flqP@%@`ګ/F thousyears writt = ucc`s dev"1teaJ e<(sd U)U 928offO!4ETpreZ j h/33ts 'p >?o9 PvaluF!n]p; Pi&%OveU0 , 2y %po/repla0cingred< a@wih 7:  litie. 1982,*G1&<@)J/qa UQQF" ly LFV z)br>dYWo!U%Lan acute mdiscuss1e/Q-#1teche`termsGOD Uharoxye T,rul: ?7N}u #,P^,-F7Z~d%ms, 1 Wi"1Y  m S""Qvowel .. I/` occu_e.  . #g0 `Q! ..dF&: BĀI",5/ao$B (why) u),, beca) d"o. ousual 3i< lb'%}M^ Kqla‘΁Ul2 mdo (Pn nmonosyllab)l4c8 ,( or), [#) 0! )@howA_c!c qQ| us#Y!d p:k&y@d ~;b_My@[!  = The { to us.E..Our.)MA3 4 ~ As words ,  :.is @phenomnB "students Classical g@a setrules (and s)  , t@@?Modern<rE yh. Inoadjectives0C ::/Vy@AA#R*w QUn OA&BAhUUUUpTAzBA&p QSF &BB2Z@ .1B*u>ATzBCA4p>8=0<aBDN jU d p"@is transfe`rred Jk m I (which two Q n) with,0c9@ O 2le -1S sas a unit~B2CDh#d?~24~2$4*4b%2. (02F"L$2?J1(tah PRG-ma-TAH-mou)J$DD"L _ #&1DD14D=FZFDIE= J!t у 4OxytoneS l#&DoE# 3D: IEE0#0e7oEE0999@9 EF04ppp@$E=F"~1FnF15nFGjS=FFD X~1A~Q{6ParoQ 9 nFG00fh8FIG08A; GG0hpA9 IGG`0$$GG""1GH16HIiVG{HG ^"æ,'3 third: HH04 3x&; {HH0k19"'"': H*I0t: HdI0$*II"3 dII17ISJQc>IJJ d~*H?":(H7W IX) kp5ISJ0 0 9(_p.J:JGMw uWP)C 0Տ  IZ Z@lq ŀ R)Guide @#maint a Anci)0ful w8 \c< s4YX*[ true Afarvocabula@ry, 2*s@conc ed. fo 'x  mbling@ blockurnR stz us xM  v  , Svery >:0way -8%1 5%@We do vowel  %!Eo @5O.  _took !ly W^(?D It uld mzAmaj| w!1)`abo 500 AD8Orthodox ChurpreservNew (se "b  "w 4. _ro lCJ@`Greek lifi \Ko 're5 l bCDa ous$year,SJO}p Ȁ c1 8t%zrL <ګCJ"W n0acZV;Oo*g 'e @d cB"z,r[ '0R,E.& `dial s. &G spora3!hrougtp2Porldz hard*urpr&i"od 2y vari`ationLv ]elf( mark 0howA1. X1  of6 5 3!Ħh/y^2a [Z|#ЀooooQi#rAeffortsEv e t *(#8 a-re-O v-ROP-Z=F)ĕ}:GGR)3cS9q--P (EE AN-thro-p>8mtGGGGpo7soupRoSK&ROP&ĕ#  DD7m0h#nr4rrG~ rԑ0i@nglea ߡangg@-k*+ΗtVvvZZv!U)o k A .A NKNT0q#QuQt:Q8\ t thCk y wh, s ":NGos*^Η2t>N.ګd0NFhN( (SFEENKSs `<.&X#%2e#J77K((7Gaҷ;T.8SNbu#){)BENd6&XwqtL''/'w-Lda *D\6*qTFFWCsga( M ga-RAZ&w7#1ԛn#b9f|wA(lz0p mo aBi$TSAF27~z#Ād Oy e1addSdz!.JATԛ 9 @8u0Ǫph thong1n rue 4 s `Gk [ vowel s 0 s[5ughy a2: &4~\#@h] o[3J7(KyIP HlmoJM`@highk8 -ht #@-f~;NLOboy |k8֭oubbBCW onanUnlikeClassical KC! Aw- \6oBjP!#HJLra qCtM(Tla-sa h2vf{=al-A-zom  #G \'" *S0Sound C he33a situ=7s- # d. A  be  for det . Tma !H 0man uns:t s X ]0front a 3ҡ#Sbecomes a y :mV#|.T@s %-!0 a peh-DHYAno#\P#&ll0bxxPu@u`0ur MA-tyaD V/`0 @ P$This !. tiIN1sound, moreH fchg!(like `air). The )`certain words ancient g0 whichO>ed `having not @+ Aw!lVB1a[q[qQ]1(LO-yi-a) (lea rned)b#A;kk3`hro-pmh "S#Q/0% $2M(A very ,(4: e 2) appl # ()E3 +3startithvowel32 ,>>1kee- egh-OEl isionmas3w=@I[% begin\5( g#20 # elid(dropp absencew`an . Is*&#PPL $%aPG|1a#6aţ8CS5C)0P3a1, `}a{8{{%"%{2{x{ @~1,a:E446o @ {av4vvvv1.vp 044},$auOauuSx @ )m#Rnn:($Bz!  p w$1^#2AŞ*  `^ U,&e? )5' )KJJoS #3', %42Q writ a '$(I3)E'c `tonat4la Dd va $ k person. For%ksih(0t HU Euse^ rz0t4k} .o 111:llN j k QA Compa HC,m lyq-0oug+ s$e;c , 6U `o 0 11;5 l ^Wew7vz2t-zbWLXi'E`2`T!Gammm j" %two = %Lth3 , s. /b no Qz`   ScottishJ]1 loZ-[(73c c!D vibrngH  RgC0SpanTAra-- . He _2`lBef   S&yoL 4! 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A+ ؀#1@ @F In the Ia word, 'mb `coine:*6'0qFV#|6f  ! 8 V(gam-B ROSS)|b@#4pp0@|||||e{$F" l0&o11AD V!ab1AA@t 7Q HiQof!s forei`gn / d ad"&# B1i;S#v,]1QA|!DEEN-ohz_#eh=qno"(DOH- pyossnx;-_y2yyB kBk"AH-dee@*WP' w dpC-A R 4+ <*RT$n"eing$*W'Dw!h VBod$C " Cn-(-poh-see!~b!8v!!!d4@deck-a"~hdb}d`dLEE$"1d1 B  &$%@ & d}$$JBe6肽 TH * (Pn f &&#n3V0Vaff-TF%bJmi~fOC~chah-r@eest-Os}37 _h~K; )nk ii & Z # #>qVK  A R>#;^!Zˋa<-g6+ga^ r:-,u ) "=$ۍq V<=?<ͺ1<1=E`=> JSBY  U rough  `Qt`toujours.1x1GxGG \梼) n>epp e2'pet(1x11H1AV99 Brr7 tpo #7l1VB, ,T, st A+KFAT-s'+xkbkownIEvm9pHG K*nt$imy QQch*ai:tk@V >>Sl_!IJ TSA-e>CH@A-ee)v!@b#Bo #+D  ! 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Toy ˗! 6 elengof time  r`#N=RAy O0a>b/? u @ion  child'dsX y) an  Itwo a block wood \ )1R %Is$  " +&1  1    2 2/5I8=5+"3.3 7ǯd GB r" Xt[`di\ onari` c-bul 1  1 Rc| R ހ ف :@@6zt0c0"c)fbCasmi BX ?  qb] !Dit l11,D i;urnms  bZ5$PwT$ # 1remnang fif o( DP$)A j Ɂ  1 1|oR. ,ޒ1@(xNumber;[b ? a2L:%! wa_ pluralM;:1" 5 :@Ae\ -<-GfF% ^oh 13  &, Q5Ά4j/5:`0jj&"#` jOoeA@ P@P^th-?.91ex8hK< X l'A"$\#Ld c#$?*&@_  ;^f .݊ ~)rS.w/ .z\0 ]= Our built o Ah Z$ V |TbLX]0x^8m ja\lQl'Gosw)}3wJ dfqu^ a}log|m>@?R( /haPaaʩNag asDlM.9[@JrJ>:B"^12 4b6@`ppoint [XWA >B҆m"&˚_m&\/sQ ǩP"4" T: -R |UX;e'> LN! ^B#0ܱW-X/<?#^Fhrom* ro,"e up beggarNz0J `t`d^z #c$]AH"@Z+/iVU=i@My brorg0g6belawyC71 Ei\<䦘]'֗ V50 C@Lp f!)o|2P3ja*.S]d9kout [-ondӡsq +uK ( ,B)-Asid 2C@nd  words nn -Ivocative %the 3 :Q@9 B0P! #  .QBC@@- * .P0GD@= Come 2, ladA `!@6A? NvBP$ `0/ @ő ߧ N&@A- LP= Hey idiot, what you F?AO6AA6 <2@=1P6!=;B!AB' P>!8Aw0going, Yorgo[ApB<` H> + I!BB-9kwould -sir4mpBPC@ Pu_"oCI 62|Often, `colloquia@l .,  Ƶith out an acco mpany<  3OBC6sc1(!o 3!\<PCC'*Let's, guys;ZC5D< AOt},R*0<`%@:hSTT'h/JAr9 < artA `profe@ssion.;p/w/TcUHg9NLTU-:Lheight (cUU%GT9U-V4-rB7;in various u=(UUV%I-VV6 x<& E!;UVV- 4~`God: KV$W@6*@(G*J FVjW0$LHere' MBa A$W 0j"N 6 jW FCjWO- *2Ȁ lcome (to 8)!C 0 0&B0!#Ep BAOӀ@0B"A Ȃ= Damn her@ C0E}$@ =S-X 0 = Poor 2({% FP40S2 2Q(0^,c s1i8 1various Quses  which gbe tatically classifi@ed and&@the is y@ h.3 {E1  E gׂb 8$!0<- B c1u PI@+=Av l.![3 @, Hdor )s5E 0* 2("8PARׂ^ ҁu` q͞F kԸ `!/`nR!&`s 3`?@`~9p1OZ`-g`_tPs@ 37raH:!*0B 0(!d0 0H)00@70>0 irenderwit2 Sof a's (+s), , citadelCorinth = P7!P| ǡ"?ano43deps. +"almost" %'3 `man ys0a crowygold~ _H w  $CUU#۱@ 2I\DxQ&d verb. #its thoF4w on ce 8`qnow extinctzn5wo rds dO)y1e )have none at . In s\A!Rm`eAF7TCaѽwgD` J t,ԎHXD6 ?NŢ  $ 0$N$׏3H|_ |D=I Kto  %t,KHP ``bP#wsw!