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the dative caseuse of the future perfect tenseuse of the future tenseuse of the genitive caseuse of the imperfect tenseuse of the nominativeuse of the perfect tenseuse of the pluperfect tenseuse of the present tenseverb conjugationverb infinitiveverb moodsverb tensesverb typesverb voicesverbsvoicesweak verb conjugationweak verb future perfect tenseweak verb future tenseweak verb imperfectweak verb pluperfect tenseweak verb prefect tenseweak verb present tenseword orderwords omitted during translationyes & no answersined by meaningnominative casenounsnumbersomitted wordsordinal numbersperfect tenseperfect tense of strong verbsperfect tense of weak verbspersonal pronounspluperfect of strong verbspluperfect tensepluperfect tense of weak verbspossessivesprepositionsprepositions with accusative onlyprepositions with dative onlyprepositions with dative or accusativeprepositions with genitiveprepositions with genitive or dativepresent tensepresent tense of strong verbs present tense of weak verbspricespronounspronunciationquestion words questions$reflexive pronouns(relative pronouns,seasons0sentence structure4strong verb future perfect tense8IDM_FEM_MEANING enggergr.rtf strong verb future tense7015E IDM_POSSESSIVES 0 IDM_POSSESSIVES enggergr.rtf 44 <C3F222BD IDM_ADJECTIVES 0 IDM_ADJECTIVES enggergr.rtf 45 6E67667B6 IDM_ADVERBS 0 IDM_ADVERBS enggergr.rtf 46 PD43004A6 IDM_FORMATION_OF_ADVERBS 1 IDM_FORMATION_OF_ADVERBS enggergr.rtf 46 HA26E0382 IDM_USAGE_OF_ADVERBS 1 IDM_USAGE_OF_ADVERBS enggergr.rtf 46 J3B642537 IDM_ADVERB_WORD_ORDER 1 IDM_ADVERB_WORD_ORDER enggergr.rtf 46 PD43004A6 IDM_FORMATION_OF_ADVERBS 0 IDM_FORMATION_OF_ADVERBS enggergr.rtf 47 HA26E0382 IDM_USAGE_OF_ADVERBS 0 IDM_USAGE_OF_ADVERBS enggergr.rtf 48 J3B642537 IDM_ADVERB_WORD_ORDER 0 IDM_ADVERB_WORD_ORDER enggergr.rtf 49 8661B34C7 IDM_PRONOUNS 0 IDM_PRONOUNS enggergr.rtf 50 JDD1B452A IDM_PERSONAL_PRONOUNS 1 IDM_PERSONAL_PRONOUNS enggergr.rtf 50 LE082877C IDM_REFLEXIVE_PRONOUNS 1 IDM_REFLEXIVE_PRONOUNS enggergr.rtf 50 NC5B44DB5 IDM_INDEFINITE_PRONOUNS 1 IDM_INDEFINITE_PRONOUNS enggergr.rtf 50 P 67F4AF IDM_UNINFLECTED_PRONOUNS 1 IDM_UNINFLECTED_PRONOUNS enggergr.rtf 50 J9340B5E6 IDM_RELATIVE_PRONOUNS 1 IDM_RELATIVE_PRONOUNS enggergr.rtf 50 T836A3F71 IDM_INTERROGATIVE_PRONOUNS 1 IDM_INTERROGATIVE_PRONOUNS enggergr.rtf 50 JDD1B452A IDM_PERSONAL_PRONOUNS 0 IDM_PERSONAL_PRONOUNS enggergr.rtf 51 <7531C863 IDM_NOMINATIVE 1 IDM_NOMINATIVE enggergr.rtf 51 <7641B53D IDM_ACCUSATIVE 1 IDM_ACCUSATIVE enggergr.rtf 51 8A34ECB04 IDM_GENITIVE 1 IDM_GENITIVE enggergr.rtf 51 4A200CDC4 IDM_DATIVE 1 IDM_DATIVE enggergr.rtf 51 <7531C863 IDM_NOMINATIVE 0 IDM_NOMINATIVE enggergr.rtf 52 <7641B53D IDM_ACCUSATIVE 0 IDM_ACCUSATIVE enggergr.rtf 53 8A34ECB04 IDM_GENITIVE 0 IDM_GENITIVE enggergr.rtf 54 4A200CDC4 IDM_DATIVE 0 IDM_DATIVE enggergr.rtf 55 LE082877C IDM_REFLEXIVE_PRONOUNS 0 IDM_REFLEXIVE_PRONOUNS enggergr.rtf 56 I'm going to meet him tomorrow 2 @The futurENC5B44DB5 IDM_INDEFINITE_PRONOUNS 0 IDM_INDEFINITE_PRONOUNS enggergr.rtf 57 P 67F4AF IDM_UNINFLECTED_PRONOUNS 0 IDM_UNINFLECTED_PRONOUNS enggergr.rtf 58 J9340B5E6 IDM_RELATIVE_PRONOUNS 0 /&;)LzRPtable of contentspronunciationverbs߀verb typesÃverb tenses2use of the present tenseuse of the imperfect tense@use of the perfect tense>use of the pluperfect tense,use of the future tenseouse of the future perfect tenseWverb moods and voicesverb infinitiveconjugationconjugation of weak verbs}present tense of weak verbs'Imperfect tense of weak verbsperfect tense of weak verbspluperfect tense of weak verbs:future tense of weak verbsfuture perfect of weak verbs strong verbs present tense of strong verbsڀimperfect tense of strong verbsperfect tense of strong verbsFpluperfect of strong verbsfuture tense of strong verbsfuture perfect tense of strong verbsdnouns܋masculine nounsOMasculine Nouns Determined by MeaningCMasculine Nouns Determined by Endingfeminine nounsFeminine Nouns Determined by MeaningFeminine Nouns Determined by Endingjneuter nounsNeuter Nouns Determined by Meaning>Neuter Nouns