?_bRIl:6Albanian Grammar BasicsBrowseButtons()/&;)z4_d^]ø  |CONTEXT܍|CTXOMAPYn|FONT f|KWBTREE~}|KWDATA,}|KWMAPm}|SYSTEM|TOPIC|TTLBTREE|bm0 MMaa 9E1|lEyContents4 y) "ContentskE =㷼\7vK%2wrt\UՀfމOThe following Help Topics are available:Overview of AlbanianAlphabetNounsGender and AgreementNumber and AgreementPronounsAdjectivesAdverbsVerbsVerb InflectionPrepositionsConjunctions{y; FH~"For Help on Help for Windows, press F1.For Help on Help for Macintosh, select Help with Quick Help from the menu .*' < 1A'Overview ofAA) "0 Overview of Albanian+ $#Welcome and congratulations on your choice to learn Albanian! This Grammar Basics help file will serve as your introduction to the most basic aspects of Albanian grammar. This overview will give you some more information about this exciting language.The origin of Albanian is not certain, but it was determined to be an Indo-European language in the mid-1800s. Although it belongs to the Indo-European group of languages, it contains many words not found in any other such language. There are approximately four million native speakers in Albania, about a million in Yugoslavia, and a number of native speakers scattered throughout Greece and Italy.*A'' 9`1l`oIAlphabet5 ') " AlphabetX`( Examples are provided for those letters likely to be unfamiliar to English speakers.(c#P#& 4  Aalike'u' in up, or 'a' in parkn c##& 4  Bb}c#4#& 4  Cclike'ts' in its~ c#6#& 4  like'ch' in chipn w c##& 4  Dd c#:#& 4   Dhdhlike'th' in this)w c#R#& 4  Eelike'e' in pet, or 'ay' in pay*  c#T#& 4  like'u' in up, or 'u' in purplen ~ c##& 4  Ffn  c##& 4  Ggp ~ \ c##& 4   Gjgjn c##& 4  Hh+\ X c#V#& 4  Iilike'i' in pick, or 'ee' in keepn c##& 4  Jjn X 4c##& 4  Kkn c##& 4  Ll4"c#:#& 4   Lllllike'll' in pilln c##& 4  Mmn " @c##& 4  Nn @'@c#>#& 4   Njnjlike'ny' in canyon| @ Ac#2#& 4  Oolike'o' in potn @xAc##& 4  Pp< ABc#x#& 4  Qqno English equivalent, similar to 'tu' in rapture5xABc#j#& 4  RrlikeScottish pronunciation of 'r,' trilled~B-Cc#6#& 4   Rrrrdouble trilledn BCc##& 4  Ssp -C Dc##& 4   Shshn CyDc##& 4  Ttp DDc##& 4   Thth(yDtEc#P#& 4  Uulike'u' in push, or 'oo' coopn DEc##& 4  Vvn tEPFc##& 4  XxEFc#:#& 4   Xhxhlike'j' in judge@PFyGi##& 4  Yyno English equivalent, similar to 'u' in French unen FGc##& 4  Zz yGjHc#@#& 4   Zhzhlike's' in treasureGoI) There are thirty-six letters in the Albanian alphabet, including nine letters that are a combination of two consonants. These are considered to be a single letter and each has its own entry in an Albanian dictionary.6jHI1pIImNouns5 oII, (Nounsg>IAJ) "|A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing or idea.7IxJ& "libr (book)8AJLC TH!Tiran (Tirana)dhom (room)Nouns can be masculine or feminine. It is easiest to the learn the gender of a noun as you acquire vocabulary since it is not easily determined from the spelling of the word.Nouns also have a singular or plural form.Albanian nouns have a definite or an indefinite form. Using these forms is like using "a" or "the" in English, with the exception that these articles are built into the noun in the form of a suffix.The indefinite forms are the noun stem.txJkMG ^H!MASCULINE NOUNSThe masculine definite form in the singular attaches the suffix -i or -u to the stem.LMc#> :Noun stemDefinite Noun'kMNl#N "4qytet(town)qyteti(the town)<M(Ol#x 8Tapartament (apartment)apartamenti(the apartment)dNO> LH!The masculine definite form in the plural attaches the suffix -t() or -(i)t to the stem.&(O_c#L O_oIHNoun stemDefinite Plural Noun2Ol#d ,Bstudent(student)student(the students)+_l#V $6mjek(doctor)mjeket(the doctors)k:; FH!FEMININE NOUNSThe feminine definite form in the singular attaches the suffix -(j)a to the stem.&̂l#L "2bank(bank)banka(the bank)6:nl#l 2Hbalerin(ballerina)balerina(the ballerina)b̂ = JH!The feminine definite form in the plural attaches the suffix -t() or -(i)t to the stem.