~%F"׏-~0Pw@+a fav8  ~s+KH 1V@┣d{={%pzV%Z9 BJzcc;2}*N Ȃqw/ёH^Vf],RYҾN)Z-oGA@t was = ;P+(ёG%"dZ E&(NJA pnD$PPlea'a ofK8 ,,= Classic 4,* u >d ae) c sr Lsepar(. T$hegxlo x A05fL[4aUlM%K(G@%,Ndړ6 <0*&e]k8 ;I#- *["h 9oMA"%@f$  <\%h9 BJȀ I<wine bottle (= of  )5 1[ ҁ zhEn { (N<- c1u P0I@=8Av At 3 , ( @0d)!or&05z0 0 81("/!(E% VmP)Pz53 4v-QA! defs the which depends `denoting  . @ iedan demonstrat ive:(]%_&59 PLP2!@#$# P"@SB]* $:BSgreat abilityg(e?p NP𠀦@@F ?*48XIC ߑ9thiyp>7e1% ( ITdk ===:::s0<;;5`0;;kX!90#ywho#a {B"Uv9ArI b;!* <e top \HWv9:@SSsJF@AI- *e4`walls,@719ҁ _@g"I*nkR5_0(*% }}_0AFyWr! whwo`uld b) Ya verb to52Y ]@9@ %S=3 6zTJhZ J G]$] 9HR0%Z9g-4rٙs woffplaC@ vsXf7 1( }E%HgHn v 5}0(H %U}6 :"## <###Dus wit!in0FYAkal K T, }thos[m)udesi@re, , j powerr^ ) ]as }n)(%DY %9FL6m)ug>0 |ētruction#tow3ry0oy*#^%%98|.$[EE-vWsupport/TPP$ 5z1  zS &Ek ܜ,&ټ5zS`0V=9F%e sDiz agr<Z!S9BK#K M\Z6]0 l!ngirl'te@n yearla!`Z!9;,)@L9]0qЯI pD@C1 C !^Geni n 5C 0(H%wm / .912y Ui pronounR ?in^sify)mod/?f(H%_<#-h }_u")<_- k= my <#- w;_-- &w@;mvH@3x *Gx|p@=[- gTKus\#@9F! 4,1$1WA[- 21Қ:j!;3- Q%+Gz@-*4%2ne (1 !"life\;3-bG>z-iGd it3&1 j&Цn Y@05&0() %3 435$10Qg3V9;iYc@ategord. 7El y h, (=)- * NT/533' U- TE=Y-oo;'oDopt* ath's doT 1Y14o=4@@ Pg? 3;q}8&... ~rH) P@$ l<,  T[?[ _$ ,T"@ k WeAq3UE to malP occupations 8f+Pfe-P 0//inani(matcabstract Js gbe k|e0B If an   worda,N, ! ie Hnou . In s 0755nearesI D} two # ԉ4 @  !JP pc@4@3s\vocv)% (kin -!1 1kb%2ĉDRemEReferrihng 7M7# CG)|!aT"5PT x4ƥ/ (WR \BbB$ /%(f, M/%- *^"Dw'= Hvery nge  2= H~(h3E eaccompanyn #þR07ex  to11I  37w%F4.%9<#(women# instes, felt (99[  mon,  ea% wiK;(= K fzr`$K(yǼ Y(i(mU"D! b -VByF!p= My fe  w%H  T<eve&@ @3/9@7UO# -FrX;kYD2 look[ tG/d11_*w?@ NT ?a_iq\߆;J/<O_kdo y$ou,ntsir?1w12$) "9Z jc&= JL3kgiN$$2}HA Qa,1106) #.I6@I{l1!8%\ [$ L+6/=V=BS(Pet'Ffe+t+uIK ei3Ax܊.O'2 Ns .A eye.1u1x\@sch4P 82E>Q#SmFd Only$/ Λir (o zd ``diff  ܂.&# XbhS#v(o  N8h >9N$7k@#naWHxmm0m47mP^ y0 !}mornq(pxlur#12#=$8@h#H@"ph>Aa"`&8@ light, radiance$\@" 1&E18@@1`@CP6\@@0 0lT@12y EFound Only  e:v@SAY#: " !`  >#v! #birthday/}@Ae#蚀0uu0& 010!verSASB@e|<||p @ !|`noculars/:ABe]t$& "the @ (oin this )NSBCt#xr:;R&@@%"e  (your mind$BC"_1CC1ZCJI!C6D0_B#:=]' fcXMore One Gende"yoCD:@ D I3Rwhich mas7i[g'9a} (s, with ,ent >s#06DD- *$=MDF#xh jj X(ԕDc#ѕ0.3 H(0@ULc3 "Nd"!4wh4 (j4 Լ"% .@%speecxheJD14wordFLDbG#ā<<ؔ(Hq^tR3HGQFHEEEEE2:<2ZEj\Enp2 EFBtime, yQ1i<<  n $~L=M"1MnM1nMR@=MM& X<5MvyW )Do Not Dec" onnMN, (w)mXW usual do . 7keep# e mno matter @-)MNb#R6giucuKM>6@Ros - B@A|garagy'N=On#NT:hpM"'I"'`?0G0rec" $NOnHW+wN6b88 )ort*=OgPn&T&& O4 &qU#$1c* (movie) st&OP# KlL{zgPQ+ &PrefixesB K\to70a Bthoughy =when used  lyU&&P.Q#BQQw#J9q #( X;%3l%`  Z30-P}St. SofiaE.QR}#ʀXt+Mt+L'N PP7FFDemetrio $QR@"1RR1.RVL RHS-L@uB1XPropNBa End `rX<RS1 2x5A: # /[// wofmeno?kV@.C&HSS#8N~SDTj#,94E>jZԎ:{> I>,STv#}^} ^Opbj-DTVUs#.p3O,TUv4PH~?.Qy &VU V #|UVs Q’"2 > !/7@`%O#o Q PgP pA# U*kKos (@)  & echo)X3 V,W1ij,WWZDVpW7 >"vA".+\ Z5,WW0@ 0 (@pvGepW Z 5]A>[a 10!g,` )9P3 F  0Ta PQuo (P(@+4PA8H(@7 K & 0~0[P0 ">P"\J0+B5ռv@jh\/g1) `2 @@// 6/Verb 7Xan,i ?bef"T% way o8 finit form v_ ! show`itsrl Bn 8bHZ m? g˓> 0 00voicnV< In VG ,Cl a al 6@] W/9HW d3RBa<$RP 1fRHfR `1"P]@rOrRðRZh d(inU P.AQbetransi?"$a!% ZV . 7verbs 'three J (@called gs) which us`forming "! H. S0how to hH1two a irreg ular . itybY@, the  { recommendand 0[variations:| Zj@ [ R @g,`)%9P \@g1) `2I @@  71с1сJyJ= H ! P 0Finite ! 7!1Ai' 1с{1{l\J4 8`Pistic vowel diphthoe@ m H1{1-7 <BDA!IQ@QVXrFor:1, s 2trou@blesom. One is cWsA u E(T sy a -!%12ic-# @=be qu apparent[fRe@L. ButBre w2y s 9 4 #Y ? t ^guidelines zd `any@ wilхuniYsF cceptNadtd 3,nve *. .Te,@ littl!3in providqan exhau8l J$`- e`gre mast| with 3G1؇KGυ;@S,= JX@t9v 1 C  |ZX15G0 0 (I"NCfĆz €e#@ow "$4 H&@ -3D 4A)deponbBp'6 %_(ls0>s. 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H- 3-@@you (R| h#(v v.v@^I&\|Pp |@|0|@- they$#" L0&1T1ToY#= JB8 A.1! `C *is used `older @ 9#.1T1~AM.A(0 \09form verb rare not }1r1r7;A' 4.rA!The Perfec t ssr2, &+YGAtimes  using which `number, owith6 word descri bes:9 k3#6b!!32:|2e#8^^^SZ4"Rz!j`Dr"lyk`bh>{cCo{pCx`xx!x'htNxMD$1Md.&| |)` & $[{w9 E3:Dh{ b8> 0q-p M11 2bs n% 0@Y1M1)^J)P1}v7=v'+jGRk[egardvas 01Z1Zuq)@1 8!7S ۅg`be (fi mp%7 1Z1Z4 6RG7YwVariant O%1a of v@; , @and favorin6 ouns Greece. Pp'} BZߢNv(5;+%%()Uo*4()/- !@2%'@pu;PH`H ~Z> L~pbAnj &n]$Α Nov% 0adhe E 9recommen 6) 71KV2Asp l6ZI blK(m 1 00~0 @@JKQ0s  Z}  L520 0 (S " #a x/3\L  U c%O`!h$$L0R0 p[3a +Smaster. @YP [)L$el vDn  De. 1t`wo  :  PjD2E-  /y',DŽn _;$;a leng` +N 5application&out s ! kQ when start%  (xif) ;dG40 LHTg2@ ܀1€Io)? E%8y*b9lA@.PrHesekc5U--CAb5qX   d,on ( ,aicula!dj5k^2ƃkA@A& + $sSU3J#  Q*futuL u !9 Nn #. B%!s e O@continuity, 121yg9 @dqO#H1no 8  Ww VS'Bm4PC will u?# p CS;8r.7D X\:GBnZS ."BwX;) "vhK1*try  IT ad5s. (@0|27 J ddZ{/ΰP0\;g)= , I a your pa uB׀1 1fg, JNx"']k"unrsally jermsgF[JRk4C+T ,dn, T"(A% W>MYVÀTr z+Rk^ CGq S lu7  P1A1H"F'p D>F;NPrincipal Pma Vghb+[ݞ Ԟth g&G0H28Ņw/#&F# OBl@Y#: | #'  ( ?7  ?.n- {#k#ԀFkk0 ww? 4wP3}$W|  {'@ep#N@.`(0~00 - &>#@  %^c(@ % A*@If you the three gs l, g[verb.1>1\ =@ @w@" A%&#?!0 3  fore  >1two types basic H:<Sigmatic L a it- b. 9@combin:with_  0 I&rm  cO 5PY j!  ``>>- s^> L7"4t^~a As@   cslightly@ ,entP!LPte !t(0,`'!x2>! =!w+er2<a JQf Is B((n  3?- [a VqQh'A#eve2 7tZ |nhn2_%@`|4$Q$` $"`*+' DtT3) ":D d5ho6B Tl\rThese usualk_`>^i!\A.Q r\# cSU` 0*1'J3 48}Kaأ2   A$$, iGMe+ KU y h511lȁF]v[bI bv(!. l(V`,`'Xvari s el zd . "͍A! sB ()u?'c h V#|$] [Pr)7 Q d CCI tiw| [ _#<gg0 sPp@ppj9v0  k#@vv@ 40)t@he/ u[ Y _,/pA pAw t!w  _t8ttt0ts t!)1vY F _.v0 yaB2 x * $. 