?_bRIl~ 6Croatian Grammar BasicsBrowseButtons()/&;)z4altyTh  |CONTEXTx|CTXOMAP|FONT|KWBTREE|KWDATA|KWMAP |SYSTEM|TOPIC|TTLBTREEI|bm0\)00dc100dc!00dc )00dcP)00dc)00dc)00dc)00dc)00dc@P)00dcp)00dc)00dcЧ)00dc)01wb)"V00dc)00dc(00dc100dc)00dcH)00dcx)00dc)00dcة)00dc>)00dc8(00dch)00dc)00dcȪ)00dc)00dc()01wbQ"V00dc)00dcثN)00dc100dc@)00dcp)00dc)00dcЬ)00dc)00dc0)00dc`)00dc)00dc)00dc(00dc )00dcPv)01wby"V00dcЮ,)00dc()00dc0100dch)00dc)00dcȯ)00dc)00dc()00dcX)00dc) 9E1BQEuContents0 u% Contents:Er =㷼\7vK%t\UՀfމOThe following Help Topics are available: Overview of CroatianAlphabet and PronunciationNouns and GenderCasePronounsAdjectivesAdverbsVerbs Prepositions Conjunctionszu`7 >H~"For Help on Help for Windows, press F1.For Help on Help for Macintosh, select Help with Quick Help from the menu .&# E`1`AOverview of Croatian<% .Overview of CroatianK< F Before the break-up of Yugoslavia, the Croatian language was usually taught as Serbocroatian.. Political considerations and nationalist aspirations have done much to foreground the differences between Croatian and Serbian, and there are very few scholars left who treat these languages as if they were merely dialects of the same native tongue. Although it is often not easy to specify systematically how the two languages differ, the prevailing political and educational currents treat them as separate entities, and so shall this Basic Grammar. Someone mastering this grammar should be ready to speak and understand Basic Croatian, but should also be prepared for some regional differences among languages spoken in the countries created out of pre-1991 Yugoslavia. Generally, east of the Drina river, one will hear Ekavski variant in pronunciation while west of the Drina one may hear the Ijekavski. The differences are based on how the Old Slavic letter jat got codified. The Ekavian/Ijekavian variants create the following differences: mleko/mlijeko (milk), video/vidio (he saw), pre/prije (before). The Ekavian/Ijekavian differences are often taken to represent the differences between Serbian and Croatian, but there are many Serbs who use the Ijekavian pronunciation. More telling differences may include common vocabulary words:o69 BlEnglishSerbian (Transliterated)Croatianfc R#t(  Breadhlebkruhe R#t&  Trainvozvlakx c @ X#@  ,A thousandhiljadatisuao R#t:  $Typingkucanjetipkanje w@ & X#>  ,Trouserspantalonehlael R#t4   Depostanicakolodvorm& R#t6  &Defenseodbraneobranao n R#t:  &Factoryfabrikatvornicav X#<  $Januaryjanuarsijeanjwn [ X#>  (Februaryfebruarveljaap X#0  Marchmartoujakj[ 5R#t0  Aprilapriltravanjf R#t(   Maymajsvibanjg5R#t*  JunejunilipanjgiR#t*  JulyjulisrpanjlR#t4  "AugustavgustkolovozpiQ@R#t<  Q@.Septemberseptembarrujano@R#t:  &OctoberoktobarlistopadpQ@0AR#t<  *Novembernovembarstudeniu @AU#z@  *Decemberdecembarprosinac,0AA'  9A B1 Q BLBMAlphabetBALB% : Alphabet and PronunciationG# BB$ FCroats use the Latin alphabet: k*LBBA#RTt (Croatian AlphabetClosest Engish SoundZBXCJ#d t " AafatherP BCD#Xt  Bbbomb\XCDJ#d$t " CchowitzerVCZDG#^t   cheese[DDJ#d"t   cherishO ZDED#Xt  DddudZD^EJ#d t " DdJune]EEM#j t  " fudgeW ^EFJ#dt " EejetO EaFD#Xt  FfflyO FFD#Xt  GggunO aFFD#Xt  HhhotW FVGJ#dt " Iitea\FGJ#d$t " Jjyam, bayP VGHD#Xt  KkkillO GQHD#Xt  LlletaHHM#j(t (LjljbullionO QHID#Xt  MmmadQ HRID#Xt  Nnnever[IIJ#d"t "NjnjonionV RIJJ#dt " OonoP ISJD#Xt  Pppet XJJD#X(t  Rrrat (rolled)RSJJD#Xt  SsstableT JQKG#^t   shoeP JKD#Xt  