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The "basic" form of a Danish adjective is used unchaged in connection with nouns of common gender, singular, in their indefinitive form ( "basic" form of a Danish adjective is used unchaged in connection with nouns of common gender, singular, in their indefinitive form ( a ) : English Danish a sweet cake sweet cake en sod kage sod kage a good woman good woman en god kvinde god kvinde a large Welshman large Welshman en stor wailser stor wailser an amusing anecdote amusing anecdote en morsom anekdote morsom anekdotl1Danish Grammar Reference Help%Grammar 1995-96 Translation ExpertsBrowseButtons ()BCreateButton("hbtn_PrintSetup","&Printer Setup","PrinterSetup()")5CreateButton("hbtn_Print_button","&Print","Print()")=CreateButton("hbtn_Annotate","&Annotate Topic","Annotate()")2CreateButton("hbtn_Exit_button","&Exit","Exit()")ZmainRx!main!hO!!?HOz0h  Om##O,lhwpnp BN1Ntable of contentsR/ 6 <`"B   9KyHelp CN@4T<N( xQC@1995-6 ILtd. 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