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T"defective"#!@0 is, aith [Zan X,  "be"9|,J""0$gJ-5< am5y  hKo@(G8{\y*\{& /}*  hBKxxpxey Gxz@I !~  hzMp!Gq{`burn{}   hss<#sq`say{ @ hu&s+#l|uagos7O @ f@ B+H$㟵)P_ "@Xګ,͙X$ Cvar iatio$e@ls nCommon V#4IrUTPrincipal PartsJ @  a list.1a verbs which do ?to 1st 2nd [  jors  ; 6@were used `1 Mitodaym1 @ 1@ 3A |z@ 3A 4 8w!@ An  iPs Pe the patterntwo@ls; @ nA 1 nA B oK VD 6bej03A A F@ \` G(  1 YLW 2 Z)5nA B 0@ 0 (W"AA B N j#`Xd1jQ (0,  -its>, C D wc9@'χ![7" ea ymitQrangforms:[ B 1C P#p8x v! 1ZnB C \#Ԁ$ZZ0ff0fPf1.f0A`n1C D \mmmmEm@0nC {D \@0r D D \I,IIAabI+C 0n{D [E \M!o@w0nD E \))))M2[E E * X$Z 3O E JF D#X]c$QB433<$O E F D.NNNNPN JF F Dy0Q F 8G D렝#QeP F G D<<<3pBN 8G G D2 G H *Z  zgG oH V#|"T"|15" r!t7RTVtH H b#=f="=ur%ErsP4toH WI bsssss4> vH I b(}Z ~d tWI AJ b]]]]]sPtI J b]E22AJ J *&0봃H aJ HK SP#vK /847Tx'J oK % 5P& ; HK K 1J zՅK GL@ `W ;Z&h0oK L F;H;";9Z&95K GL `099L CM c 9p3@ ͠PHj[$KN, asideo R f,as a y <* C" t`ense B Γ1 !\*t, mam$-l*[GL M Pl:ollllzjCM N \l ZlB75'lj@nM vN \:i&iAPlN N \D D=P;ml@pvN RO \ C&865 Ce`nN O \I II!*PoRO /P \ ~&!9`5O dP - *eJh[ /P P P hJ|BtJO8i dP (Q \ ZcIXg%h P Q \ Ihh 9j(Q Q \3^)А"jQ dR \~iii0Xi Q R \20<5 dR S -::eR gS@ V ? $JNa5)tS S b:d?p^+%jiUsgS NT bk sssr0uS T b Q+QL+vEtNT 7U b[[[S[i[tT U bB57U U -Z{ {Oޢ]U =V Px bw- -A5( 8U/lU V \w|6#͍h`|ahPF (/5=V V -y0y+J+^V vvss,veQv)${  "; Q 1Q H Ugoh. Fݥ\Ego5Q  0e S | ƀsqe `u5*("@㺕6 zQs whose Kkin vowels absohe0 @ V ZU. ?/m H,; will v(ary5)H1(go) used   s ' which, turn, zwith T eZ PB{ T>X2%M-5{[ x+g S  \Y%,N.e`sKh | \f?\f`%h  \gggg?n[h | L \k[h \7gg72L *H $hKea G P,1e/&`( 2g[p \.`bbqlp` l@*lpCk`G H H `kV 4,<0Q*:JC  H I)&$ɶ6g TZ/ jugate %"1 y 1Hy  6 g3H L hh͋fk -V  ʻ5y  0ˁ 4 x6 ^+1@2y Hw way or. 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By7KAD ,'p!M/; d `phra ea s*,B a2/+sh4 to...). 9!7P: P, Ely,  reo t 1 ] 1] , 3p 4^upU<Ag g VG.ҁtwhi,what time; }and C! e.+1] % 1%   ? ^pI/9 ;+@@D0 &"_(if  desi red) *1perfect i%  s ;)to .1% P 1P r\ . , A, the (er writis making an inference wh@at gb1n 1P 1 ; D0p In !say "Ao f" (Fh = chez) eidiom, u se plus kpersoHn. Zth1word P"ho;"\:& #P bWA; k W ~v! ?@ @1&0Q= ()KS+ / .V0Bb_QYannis 0';k 1Z  TkMood`5 Y = JjEq( 1B'_!Ip 0Verb 5 0 0 1("aY Z M h"@@ 0[Y 躷VPdoes )v form which, `itself, [icle(d with (FD)  + ala s> Z h|2B#$ !@qŀ&JcKވ`b p $L5Z > - *1_Q!B`Ans, Iuld D }/ N l^_݀ U K@Ps#%T4>  0ahS(2ˀyou !askmetol9 H 1H   PcNAb1 @ PbNQQcP5H 0PPa ^ ؀2b8BDSVۯV# J~b"b# FDCk},0$-T+mod'y nCo `S}# *7[of3)#a   egativeL%  `more detail elsewhv. 1 Ñly a summar@ins.IGTs&Q 6 <6T c"Y܏(5^ '  "W(= Tu rn Z > < H<90ܕ#0B ':@Let's go2 cinema`f$> B TH!- x)= # 0'6Glet Andoo  \+  =)XrZ2delib$er2 BM# 6t .$4eYL %2; :  '0kwedo? L R 6,P@; P'>Hk 'leuDR  C V^iijoATeaubtfulb hesi(tanE r3e# g BtF.[~'27!? 'How`f$g B%3R%*?"< H '\D?wgkeyAM 7 > 4$wis65]!H <B6<5y! ; - 'BBM I :N { 6`CCΕ%߈ D"- ']D\"  After  anZ:3_#8 < HFQ!@# PW0   ;A * ' :^0ȭI0= Ar ready to ?}5  H `j🀱`aP ( nC&*  'L1She %a 0desi_ u U z 5 |㷘sT P qTo  ethings as ~ T1}5  HJbQiPaMAm@J!K)u = 'hR|0Herked hard /a surgeon9  N lrS/=  '^N1Пcapable becom ٠8  Np ϐ ##dR.  p'd$TstrangY withou`t say0d7 t Nnyv$߿c 3 ߨ;S0  '`InstCcrib ғm,drew It  6x <46es%z2 @ Hd1  aQF) Ѐ 'willit 3unHtil% ʗI s Z Zl8g2 0 ރe%J9  'N5D O}ga trip Eat home's  $` GUAf@ J ? NGa{RnE 4y 1moZentat)7I  Zy1yyyyyL;J 9 '(v(7{{m@ C VTa/XZAdefiniJ  e!a  9C9 C ZކB԰,) qXI VfGh (M5 'Y Io  XV is very usefulW6C  N=Rl~ ݀\ `P?-7 A '* $F  ; D  ,q%a : Caution G F s& e ic(which `exclamons (like voil `French)Z;TA 9 <Z 0oYN &9n l Z+H6! 7 p 'O <K.'s Yani6i'9 B TNeY i213  Bp  ' >He I am `Greece1 L 1L   / E@ X " !,lm/ m  b1, in@ s s c , namely Pd eperfect  { .  ema?c 3of viewR,]en,cTid a =IL x 5 :b(0m$* 8|]C/  / ..}H0+15. 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B /\\As 2y[!gw@ill 1 s 1s  6B &  )53P%Qs Ҁ%l2!Vn%_R2k2pR2rbbROften, the suff@ix @ is to s1, a,(1 ?Yn. TR [with Lused `conjun@ction # thm0:4+ bt^T% N /^J^CP1Whoever`hinks0wrong; X vaeqף1*`'i"?'E$_6N @ /Elbj0A=say Iwlis^y0 I b|`bYc²Q:a A@Z/@  /^U@do what1(I f)1@1 D 1D 8  | . ,cH#53D _ P n?6ف)50%3;"@@cFmjff#(A#m(ean)us uallyit~#commaseparatingwo ``order?  u t^)#X| ; F,:dW'4 r6Q)_  ) "RlvBwshou Qrn6S [ 7 >8p.Q, )W YP05[ 1\   f x P7 1 : DnmF4f !@ 3 )5 f 0@ 0 (I" A 1 e PA&@82O@62  uwhich |someGO ,"Lfy[!/it, _-cannot bene becaw desi.@,   .a/anRrea Gr0eek 0&f ; |#ƀ;'  (1  f 8@Q@l 'H!`;YJp anU esen`a .  iq'/ `ie  P#؀Ԡ0!4 N,=*p.`H>0Pp :݀/`ě$translsnpl; ׌ x#l@@ƀ17-Ơ.9axy b p@ositiv?1M | o# |Bp"1|"6:AAn.d_ & i\mw#h"w@re > ~#̀@@B(@Ra:og!:BH:40:\ 0ou '3bPs4| ێ r#h/1/ ~^tXqTXzT@wJ~op >)a mountK5 _ti&ێ @ IZ NlVyˬcTTRF F ( mv! z f#B9| sj55%  {" F)$(T*$lL<!  ~\uFFsT@$$6@b$p2@8>n=EEL%/+z #xVF(A@JbĀ50(,B1fDpO(55 0P$ v ~}YH[[[A&%[6[~[Q\Qd!sC֑ D X"t[AK+9 For  :e (*Rvv!v _ f# ~FZB\We'm7,_ XI)$Fp(R B@% _ ~AJCCC8^;B(^QgQ8 04- 袪 v!_ fU$ ~6NM *嶂% N ~0 222T(2:}5ANS% ~XN t ܀tŋz5 DE{jpyv!  f$ ~8u@8oPZ H, o O@ 0W)&  ~ LXX_!iA(d7o u DpZ  81)! lv! fpt~ppptp&u ~{upp =]=`% . ~ߵ-rΗU@( ҝ ~PBdzBp(B!La4 .  - *rov!ҝ | f~Ra' ~ Nu M?o(7( | (| ~#̀P9 |    H'  *7  > @GX P `( T ~m(7 @< @~0 $ x " !0!&31T 1! 5x . P pj Of!@# `' ݄b?0F HSX.Y3 / .f 0]cp= one (a 2) told me  accidentX1. 1_" 1 &  cA 1@ 9 @M@1! 0@O!(ominativeH R%when Ҁis itq` a noun. +g)posiO negZ0>:[ I ` p!