Determined by Endingarticleswdefinite article*indefinite articlekeindemonstrativespossessivesadjectivesadverbs formation of adverbsӄuse of adverbsadverbs: word orderpronouns personal pronounsd use of the nominative case use of the accusative case7use of the genitive caseuse of the dative casereflexive pronounsindefinite pronounsuninflected indefinate pronounsrelative pronouns<interrogative pronounsprepositionsQprepositions with dative onlypprepositions with accusative onlyprepositions with dative or accusativeprepositions with genitiveQprepositions with genitive or dativeRconjunctionstime and numbers=timedays of the week; months; seasons;dates&numberscardinal numbers#ordinal numbers&measurementsɆpricesŇsentence structureword order-negativesquestions$ answers (yes & no)U translation problemsaunciationverbs߀verb typesÃverb tenses2use of the present tenseuse of the imperfect tense@use of the perfect tense>use of the pluperfect tense,use of the future tenseouse of the future perfect tenseWverb moods and voicesverb infinitiveconjugationconjugation of weak verbs}present tense of weak verbs'Imperfect tense of weak verbsperfect tense of weak verbspluperfect tense of weak verbs:future tense of weak verbsfuture perfect of weak verbs strong verbs present tense of strong verbsڀimperfect tense of strong verbsperfect tense of strong verbsFpluperfect of strong verbsfuture tense of strong verbsfuture perfect tense of strong verbsdnouns܋masculine nounsOMasculine Nouns Determined by MeaningCMasculine Nouns Determined by Endingfeminine nounsFeminine Nouns Determined by MeaningFeminine Nouns Determined by Endingjneuter nounsNeuter Nouns Determined by Meaning>Neuter Nouns Determined by Endingarticleswdefinite article*indefinite articlekeindemonstrativespossessivesadjectivesadverbs formation of adverbsӄuse of adverbsadverbs: word orderpronouns personal pronounsd use of the nominative case use of the accusative case7use of the genitive caseuse of the dative casereflexive pronounsindefinite pronounsuninflected indefinate pronounsrelative pronouns<interrogative pronounsprepositionsQprepositions with dative onlypprepositions with accusative onlyprepositions with dative or accusativeprepositions with genitiveQprepositions with genitive or dativeRconjunctionstime and numbers=timedays of the week; months; seasons;dates&numberscardinal numbers#ordinal numbers&measurementsɆpricesŇsentence structureword order-negativesquestions$ answers (yes & no)U &#  (C TQP^3 /(, a ';Y@ TY@OM(h܀ZeU ͡ʥա|?nՄN9Z4./Vދpyњ. ,%5) "MMTdH0ԣ ^7ՂZ׵*E |ૂgvBu8rlYgv&B{)~v)ˆ@E>6r, 9r2q&$H'_-u.SD9/U/ы/fN0 1KW3, HT5;6:Ń7%d;=& ?LJ@QENG(VG6LW WPQ|PRU<9BW)pX\@jbS4f1nyq45s/c1uf =Av cle clause. conjunctions diese er/sie/es formed gefahren sein gefragt gefragt haben gefunden haben imperfect infinitive normally participle perfect present pronoun sentence tense the verbs werden with end of the sentence or clause. The past participle normally comes at the end of the sentence or clause. The perfect infinitive normally comes at the end of thours yours yourself yourself yourself z z zehn zehn zehn zehnt- zehntausend zehntausendst- zero zu zu zu, gut, Uhr zur Zeit zwanzig zwanzigst- zwei zwei zweiMillionen zweihundert zweihundertst- zweit- zweitausend zwischen zwlf zwlft- 1995-1996 1995-1996 Translation Experts Ltd. All rights reserved. pfel , h h u uerst dnn ,y ber bertrieben bt erst dnn ,y ber bertrieben bt l you, young young woman your yte) you can dial me direct you'll you, young young woman your yusually variation verb verbs very vier virtue vowel war was weder...noch wegen welch wen werde werden werdet werf wessen what is the time? what when where whether which who wie will wir wird wirst with word words writ written year you you (polite) you yourself zehn zwanzig zwei 1995-1996 ht street strong strmende subject subordinate subordinating such summer system tausend tense terr than that the themselves there therefore they thin this time to the tomorrow translated trotz two types uns use used using <hlPL<Ȥ@@@@@@@<0 0 '5GO]ow' &' q%I0 '5GO]ow'wߐ'$OHwlw0 '5GO]ow'w`#''O#wGYqsjlPȤ@@@@@@@F rus 1  0E `3/`CaG`