TttankXQKKJ#dt " UubootP KILD#Xt  VvveryP KLD#Xt  Zz zap_ILLM#j$t  " measure$LM" 5LQM1W1QMMׁNoun8MM% &Nouns and GenderwQMAOA P Like other Slavic languages, Croatian groups its nouns into one of three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. Persons, places, things, or ideas will have their respective gender, case, and number reflected by the word endings. A fairly safe assumption is that masculine nouns will end in consonants, feminine in a (and ocassionally t), and neuter in o or e. 1 MrO$ Masculiner:AO 8 @t ovjekManigraPlayervojnikSoldierulazEntrancerO M0 rO<$ FeminineZ Ҁ< H enaWomanzgradaBuildingulicaStreetambasadaEmbassysmrtDeathbudunostFuturezH<L2 4NeuterdijeteChildjanjeLambliceFaceseloVillagepismoLetter2 Ҁ~' !See AlsoYLׁ< H:Ȃ\UՀPronounsAdjectives5~ 1 `q 8Case,ׁ8% Caseq9 8 >sSince word order tends to determine sentence meanings in English, English speakers are generally unfamiliar with the case system (inflections) unless they have studied foreign languages. Inflected foreign languages like Croatian rely on word endings to create meaning. Older textbooks on Croatian grammar tend to use all seven cases, but since (in practice if not in theory) dative and locative use the same endings, locative examples will not be given.Nominative is used for the subject of a sentence; answers questions such as What is this? Who is this? "8ˆ; DAccusative is used for the direct object of a sentence; answers questions such as What do you see? Whom are you seeking? Whom does she love? If the answer to the question is a masculine animate noun, it usually has an a ending; if it is inanimate, it remains in the nominative. Genitive shows possession and origin; answers questions such as From whom/what did you get that?Dative is used with indirect objects; answers questions such as To/About/Of whom are you speaking? > JInstrumental shows the means by which an action is performed; answers questions such as With whom were you speaking? With what will you do that?Vocative is used for addressing, summoning, or calling persons and for apostrophizing objects. Mr. Kuzmanovich, how are you?/ Gospodine Kuzmanoviu, kako ste? My God!/ Boe moj!Oh, youth and beauty!/ O, mladosti I lepoto!Q.ˆڈ# \Serbian Cases for Singular and Plural Nouns&# 1ڈc#b 2JCase of Nounson/sonswife/wivesfood/foodsl c#  4o#h (4RNominative sin/sinoviena/enejelo/jela5Go#j (6TGenitive sina/sinovimaene/enajela/jela6o#l (0RDativesinu/sinovimaeni/enamajelu/jelima6Go#l (4RAccusativesina/sinoveenu/enejelo/jelima22o#d (0NVocativesine/sinovieno/enejelo/jela?o#~ (>bInstrumentalsinom/sinovimaenom/enamajelom/jelima&2# 9?1,q?oJ Pronouns0 o% PronounsG"?% DPersonal and Reflexive PronounsOoVE XPersonal pronouns refer to the nouns that precede them. Croatian pronouns agree in gender and number with their antecedents. The case of a pronoun is determined by its use in the sentence. Although the plural form of you (vi) may be capitalized to show resVpect, the I (ja) is capitalized only at the beginning of the sentence. Like personal pronouns, reflexive pronouns refer to the nearest antecedent subject and is evident in constructions using se and sebe. Depending on the context, they can be translated as myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, or themselves.gC$ Nominative cases of Croatian personal pronouns are as follows:\2V* $dPersonSingularTranslationPluralTranslationt#8 "(01st personjaImiwe<t#> ",42nd persontiyouviyou1t#b 2LV3rd personon/ona/onohe/ she/ itonitheyd?