^,v-Pq1wQ}01used xnin reply a , the @qAnoJ' & F #0 BI"[ < H>q"Қ2PmRcArGF 0 02Z0ȩAsNo knows ]! E <zB6*S009r#; -p *.0 h!JQWE 9 B<9/P!S߈: 5qF  -4:2!CWho it? LNQضpv" "Q=(N! /=%=H womgshout me1l 1u$ / 0  (*A9ӑ e! `D@g056R N8& Q)F% /Q JA< teO  8&0 or #|G \ / &Ithing|"-A M j@qjyBut ags ,9@07SuBM&\ / /+u2swer forhQ1 ` 1%` ! eF/ ? NujKq| 8:z&a 2Jgy` , B61C1+6fKe" 1( T %  :A+ Jn*, D &% j & A,,O,T  / X E; Y#&findOeovenS d 8' 6Џ[m S+G /5 :kgoj''D8~sd(d %~Ui ( < ??'"0 ,( P %\( >H:DQ&GP @ /}8}nNo$ V I ; FT9ס2pJC PP# /FҜ]= j's {mattery+D5jPI 80D̬=D8 ! -:^ 1 R 1&R 3 ! 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V W-+~+Zere*re / Itempl.#VW@8E=FFQ#a indirect A  verbs pe@rceptia@nd emo ` ing w@s2X" WX6p =HH_H?.ߵ$%"#U&rO, qBCZQ .cLCZ- *Ȁ= The tourist (s so well doesn't wa (bk;7 >x bX e"k lj loosely link two `a variety of ways:LMZ 0 #$!<@ PD: JQZi!A#0t!R4-thtt!_time I goI head o-UB TZPQ@00R+@-5V50ages" you uttered @a word~0U%N l`#̫a 01` X5}-4jANo sooner + sugt thaBn+]XV%Ճ. ,"Ct`which {b#n"4}ZQ r@Rm3X" "2;:S+Ճ-łW& , wi0wI@ s?3 Z1(3xoc.CI b^]]DmW#gv}q   $)5x0 0 #5(_pCCYS t~#\5@ P#`UAn  is;C %2, [ DJ,`qu' moment happy chil{]V @with1describin|reekYxl B9P^vqWrm!\a1zQ$H1P  Z! $ pnIYo 2mb&N "t66gKtP)B `䝮=O"R!B&`rY3`vb(BUnlike nouns J "^ mposse e 9҆HQ,:'1A-type<GX AR!1& hs an2d@* .!ZsY"+ P 0'0.114|{o=M j ف Q"4$0Acc5Adjectivst)c Nno ma60oG8# @ n*D XT0ȝEre#{54)V{ PO% C=8 @ A*P Nr+`G >^7𰐼`)@ )vr֊@0cww i(alP) =_ for 9D`gPM51-*ay (@A@  (normal adj.)GF/֊)p "6)2C[`sick}5 sA= eping=g5M zuz`'͐( G-|, (N:2 &`invali͠\,451{58.kSB|= J-"= މU3 '58`0jd7 Ⱦ?! 3 c- l0s ?ue~ & 2r L8CmHQ)(I'͓=71I'8 hN7/pj!@|!p_'@ PP-O\(d!S(fin Z"C%r#D9Q | sj) 6.  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(lit. How 2y  do &! 1qZ [1;q [,Z6[&d &d}V$f [ S#v&^=^}FX#1  6[ Zu6[_#,    ' 0;yes@terdayP( _tPtit5t' tw the  3uv_| @A} o@morrow'_iNi^i iAwp vvl_.rAis year's߂_>u_jj1$'r@l_e#{xXaA2OctBo@@ #1Pme# $fu2Nov"a a 0%mJDecqaa @+P ( I=QYF%S, (JM9878f1 1t"5S& (m9FestivalsYu.Y#YR 0R?L-KY/ O ,Ascen pe?t"p|B ciNjnV%.8eJS+L*E /Annunci,*k#ئT G. ѐ#Mo3ܣShr n8Pef p! BsumpA'͔kN!H񨒏{$N:'1"Holy W $*Pwkw(;*0O6ǮGood >2eHdHHɣ(OHML/New Year's Eve,  Hswy_H(HZҟ#Easta' @eJ@JKJI7&˄*OJ@y}e4Pz!@$Qӆ" "Len#eNFNϥ$|A=Δ6A` T% @$}"" yF&1S1uS8"&.Seas?AqSY0|U9O9@.~BMѶ$s ng>~ze:p?.!B"~N f$kA^H}}.(};autum@n/ze6 X"T'win 4$"11vܛ okK5 :W ~#9 e f 1two ways to ago. In Qsthe time is e:5ܛМP pj0 p#N$ 8aZ A (R" |;%K / .q:00Z0M2МPd@/{  ;%  /{ ?K1 "$wKConditonal s4 + &8H  5K0 0 3("@ 8oV` z{#i`⌗M  @PA  truth  , is )upon the #" ^. It usually vs" if X@ Y:mN/ .0@ If D,|T,must be a`live.Uyou +thiDs, werx#o '`AxvJ!@A@!(!pL`@X(Q[!ؔJb d1]wK:ީwQ;@  6YAAH"Open "aStatwithout assuming impl2y  #0fulfilled. I%type (iT),  "" clauseb{* aa ap@propriverb LTR4 z. WBh tob2 ed"EID P. egat3 icleed .  dAA ea wa#lan ice 0!0 isJ6e,U<@a0b# eWW1 Μ0eMand two ` =60``each s&%# Tu;\#vof ($w .5;eS3 80{(%_#ԀPtt0Q`P1wPxpastV{ (ʅɓ[@%4TT.D^"Tdv %V߲ scSubjunc # RN!S $Normy603uR`e*er1 c! ^. if.&- F0a Ly$S#g{ }F:&;:T xv+7!"!@ #$ #0`V`P` !?#$yX'@ 7f= TomorHrow w/ 6gb# A`rainm. (or...u`nless0@)J:cN jzH82>2XAltern &v= X) s –$ aT da bohly7NTGq1ՑXŅ )000!%0!%c=ch'z|"udancns z(wcompetifG4 8;\(%ZC it's C' aut paratax]^)w/hEH `^"jM1!S#0 X0- *`?:E*(9) d@()?qregret 4 1E1xtt; DĀ+ !cjZJs ( @, Z-  +up :/4+$ #a semantic@ 3whiewtroub s%11)ytr` m@J06NNf@`timekr) Z-)LJ)ElL% 0+(# XA &S "ed Lr2i VT\. 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A negative R!2{ #>[ |24^& 0? #$ &L> #VQ qn s$0 0$F/dC. ,r^B3^QyRto AIa 0ސ?x*QS"0hFCU7u`4T`ordercliv!@nearR1O nbaGwY6!S=&<ZV0am& ]&P$U%1 2H1QV= Gm3& !2ad7Rn*Ƃ2;7&'!B6GDAJ*%.T,gso aFt$ate@O1`#Ȣb0 (Z00`yactth1 im%&girlsidGE @1 79fd gJew6l) C VR7c b9E$E  p.l I1 ' 1'    D') :Fx"@ @ևAs `moY $s,( 3&a ,z B :)')look a t/; 1'  1 U qx U 4` 8 d(c`e f# 1  1  edU  5 x:]1 ;?42%Fl # -ipcanI!s \ G > Lc_;lk{:k ÏY b";X-[]elq̊-om-~ ;NGΌu!ds(P K=I`n '~  +K o|, logic'"quenc P}C%M2}ƶ-]v =( if ?:O tˏ_kl-I* , @q.f6L;4l&= You"cl badmi!` youCU z5.0A@+!o/d;;74vaHe r/#  no cDauup %8J@[?:A<+-M? 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Rela )G5AII0z _(^CEXCTIJY @T03|tPm S kwhich `Ra ag zxtra a wl thwayP? ! c" kd $/jotwo 0)`coXmmo\ р5{UIhK: DO1քv#Av2TA3bsW- k2j* 2Som( %!V JM 9l%q$5jHvvqG7W rkR%\~}Rngz7k82zQ$H> #@e"0 u bined,/ instan cm/` d `gSS"2z 'ғ"c=, P '3vԂa(I2 referV)i ,)o be de d@r `it'+ ,P, ͱ@gu ,`nfar Y#-m do . &+(=Y!reC_ (&hKN# 7%4SMNPg "8z^ڭ#A/} - Q[N+R=N+O. ,I^@ o$ ;n&eiHAƒ<NOU x  >-I++OP.+P0m4㜄NOPPg !9戀 &Q/`/<`Q1P Q.x.astru &ladRPQp & "!pN. QR.h\se ifi ^QRv #n  4a+$ $6$_:RNS4 89O2SrWo'soldGr k{RRS:>`B"zy\IfH prGsila-a guitys , 5Ʀ>RNST0gs*$ 3FݴN.ST.g_TUm ÝWf[9TU1 2>rU*[UVm&--3c%+ك:c?U"W1"~"̣for#organiz[ &or&VHW#(dW"WW1 39M ,)J; @ 7 hI#nHWX} ʀpȄ/")Ⴑ1Z$94P0O0N-y^WY00{&pHmgq o , (aYpng) k dream every ,will 6`espr/1XAY1AY YY? L 3W#Tq> K " X  ]b'=mean5LAYuZb Ā0S2Y / .d031 YI_uZ Y1uZ=1=_o 8 @ @  @ive p  a genit:O=Sh@ ^0_!w@  #/ϭ A8 8.L</ .x0} s: wife died is my V1SЁ1Ёew|GJ Hd17!10Qweak!AA |![Ёn Aw1A!!UGGe/A @12:syou sold r kto 8ő3 1!y$%5%`h\eI bZUASC0 7 ]2k` "  !)c550@ 0 ("+CZ \ c@Dj`P!*A0SC  ^4g0~0f`V@3!P@Anon(-fi~ea verb which %an use, , jryinge l* xor re three , two of[@ gbe Yd just andU $  Q. The other E(PC7A;V,j% isticsF P@  $It'a    !in ҈too")8 Not -s (ll @2y lack mo+&5# XRpZ%G ^2㿎:"m `0V$_P^"Present iPa P1V1EVj%G \LDmq5pګB (GIsPSQD<   <N"`formal-  .h!&V# h$.s#\ )$" ($: <+4OE@sympathizn.R#Δ-5W682+written9r?3!?A*&?@?BAo"r hG1 ߧ@1Darteda <RIxIIꁫ A(JLI@PerfecP`sign )Ԋ& !DVj) G}szYA fully declinablapart "sV'/"fossilized" aGvocabulary, B`< >Ԋ1%8%Z ddj)Q r(q'(ǩ[Y ($W` j`'2X)&O#5)0NN`yO NA BNc8+yIE+؇lV"@9,>8.C8 (be `Pmean)Bɪ&6W' %ե? !,Jz mR0 wt 1(#gusua5\ 7@ `remov z -B3F-=n#zYK%5Sm? %1PEt$%Dh8->>3 - S3$ (MN#܀ϕdU01F \^-ǰ# (lov0#?qq ¥2** Kt @*JbO +PSzwith  9OIwis: a )K(coxK"  fs ab Ҍ2?1 & 2  L1@)nega, ( ;b)l)NݐC@ VRP^&0?