+n8( H. ҄l#\ &:fmij(child)fmijt(the children)88vl#p 2Jbalerin(ballerina)balerint(the ballerinas)l҄ ) "HThere are also five cases of nouns in Albanian: Nominative, Genitive, Accusative, Dative, and Ablative..v9+ &H!U + &H!NOMINATIVEThe Nominative Case denotes that the noun is being used as the subject.f591 2jqyteti (the town)apartamenti (the apartment)@_Q pH!GENITIVEThe Genitive Case expresses possession and is used in combination with a particle: i, e, t, or s.ACCUSATIVEThe Accusative Case is used when the noun is a direct object.DATIVEThe Dative Case is used when the noun is an indirect object.ABLATIVEThe Ablative Case is used mainly with prepositions.In Albanian, nouns decline. That means that the form of a noun will change with regard to its grammatical function. This change in form depends on whether a noun is:Z1 2H!Masculine or Feminine (Gender)Definite or IndefiniteSingular or Plural (Number)?_mD X~H2wrtSee Also:Gender and AgreementNumber and AgreementE1> Gender and Agreement@m) ".Gender and Agreement t 3vK%Հ\UThe gender of an Albanian noun, pronoun, or adjective can be masculine, or feminine.qen (dog, m.)turm (crowd, f.)As an Albanian language learner, it may help you to memorize the gender of each new noun as you learn it.Pronouns, adjectives and articles generally agree with a noun's gender. Adjectives generally follow the noun they modify.See also:NounsAdjectivesPronounsED1pDNumber and Agreement@) ".Number and AgreementvAD5 :There are two numbers in Albanian: singular and plural.: 4- *!See Alsos'L hNȆvK%\UՀNounsPronounsAdjectives: 4/ .ȄހVerbs91 NPronouns4 N) "Pronouns{Tɏ' A pronoun is a word that stands for a previously mentioned (or understood) noun. uCNJ2 4@The ɏJhouse was badly damaged when it was hit by the hurricane.EɏS tThe pronoun it refers back to the noun house.Pronouns can be used in various ways: as the subject of a verb, as the object of a verb, or they can refer back to the subject (reflexive). There are also possessive pronouns.^JA#R: SingularSubject Pronouns_LG#^0 1st personun (I)`G#^2 2nd personti (you)i"LG#^D .3rd person-masculineai (he)j#G#^F ,3rd person-feminineajo (she)FA#R  L A#R Plural_pG#^0 1st personne (we)`G#^2 2nd personju (you)l%p<G#^J .3rd person-masculineata (they)k$G#^H ,3rd person-feminineato (they)*<' ; 1ł B*Adjectives6 B) "Adjectives *B RM2wrtIn Albanian, an adjective agrees in gender, number, and case with the noun or pronoun it modifies. See Also:Gender and AgreementNumber and Agreement8Bb1܃bAdverbs3 *) "Adverbs] bP nՉMany adverbs are formed from adjectives. In Albanian, adverbs are indeclinable, that is, they don't change with regard to case.sot (today)dje (yesterday)Simple adverbs can be formed by dropping the i/e from the adjective stem.See Also:AdjectivesS"E1ił EvVerb Conjugations: Tense and Mood1v) "VerbsAEC TA verb expresses action or a state of being.In the dictionary, you will find a verb listed by the first person singular of the present tense.kam (have)flas (speak)Present TenseThe present tense is used to describe an action in progress.v<o#,o l h  &di (know)l#.o l h   undinedim<Al#,o l h  tidijudinil#>o l h 0ai/ajodiata/atodinAJ byImperative: expresses a command.The imperative has only two forms, second person singular and second person plural.Subjunctive: expresses a wish or request.The subjunctive corresponds loosely to the English infinitive. It is formed by putting the particle t in front of the present tense forms of the verb.Admirative MoodThe Admirative mood has no equivalent in English. It is used to express surprise or unexpectedness.6 :MThe Optative MoodThe Optative mood is used to express the speaker's wish or desire. It can occur in the present and perfect tenses.See Also:Verb Inflection@ 1܃ GLVerb Inflection ;G) "$Verb InflectionK : BInflection is a change in the form of a verb to show grammatical function. A verb is inflected when it is changed from the base form to the imperative, participles or any of the tenses. A brief explanation of many of the tenses used in Albanian follows.Verb StemsA verb stem is the part of the verb to which endings are added. ImperativeWhen forming the second person plural imperative, most verbs use the same form as the second person plural of the present tense. When forming the second person singular, however, a verb can fall into one of a few different categories. RG cSome verbs do not take any ending, like fshij (sweep). The singular imperative would be fshi. Other verbs take the ending -j, and so appear exactly like the first person singular form of the present tense of the verb. The verb luaj (play) has luaj as its singular imperative. Some verbs require the ending -r, like l (leave). Its singular imperative is lr. And still other verbs undergo significant spelling changes when forming their imperatives, whereby -a- or -je- change to -i-. Also, a final -k or -g changes to -q or -gj respectively. For example, dal (go out) becomes dil in the singular imperative. And djeg (burn) changes to digj.|4 8Simple Past TenseIn general terms, the simple past can be formed by adding the following endings to the verb stem:_-A#R< SingularPast Tense EndingZG#^& 1st person-aZ-G#^& 2nd person-edEG#^: .3rd person-masculine-icG#^8 ,3rd person-feminine-uFEA#R  L : A#R Plurale G#^< 1st person-am, -m, -me:  G#^< 2nd person-at, -t, -to( s G#^P .3rd person-masculine-an, -n, -nn'  G#^N ,3rd person-feminine-an, -n, -nes F S t%Very often, the verb stem ends in a vowel. You will notice that, for ease of pronunciation, a consonant is inserted before the past tense ending in the first and second person singular. This is usually -v-.Future TenseThe future is formed by putting the particle po before the subjunctive form of the verb.Perfect TenseThe perfect tense is equivalent to the Present Perfect in English ('have gone,' 'have eaten'). It is formed using an auxiliary, kam (have) or jam (be), plus the participle of the main verb.+ V zWFuture Perfect TenseThis tense is formed by using the future form of the auxiliary verb, kam (have) or jam (be), plus the participle of the main verb.For your convenience, here are the conjugations of two very important verbs in Albanian: kam (have) and jam (be).kam (to have)2F \c#d 4NSingularPresent TenseSimple PastImperfect" @l#D (61st personkampatakisha\ @!\@l#B &42nd personkepatekishe, @1Al#X .:H3rd person-masculinekapatikishte+@Al#V ,8F3rd person-femininekapatikishtel 1A4Bc#  rABc# Plural%4B7Cl#J *:1st personkemipatmkishim%BCl#J *:2nd personkenipattkishit/7CcDl#^ .>N3rd person-masculinekanpatnkishin.CDl#\ ,<L3rd person-femininekanpatnkishinEcDBE2 4&jam (to be)2DEc#d 4NSingularPresent TenseSimple PastImperfect"BEeFl#D (81st personjamqeshishaEFl#< &02nd personjeqeishe,eFGl#X .@J3rd person-masculineshtqeishte+FHl#V ,>H3rd person-feminineshtqeishtel GHc#  rHHc# Plural#HIl#F *81st personjemiqemishim#HJl#F *82nd personjeniqetishit-IJl#Z .>L3rd person-masculinejanqenishin,JKKl#X ,<J3rd person-femininejanqenishin,JwK( 5 KKK) "!See Also:8 wKK. ,ȄހVerbs*KL' = KKL1I KLLOPrepositions8LL) "PrepositionsKLN; DPrepositions are the connecting words that show the relationships between words in the sentence. Nouns, pronouns, noun phrases, gerunds, or noun clauses can be the complement of a preposition. It is very important to remember that prepostions can take the nominative, accusative, or ablative case depending on the meaning of the phrase.Some prepositions in Albanian include the following:nga (+ nominative)from, towards (depending on context)te (+ nominative)at, toLOT vSderi (+ accusative)untilmbi (+ accusative)on, overme (+ accusative)with, byposht (+ ablative)downmidis (+ablative)betweenbri (+ ablative)beside= NO1 OUConjunctions8O) "OOConjunctionsb:O~( tRConjunctions join words, phrases and clauses together. g*E ZSome commonly used conjunctions include:apo (or)mirpo (but)si (as)dhe, edhe, e (and)+~U( H1*1 90dHelvN0t=f~4uTms RmnfF4fF4SymbolN0PCourierY3Times New RomantzArialэDPMS SeriftYtUN0MS Sans Serif lfTimesfF4f~4t HelveticaPWdy+ hSystemly+ EPWlyCourier New4ut New YorkfF4f~GenevaP3WMLinePrintert WCG TimesFEUniversEt)FUnivers CondensedUAntique Olive8Garamond}CG OmegaP}Albertus MediumAlbertus Extra BoldClarendon CondensedCoroneto=(Letter Gothic\TMARSMarigoldLE GB\albgrWingdingsMarlettArial CECourier New CE*.Times New Roman CEMT ExtraArial NarrowArial BlackCopperplate GothicMonotype SortsWide LatinMS LineDrawMS Reference 1MS Reference 2amr.rMS OutlookSP艫Arial Rounded MT BoVI Times (TL)=(TLAsian4oŦ?$TLBalticDTLCentralEuropeoqBaltTimesRomanLucida Console=Lucida HandwritingLucida Sans#Lucida Sans UnicodeTahoma# #VNI-Aptima&#xBVNI-Internet MailVNI-Helve(żVNI-Timesn=TLCyrillic29tfD$TLEastEurope2TLExtendedLatinTL Help CyrillictfTL Naskh2f=\%+ TL Naskh Help31UbTLTurkishD$0L$,PQWTLAfricanLatin?#u/TL SS Cyrillic StreTL SS Cyrillic UnstModern|$tMS Dialog|$,Arial GreekfD$]_^Arial TurSVW3Arial Baltic ($+ Arial Cyrh$Courier New GreekCourier New Tur$ Courier New Baltic$Courier New CyrPTimes New Roman GreTimes New Roman TurTimes New Roman BalTimes New Roman CyrHaettenschweiler Bookman Old StyleMap SymbolsPWImpact ($+ Q1DComic Sans MSh#QNews Gothic MTQBook AntiquaCentury GothicVP@OCR A ExtendedD$PCalisto MTVQ@PAbadi MT CondensedPVerdana3]F _TLCyrillicËL$VWCasque OpenFaceFormal ScriptUltra Shadowt fMarquee EngravedTLEastEurope(normal text)f9      ܃ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPłQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~p      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`pabcdpefghpijklm nopqr stuvwxyz{|}~܃A8łp l܃/&;)i24uAdjectivesAdverbsalphabetConjunctions ContentsGender and AgreementinflectionnounsNumber and Agreement Overview$Prepositions(Pronoun,Verb Conjugations: Tense and Mood0verb inflection4MM Rf Aptima&#xBVNI-Internet MailVNI-Helve(żVNI-Timesn=TLCyrillic29tfD$TLEastEurope2TLExtendedLatinTL Help CyrillictfTL Naskh2f=\%+ TL Naskh Help31UbTLTurkishD$0L$,PQWTLAfricanLatin?#u/TL SS Cyrillic StreTL SS Cyrillic UnstModern|$tMS Dialog|$,Arial GreekfD$]_^Arial TurSVW3Arial Baltic ($+ Arial Cyrh$Courier New GreekCourier New Tur$ Courier New Baltic$Courier New CyrPTimes New Roman GreTimes New Roman TurTimes New Roman BalTimes New Roman CyrHaettenschweiler Bookman Old StyleMap SymbolsPWImpact ($+ Q1DComic Sans MSh#QNews Gothic MTQBook AntiquaCentury GothicVP@OCR A ExtendedD$PCalisto MTVQ@PAbadi MT CondensedPVerdana3]F _TLCyrillicËL$VWCasque OpenFaceFormal ScriptUltra Shadowt fMarquee EngravedTLEastEurope(normal text)f9/&;)Lzmmar.hmContentslOverview ofAlphabetNounspGender and Agreement Number and AgreementPronounsAdjectivesłAdverbs܃Verb Conjugations: Tense and MoodVerb InflectionPrepositionsConjunctionsoŸ  =(ż=n=DT$PDQL$@RT$@PD$@QL$@RPQ ]_^[H]_^[̃SVWUxht5D$8|$4t$,PD$,WL$,VT$,PD$,QRPt$,|$4D$L$\$0PQSWV{D$9D$v[9]E9]|@M MAtxu*D$8T$(PD$(WUjQVL$8RT$8PQR(D$D$9D$w]_^[̋D$ SHL$ VWp |$ Ut$t$|C D$l$(\u HN9+}9k}u OL$L$t$}FD$,T$0L$0D$ 9H r;sGD$]_ ^[ dUjh* h) PEd%EMS;MVWetp}~ EM9HaGEME@DE܅t$hEPEPEPIËeEMEP ʉM;MuE9EtFEM_^[Ed]̋D$9csmuMF3̋D$SVWUt|$PD$,t$PWVt$|$D$8VuWPl$0\$$L$ EPSQWL$DEh@QT$0L$$GB PSQWVtWPQ]_^[dUjh* h) Pd% SVW]u e]FEMHlMHpMMHlMHpEE PEPSEPVEE;EM_d ^[]ËEPqËe3ujEPȋEԋM&M؉HlM܉HpE8csmu'xu!x u}tPEP6̋D$8csmuxux u xu3dUjh(* h) PUd%BSVWexJE t EtH]jCP&N]jV3NJC}WPC}te]jCPM jVMGPCPVJ WPy]jCPuFkMjVxMGPWCP,PV %Mt`jV6MtQGPFMtAtjGPCPPGPV2GPCPPGPVpBËeiBEE_d^[]dUjh8* h) PMd%SVWet4A@t*E/&;)L4@ËeA;݊m=lt fłgmzޡ@}kB}޷mB}ޡm,܃܃M| ܃vK%O[! 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