<E% ~Like nouns, personal and reflexive pronouns are inflected.5`#j xF F F F = F R G ]  "*4<DN Z CaseIyouhesheitweyouthey-self 6Em#~l xF F F F = F R H \ $,4>HPX bNominativejatoononaonomivioni---?`u#b~ xF F F F = F R H \ &2@JR\f rAccusativemenetebenjeganjuganasvasnjihsebe$mb#bH xF F F F = F R H \ ,048 @metegaju,jeihse=uh#bz xF F F F = F R H \ ".<FNXb nGenitivemenetebenjeganjejenasvasnjihsebebP#b> xF F F F = F R G ] &*.2 :metegajeih?hX#b~ xF F F F = F R G ] *8DLXd rDativemenitebinjemunjojmunamavamanjimasebi*PK#bT xF F F F = F R H \ (,6@ LmitimujojnamvamnjihsiHX\#b xF F F F = F R H \ *8DP\ht Instrumentalmnomtobomnjimnjomnjimnamavamanjimasobom4 K* $;\% ,Possessive Pronouns' yPossessive pronouns show possession or ownership of something. They take the gender, number, and case of the nouns they modify.The nominative forms of these possessive pronouns are:N#+ &FPMasculine Feminine Neuter-c#Z 8BN1st person, singular (my)mojmojamoje2-c#d <HV2nd person, sing-ular (your)tvojtvojatvoje=c#z FVh3rd person sing. (his/its, her) njegovnjegovanjegovoz-Gc#.  njennjenanjeno*c#T ,8Fones own (singular)svojsvojasvoje3Gvo#f 6DV1st person, plural (our)nanjegovanae3u#f 8FV2nd person, plural (your)vanaavae.vi#\ *:J3rd person (their)njihovvaanjihovo)Ac#R (6Dones own (plural)svojisvojesvojaJ$& HInterrogative/Relative Pronouns |A6/ .These pronouns are used in constructing questions. Among the more common are:TranslationMasculineFemenineNeuterqc#  whoko{6"i#$  whatta u#@  0whoseijiijaije~"5c#6 *which kojikojakoje$c#H ,:what kind ofkakavkakvakakvo&5# @"% 6Demonstrative Pronouns g. ,The demonstrative pronouns include:To, ovothisTo, Taj, Onaj, Ona, OnothatTakav, Takvisuch9"% (Negative Pronouns; + 0 .At sentence level, Croatian not only permits but requires double negatives, so a construction such as Nikto nije ovde (There is no one here) would be translated literally as There is no one not here.The most commonly used negative pronouns are:Nitkono oneIt * $>Nitanothing, nothingness+ J I ` vK%tIndefinite Pronouns include netko (someone, anyone) and neto (something, anything, somewhat) See Also:Nouns and GenderCase; t  11  JAdjectives2 J  % Adjectives&  , &Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns and take on their case, number, and gender. The following chart lets you follow the transformation of the demonstrative pronoun this, the adjective young and nouns boy, woman, and face.Masculine, singular| Y c#2 (Casethisyoungboy$  i#H &4Nominativeovajmladidjeak%Y ti#J $4Genitiveovogamladogdjeaka! c#B  0Dativeovomemladomdjecaku%tc#J (8Accusativeovogamladogdjecaka'@c#N *:Instrumentalovimmladim@J djecakom)@o#R *(8Vocative--------mladidjeae=@@' ,Masculine, plural~@iAc#6 *Casetheseyoungboys"@Ac#D $2Nominativeovimladidjecaci"iAsBc#D "2Genitiveovihmladihdjecaka"ABc#D .Dativeovimmladimdjecacima$sBCi#H $2Accusativeovemladedjeake(BDc#P *:Instrumentalovimmladimdjecacima%CDi#J &4Vocative------mladidjeaci>DD' .Feminine, singular~DZEc#6 (CasethisyoungwomanDEc#> $2NominativeovamladazenaZE\Fc#:  .GenitiveovemladezeneEFc#: .Dativeovojmladojzeni\F^Gc#> $2Accusativeovumladuzenu$FGc#H *:Instrumentalovommladomzenom ^GhHc#@ &4Vocative------mladazeno<GH' *Feminine, pluralhH#Ic#8 *CasetheseyoungwomenHIc#> $2Nominativeovemladezene#I'Jc#> "2GenitiveovihmladihzenaIJc#> .Dativeovimmladimzenama'J+Kc#> $2Accusativeovemladezene%JKc#J *:Instrumentalovimmladimzenama#+K?Li#F (6Vocative-------mladeene@KL* $,Neuter, singular?LLc#: .CasethisyouthfulfaceLMc#> $2NominativeovomladoliceLNc#> "2GenitiveovogmladoglicaMNc#: .DativeovommladomlicuNOc#> $2Accusativeovomladolice$NOc#H *:Instrumentalovimmladimlicem!Oc#B (6Vocative------OJ -mladolice:OV' &Neuter, plural؀c#> 0CasetheseyouthfulfacesVZc#> $2Nominativeovamladalica؀܁c#> "2GenitiveovihmladihlicaZ^c#> .Dativeovimmladimlicima܁c#> $2Accusativeovamladalica%^hc#J *:Instrumentalovimmladimlicima c#@ &4Vocative------mladalica_)hJ6 R#tN  ,:2nd person singularimaljYou have|*ŌR#tT  ,63rd person singularimaHe/She/It hasv$>0R#tH  (61st person pluralimamoWe havew%R#tJ  (62nd person pluralimateYou havex&0R#tL  (63rd person pluralimajuThey haveRq3 6> Present tense of to bev$ R#tH  ,<1st person singularja samI amq x&qR#tL  ,:2nd person singularti siYou are3  R#tf  ,J3rd person singularon/ona/ono jeHe/She/It isv$R#tH  (81st person pluralmi smoWe arew% R#tJ  (82nd person pluralvi steYou arex&nR#tL  (83rd person pluraloni suThey are wA PPast TenseThis trick works for figuring out the past tense for most Croatian verbs: Beginning with the appropriate form of to be, remove the infinitive ending (usually ti or i) from the verb in question, and add the correct past tense ending demanded by the subject of the verb: masculine singular (-o), masculine plural (-li), feminine singular (-la), feminine plural (-le), neuter singular (-lo), and neuter plural (-la). Future TensenN5 8EAlthough Croatian differentiates between the future tenses of perfective and imperfective verbs, the safest approach for a speaker of basic Croatian is to place the present forms of the verb 'to be' immediately before an infinitive form.Below is the conjugation of the verb hteti (to want), with the emphatic form in parentheses. The emphatic form ho- suggests immediate as opposed to more distant future.)wc#R ,8Personto be formsVerbTranslation3Nvi#f ,BP1st person singularja (ho)cuiiI will go;i#v ,HX2nd person singularti (ho)ceostatiYou will stayIvi# ,Vh3rd person singularon/ona/ono (ho)jpjevatiHe/She/It will sing7li#n (FR1st person pluralmi (ho)jmodociWe will come;o#v (FV2nd person pluralvi (ho)jtepoiYou will leaveDll# (Td3rd person pluraloni/one/na (ho)jpisatiThey will write$" = '17L '[Prepositions4[% PrepositionsX'A#R. PrepositionMeaningO[A#R uin, intoN PA#R  okoaboutTA#R& od, izfrom, ofQPA#R   doto, up toODA#R s, sawithN A#R  naon, at&D# = 1ʅ )Conjunctions4)% Conjunctionsa=$ zCommon Croatian conjunctions used to connect clauses are:J )A#R iandL  A#R  alibutK kA#R  iliorX A#R. da biin order thatN kA#R  dokwhileK hA#R  akoifYA#R0  teand so, thereforeWhD#X& imas soon as`xA#R> *iako, mada, premdaalthoughPA#R  jerbecauseZx"A#R2 nego, noinstead, butVxA#R* pa ipakand stillQ"A#R  zatobecause&x# 11 /'&'&Helvܷܶ]Tms Rmn ;9:=Symbolwp#CourierTimes New Roman_`ArialMS SerifMS Sans SerifTimes \\[[Helvetica 󞝚 SystemcdbbllCourier New{{New York GenevaLinePrinter ijfgCG TimesUnivers Univers CondensedAntique OlivellGaramondCG OmegaAlbertus MediumAlbertus Extra BoldClarendon CondensedCoronetLetter GothicMarigoldWingdingsMarlettArial GreekArial TurArial BalticArial CEArial CyrCourier New GreekCourier New TurCourier New BalticCourier New CECourier New CyrTimes New Roman GreTimes New Roman TurTimes New Roman BalTimes New 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