ֽ !0T@B4܉/Eq"- *'*#saU0#hidd cavea$ݐ= J H`0Q !6!(<B"ő-40 tiru2:CSdSaSYMRS c \U.-h\\\'/}bade far(ewe oinvp d s~5: Ij`6#հ].R@/M)Z-/"//+come91u$0|1 1jZ'J4Lٶ(6>&/H 70ME  who?R_V 7- [ari y-&M#.r$'S#vH. ***<"Ll; id*&MEe#Lq="7&CE;gro wn olG!ĕetB5W w3pq,"EFeD?r G-dea h$j"` )&1F1jTQ pK!։i9 [*1 ~Ps /s8'T2[y(0@voiceTen/|ns p9r+UG ^bV~0ȸQ9#TUj! #P - >> _dT, (5$!OV@1s. ovice a for the corre ct ^1U1OgRL7 >0lA @Not verbs ', usually -ir >:&r# 0`LS#v"jn @4   P0AS b|rrD_#&_A ~Ukkkkm I wantp_qqqqq q@^wD+_2MAMMa&@S!(waiv$O"@ A&L1+1XHO@7”2 Ca to ) VR&@#geP#p.O2bbR" Ttired&# Dhe4p 8Хa=Tif you"ed, justify i t (as a result of +. exha!-ed).1D1Do`: D4|IYa 0S%@#8 !with$1D1_{v_:zi`a/9 (agrees ` YB. we 11_;KLGL[%L~"2 UQ]. which  9R1%m%RȀT^~gR tr(ӣ[Y0 4Yx"'\Pt$y ~` N )e5R0 0 z(`"b~ga t!@f@Մ# PNgGP , ;`m@eaninggbe i71g(n3>f is !?v2, e.g. L܀BA4$`E.)X3Yid ң11vswv.?i/xBec,  D /go dw b11-j_v5 :2!P"8  Y0*"= be"8K\5iB!j|6} '5& >> GG", x(D` ROt,ErareRdd1\1aa@ P3,M>s\>#!M )F,G11"SSa0 ,N 7 Cfo2/ ?@sN l.9g'  -]D'@ ;)avx (`AWns,wimmedi} L*=RZs"*p $}.] 9Ai C-re\no (=V Ac18%&c^P%Fi^}f"L h z M 5 m^ 5c0Is 8;E<,8AB],<0^v%.(?" 2;t"iY %@ ==pgusu%M cO`remo" "-:?\- *$@& - B`]@ ;?5  KtPN&\Jb &c+n@?Z . is )negative " .b @\T x0!@ *##PAǐH 0mW3-rfrQf/lP= Mread the  with trembling handsBqH `%Pp I 0Y5-SjSRTprofessors d oppos camp u-q?HZȵ 9  @T,3 6X!S:RI will you eweekk/?< H^xb~ϫC g `=^0 0zRexaminee   fdidate) ed nervouv"11P^PK d2TRګ   ` te to b0e us%#verbs  <, M@y %y@ . 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quantity`abilitydabouthaccentlaccents--polytonicpaccusative casetaccusative case--distributive useaccusative of respectaccusative--idiomatic useactionactive (group 1)--2nd conjugationactive 1st conjugationactive endingsactive infinitive tenseactive meaningactive voiceactive--2nd conjugationadjective & caseadjective & genderadjective & noun agreementadjective & numberadjectivesadjectives and nouns concordadjectives--1st & 2nd declensionadjectives--comparisonadjectives--irregularadjectives--mixed declensionadverbsadverbs--comparativeadverbs--comparative irregularadverbs--irregularadverbs--irregular superlativeadverbs--positive formsadverbs--pronominaladverbs--regularadverbs--regular formationadverbs--superlativeadverbs--using like adjectivesafteragainstagreement--adjectives & nounsagreement--rulesagreement--subject & verbalphabet alphabetic system(alternate conditions,although0an4an amount<anaphoric usage--personal pronouns@Ancient GreekDancient prepositionsLancient verbsPantecedentTaorist aspect\aorist imperative aspect` 120737 %paUaorist indicativedaorist stemhaorist stems--1st conjugationlaorist subjunctivepaorist subjunctive aspecttapodosisxapposition|approximate numbersapsect--perfectivearticle--definitearticle--indefinitearticle--usesarticlesasas long asas many asas much asas soon asaspectaspect--aoristaspect--aorist imperativeaspect--aorist subjunctiveaspect--continuousaspect--continuous futureaspect--imperfectaspect--perfective presentaspect--presentaspect--present subjunctiveaspect--simple futureAttic-Ionicauiliary particleauxiliariesauxiliary particleauxiliary verbsbecausebeforebonusboth masculine & feminineByzantine Empire cardinal numberscase--accusativecase--descriptive genitive case--genitive$case--genitive of indirect object0case--genitive of quality4case--genitive pronouns8case--idiomatic uses of the genitive<case--measurement genitive@case--nominativeDcase--obective genitivePcase--partitive genitiveTcase--possessive genitiveXcase--subjective genitive\case--vocative`caseshcases missingpcases--vocativetcausal clausesxcharacteristic vowel|chart of numberschichurch fathersCiceroclause--ifclauses of fearingclauses--causalclauses--concessiveclauses--conditionalclauses--mainclauses--purposeclauses--relativeclauses--resultclauses--subordinateclauses--temporalclock timecommacommandscommands--imperative aoristcommands--imperative presentcommands--indirectcommands--negativecommands--using the imperativecommands--using the subjunctivecommon dialectcommon impersonal verbsXcommon prepositonscomparativecomparative adverbscomparativescomparisoncomparison of adjectivescomparison--irregular complete sentencescomplex sentencescompound sentenceconcessive clausesconcord--adjectives & nouns concord--rules$concord--subject & verb(condition,conditional clauses0conditional mood4conditional sentences8conditions--alternate<conditions--imperfect@conditions--negativeDconditions--openHconditions--subjunctiveLconditonal moodPconjugationTconjunctionsXconjunctions--temporal\contents`continuous aspectdcontinuous futurehcontinuous future aspectlcontinuous future tensepcontracted forms--verbstcorrelative sentencesxcorrelatives|correlatives--antecedent formscorrelatives--demonstrative formscorrelatives--interrogative formscorrelatives--relative formsCretan accentsCyriot accentsdactylic hexametersdatesdativedative--ethicdaverbs of timedays of the weekdecimal pointdeclensiondeclension--1stdeclension--2nddeclension--3rddeclension--fourdeclension--threedefective nounsdefective verbsdefinite articledegreedeliberative questiondeliberative questionsdemonstrative pronounsDemoticdeponent verbsdescriptive genitivedexterdiagraphsdifferent alphabet versionsdiglossy dimensiondiphthongsdirect object directory$dispora(distance traversed,distributive use--accusative case0Doric4double consonants8early modern Greek<ElisionDElytisHencliticLenclitic pronounPendings--old subjunctiveTendings--subjunctiveXendings--verbs\ethic dativedEtruscansheven ifpbexamples of temporal clausestexclamationxexclamation mark|exclamationsexpressing fractionsexpressing halfexpression of measurementexpression of timefearing clausesfemalefemininefestivalsfiniteforfractionsfromfuture indicativefuture perfect tensegammagendergenitive absolutegenitive casegenitive descriptivegenitive idiomatic usesgenitive of indirect objectgenitive of measurementgenitive of qualitygenitive pronounsGeorge SeferisgrammarGreek alphabetGreek casesGreek pronunciationGreek punctuationgroup numbersguide to pronunciation halfheHellenicHellenistic Period her$his(historic present,Homer0how4how big<how many@how muchDIPiambic meterTidiomatic uses of the genitiveXif clause\imparisyllabic`imperative mooddimperativeshimperatives--irregularlimperfectpimperfect aspecttimperfect conditonsximperfect indicative|impersonal verbsinin spite ofIndeclinableindefinite articleindefinite pronounindicativeindicative moodindicative presentindicative tensesindirect commandindirect commandsindirect object genitiveindirect questionsindirect speechindirect statementsIndo-Europeaninfiniteinfinitiveinflected languageinstead ofintensive pronouninterrogative pronouninterrogative wordsinterrogativesintonationintransitiveintransiveintroductioniotaipsa ipseipsumirregular adjectivesirregular adverbsirregular comparative adverbs irregular comparison$irregular imperatives(n ifpeirregular nouns,irregular parts--verbs4irregular superlative adverbs8irregular verbs<it@itsDkappaHKatharevousaLKavafyPKazantzakisTklephticXKlephts\Koine`lambdadlanguage questionhLinear Bllingua francaplyretmain clausesxmain directory|malemanymasculinemeasurementmeasurement--genitivemiddle voicemisermissing casesmixed declension adjectivesmodal auxiliary particlemodern Greekmonophthongsmonotonic systemmonths of the yearmoodmood--conditionalmood--imperativemood--subjunctivemoremuchmultiple numbersmyMyceneanmyselfnanames--womennecessitynegative commandsnegative conditions neuterno answersno onenominative casenormal form(nothing,noun & adjective agreement0nouns4nouns & adjectives concord<nouns which do not decline@nouns--defectiveDnouns--genderHnouns--irregularLnouns--pluralTnouns--singularXnumber chart\numbers`numbers--approximatednumbers--grouphnumbers--multiplelnumbers--other typespnumbers--proportionaltobjective genitivexoblique|occurenceoccurrenceold subjunctive endingsomegaomicrononeone adjective & two nounsone thousandopen conditionsoral poetryoratorio obliquaordinal numbersoriginal tonal accentorigins of dramaother types of numbersOttoman Turksouroxytoneparataxisparisyllabicparoxytoneparticipleparticiple--past passiveparticiple--present activeparticiple--present passiveparticiplesparticiples--aorist activeparticiples--aorist passiveifp Mparticiples--aorist perfect passiveparticiples--past passiveparticiples--present activeparticiples--present passiveparticiples--usesparticle naparticle tha particle--auxiliaryparticle--modal auxiliaryparticlespartitive genitiveparts of speech passive ending$passive infinitive tense(passive voice,passive--1st conjugation0passive--2nd conjugation4past passive participle@perceptionDperfect tenseHperfective aspectLperfective present aspectPperiodTperiphrasesXperiphrastic conditional forms\periphrastic expressions`periphrastic perfectdperiphrastic tenseshpersonlpersonal pronounsppersonal pronouns--1st persontpersonal pronouns--2nd personxpersonal pronouns--3rd person|personal pronouns--anaphoric usagepersonal pronouns--proleptic usagepersonal pronouns--strong formpersonal pronouns--vocative phrasepersonal pronouns--weak formPhoenicianspitchpluperfectpluperfect tenseplural nounsplurals--reflexive pronounspolytonic systempositivepossessive genitivepossessive pronounpoupredicateprepositional phraseprepositionsprepositions--ancientprepositions--commonprepositons & the accusativepresent active participlepresent aspectpresent imperative aspectpresent passive participlepresent subjunctive aspectproleptic usage--personal pronouns pronominal adverbs pronoun--indefinite pronoun--intensive pronoun--interrogative pronoun--possessive pronoun--relative pronouns pronouns--demonstrative$ pronouns--genitive( pronouns--personal, pronouns--reflexive0 pronouns--relative4 pronunciation8 pronunciation guide< proportional numbers@ protasisD p ^punctuationH purposeL purpose clausesP Pythagoras & HeraclitusX quae\ quality genitived question markh question--no answerp question--yes answert questionsx questions--deliberative questions--indirect qui quid quis quod quotation marks reflexive pronoun plurals reflexive pronouns reflexive pronouns--1st person reflexive pronouns--2nd person reflexive pronouns--3rd person regions of Greece regular adverbs relative relative clauses relative pronoun reported statement result result clauses rules for the temporal augment rules of agreement rules of concord same same gender same number seasons of the year self Seljuk Turks semicolon sentence sentence--compound sentence--simple sentences--complex sentences--conditional sentences--correlative she sigma$ simple future aspect( simple future tense, simple past tense0 simple sentence4 since8 singular nouns< Solomos@ someD someoneH somethingP sound changesT spaceX space between\ space covered` standard Demoticd state of beingh statement--indirectl statements--indirectp stemt stem types| stems--aorist stems--verbs stress accent stressed syllable stuff you should read subject subject & verb concord subjective genitive subjunctive aorist subjunctive conditions subjunctive endings subjunctive future subjunctive mood subjunctive present subjunctive--1st conjugation subjunctive--2nd conjugation subordiante clause subordinate clauses superlative superlative adverbs superlatives syllabic synizesis syntax system of writing table of contents p_temporal argument temporal augment--rules temporal clauses temporal clauses--examples temporal conjunctions tense tense--active infinitive tense--aorist tense--continuous future tense--future perfect tense--indicative tense--passive infinitive tense--perfect tense--pluperfect$ tense--simple future( tense--simple past, tenses0 tenses--periphrastic4 tha8 that< theH the accusative caseL the alphabetP the articlesX the cases\ the common dialect` the genitive absoluteh the genitive casel the Greek languagep the language questiont the nominative casex the possessive genitive| the sentence the vocative case their they this thousand thousand...thousands thousands time time ago to to be--verb to burn--verb to go--verb to have--verb to hear--verb to say--verb towards transitive transitive verbs two hundred to nine hundred two letter combinations under until unus up to uses of participles uses of the articles using adverbs like adjectives verb & subject concord verb ending verb endings verb parts verb stems verb tense verb to be verb to burn$ verb to go( verb to have, verb to hear0 verb to say4 verbs8 verbs of ability@ verbs of conditionD verbs of necessityH verbs of perceptionL verbs of purposeP verbs of resultT verbs of wantingX verbs of wishing\ verbs with irregular parts` verbs--ancientd verbs--auxiliaryh verbs--common impersonall verbs--contracted formsp verbs--defectivet verbs--deponentx verbs--impersonal verbs--irregular verbs--transitive verbs--variant perfect forms very vocative case voice--active voice--middle voice--passive wanting we what what sort whatever when where which while who whoever whom why wishes wishing with without$ women's names( word order, word order--noun phrases0 word order--simple sentence4 word order--subordiate clauses8 writing system< written accent@ yes answersD youH yourL zeroP seL the alphabetP the articlesX the cases\ the common dialect` the genitive absoluteh the genitive casel the Greek languagep the language questiont the nominative casex the possessive genitive| the sentence the vocative case their they this thousand thousand...thousands thousands time time ago to to be--verb to burn--verb to go--verb to have--verb to hear--verb to say--verb towards transitive transitive verbs two hundred to nine hundred two letter combinations under until unus up to uses of participles uses of the articles using adverbs like adjectives verb & subject concord verb ending verb endings verb parts verb stems verb tense verb to be verb to burn$ verb to go( verb to have, verb to hear0 verb to say4 verbs8 verbs of ability@ verbs of conditionD verbs of necessityH verbs of perceptionL verbs of purposeP verbs of resultT verbs of wantingX verbs of wishing\ verbs with irregular parts` verbs--ancientd verbs--auxiliaryh verbs--common impersonall verbs--contracted formsp verbs--defectivet verbs--deponentx verbs--impersonal verbs--irregular verbs--transitive verbs--variant perfect forms very vocative case Haorist indicativecommon prepositonsexamples of temporal clausesirregular nounsparticiples--aorist perfect passivepunctuationtemporal argumentvoice--active1600A4 pluperfect tense 1600A4 tense--pluperfect 1600A4 tense--indicative 1600A4 indicative tenses 1600A4 $active infinitive tense 1600A4 %tense--active infinitive 1600A4 %passive infinitive tense 1600A4 &tense--passive infinitive 1600A4 +rules for the temporal augment 1600A4 $temporal augment--rules 1600A4 tense--aorist 1600A4 tense--simple past 1600A4 simple past tense 1600A4 auxiliary particle 1600A4 particle--auxiliary 1600A4 auxiliary verbs 1600A4 verbs--auxiliary 1600A4 voice--active 1600A4 active voice 1600A4 voice--passive 1600A4 passive voice 1600A4 voice--middle 1600A4 middle voice 1600A4 mood 1686B7 mood 1686B7 indicative 1686B7 indicative mood 1686B7 imperative mood 1686B7 mood--imperative 1686B7 subjunctive mood 1686B7 mood--subjunctive 1686B7 transitive 1686B7 intransive 1686B7 !endings--subjunctive 1686B7 subjunctive endings 1686B7 %endings--old subjunctive 1686B7 $old subjunctive endings 1686B7 conjugation 1686B7 deponent verbs 1686B7 verbs--deponent 1686B7 particle tha 170506 tha 170506 conditional mood 178187 mood--conditional 178187 +periphrastic conditional forms 178187 particle na 17835C na 17835C %modal auxiliary particle 17835C &particle--modal auxiliary 17835C imperatives 17835C #deliberative questions 17835C questions 17835C wishes 17835C wishing 17835C wanting 17835C ability 17835C necessity 17835C verbs of wishing 17835C verbs of wanting 17835C verbs of ability 17835C verbs of necessity 17835C exclamation 17835C indirect command 17835C verbs of perception 17835C perception 17835C verbs of conditio/ & ;)Lz9830F Table of Contents IntroductionThe Greek LanguageAncient GreekThe Common Dialectt Early Modern GreekWModern GreekC>XS *   u2Q&[L@tsb^|  ogb3The Greek Alphabet)PunctuationThe Montonic SystemcPronunciation^Pronunciation GuidebX֊o@z y  S3Polytonic Accents8Grammar|Syntax$The ArticlesGUses of the Articles6The Definite ArticleThe Indefinite ArticlekNouns31st Declensiong<ց=قτ!J̆   ! 2nd Declension  ń x  s 3rd Declension $ ) U 2 Irregular Nouns  Parts of Speech  ~ L b t Y ڄ The Rules of Concord Concord of Subject & Verb Concord of Adjectives and Nouns  " The CasesB  U The Nominative Case5 The Vocative Case The Accusative Case  The Genitive The Possessive GenitiveJ The Genitive of Indirect Object The Descriptive Genitive% The Genitive of Qualityҁ The Partitive Genitive( The Subjective Genitive The Objective Genitive The Genitive of Measurement The Genitive Pronouns Idiomatic Uses of the Genitiven &jGenderl d    >q؇Verbs|[Deponent VerbsKVerb Endings.<AspectFfV1st Conjugation ActiveȁThe Aorist Stems of the 1st Conjugation&1st Conjugation Passived  1st Conjugation Subjunctivej2nd Conjugation Active (Group 1)52nd Conjugation Passive (Group 1)2nd Conjugation Subjunctive (Group 1)?[2nd Conjugation Active (Group 2)2nd Conjugation Passive (Group 2)'2nd Conjugation Subjunctive (Group 2) Irregular VerbszVerb to beVerb to haveՅVerb to hearVerb to burnVerb to sayWVerb to go&ہ&uՉ?Tense8m[    ;  MoodŠ The Particle THA  \The Conditional MoodZThe Particle NAVPronouns Personal Pronouns>uThe Reflexive Pronoun   Demonstrative Pronounsk8d<The Intensive Pronoun The Relative PronounfRThe Indefinite PronounRuۇxV|The Interrogative PronounM The Possessive Pronoun}The Word POU{Adjectives1st & 2nd Declension AdjectivesYMixed Declension Adjectives# Irregular AdjectiveՃThe Comparison of Adjectives)Irregular ComparisonTAdverbsIrregular Adverbs0Prepositions   Parataxis The Sentence Questions r ˋ Commands!y!Indirect Speech, !Indirect Statement!N!!Ӆ!(!a!!!Պ!w!!!Č!ی!"Indirect Questions/"t"Indirect Commands " "Expressions of Time":""""n" ##S####Conditonal Sentencesa#*##g##|#ˎ#$Purpose Clauses$$$$7$I $Result Clauses$$$y$Relative Clauses9$%%%Participles%%The Past Passive Participle % %d% %؁%8%%8%The Present Active Participle%%&%%<%m%The Present Passive Participle^&L&&&&The Uses of Participles6SH &The Genitive Absolute؀&i&Causal Clauses?& &&Clauses of Fearing"&&''Concessive Clausese'''Temporal Clauses 'V ' ''Examples of Temporal Clauses''n''S'Impersonal Verbs''@'o'Common Impersonal Verbs(((((6(Word Order*(((ς(݃(ʄ(҅(Comparison(֌()AppositionW)Correlatives))O ) ) ))d)))})؁)b)&))Numbers]))P)V)>)>*Expressing Fractions & Half*Thousand ... ThousandsE *Number Chart****+*l*+'+S+|+'+Other Types of Numbersb+++?++Space ++d<The Intensive Pronoun The Relative PronounfRThe Indefinite PronounRuۇxV|The Interrogative PronounM The Possessive Pronoun}The Word POU{Adjectives1st & 2nd Declension AdjectivesYMixed Declension Adjectives# Irregular AdjectiveՃThe Comparison of Adjectives)Irregular ComparisonTAdverbsIrregular Adverbs0Prepositions   Parataxis The Sentence Questions r ˋ Commands!y!Indirect Speech, !Indirect Statement!N!!Ӆ!(!a!!!Պ!w!!!Č!ی!"Indirect Questions/"t"Indirect Commands " "Expressions of Time":""""n" ##S####Conditonal Sentencesa#*##g##|#ˎ#$Purpose Clauses$$$$7$I $Result Clauses$$$y$Relative Clauses9$%%%Participles%%The Past Passive Participle % %d% %؁%8%%8%The Present Active Participle%%&%%<%m%The Present Passive Participle^&L&&&&The Uses of ParticiplesH &dverbs 1F85AB +adverbs--comparative irregular 1F85AB *irregular superlative adverbs 1F85AB +adverbs--irregular superlative 1F85AB prepositions 1F8732 common prepositons 1F8732 !prepositions--common 1F8732 under 1F8732 before 1F8732 )prepositons & the accusative 1F8732 instead of 1F8732 from 1F8732 for 1F8732 without 1F8732 against 1F8732 with 1F8732 after 1F8732 until 1F8732 in spite of 1F8732 towards 1F8732 in 1F8732 to 1F8732 about 1F8732 up to 1F8732 "prepositions--ancient 1F8732 !ancient prepositions 1F8732 parataxis 2005DA complex sentences 2005DA sentences--complex 2005DA the sentence 200BD2 sentence 200BD2 subject 200BD2 predicate 200BD2 complete sentences 200BD2 simple sentence 200BD2 sentence--simple 200BD2 sentence--compound 200BD2 compound sentence 200BD2 questions 2084BC interrogatives 2084BC who 2084BC what 2084BC when 2084BC where 2084BC why 2084BC how 2084BC "deliberative question 2084BC $questions--deliberative 2084BC !question--yes answer 2084BC question--no answer 2084BC question mark 2084BC yes answers 2084BC no answers 2084BC commands 208BCD +commands--using the imperative 208BCD ,commands--using the subjunctive 208BCD )commands--imperative present 208BCD (commands--imperative aorist 208BCD negative commands 208BCD commands--negative 208BCD #imperatives--irregular 208BCD "irregular imperatives 208BCD indirect speech 21087B oratorio obliqua 21087B reported statement 21087B indirect statements 21087B indirect questions 21087B indirect commands 21087B commands--indirect 21087B !statements--indirect 21087B questions--indirect 21087B indirect statements 210B2E statement--indirect 210B2E that 210B2E indirect questions 220015 quest/ & ;)L4(K ?q?jdYcEpd s ԁ A*T!T.{! 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"after adverbs of time or place adverbs of time or place :         . = Now that that 3I know the truth I don't want to see you again. know the truth I don't want to see you again.      . = Here where where 0we are standing there was an ancient temple. are standing there was an ancient temple. to introduce a sort of indirect statement after certain expressions such as verbs of perception and emotion and other words involvi ng the emotions introduce a sort of|CONTEXTA|CTXOMAPg|FONT|KWBTREE|KWDATA"|KWMAP|Phrases|SYSTEM4|TOPIC6|TTLBTREE |bm0Ma|bm1Af|bm10}|bm11|bm2nm|bm39r|bm4 w|bm5|{|bm6|bm7q|bm8|bm9n The woman whom I love is a Greek. love is a Greek. 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